No new Release yet?
]]>i get a fatal error and cannot activate the plugin.
I have attempted to activate your plugin on two different sites, one is single site and one is multisite.
Each time I attempt to activate (and I have had to deactivate all plugins to see if it would work), I get the following:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
There is no indication of what error it is.
I am presuming that the error is that the folders and files you require to be set to 777 permissions aren’t set to 777. Folders are set to 755 and files to 644.
The practice of requiring 777 permissions isn’t supported by many servers due to security issues.
If this is what the fatal error is, please can you explain why you are requiring users to set folders and files to 777?
]]>Seems to be the only plugin that had a option for having multiple ‘products’, which is what i needed (preferred not to have to write my own).
However, lots of bugs for me in this first release.. Will list them below and describe an overview of what i did to fix them.
Work Orders didn’t save (just kept seeing “Loading…”)
– Fix: commented out a lot of stuff in index1.php and widget.php – basicaly commented out anything relating to akismet or recaptcha since the include files that are referenced don’t exist in the install package).
Can’t close or delete messages:
– Fix: class-ticketsys-admin.php is the file that sets the session parameters that the plugin uses to authenticate permissions, etc – only it never sets the permissions. Edited around line 90 to:
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
if (session_id() == "")
{ session_start();}
That seems to have fixed it.
also edited contact.js to fix a lot of the posting problems and other ajax stuff to make sure it would go through and also added some basic logic spam prevention (click these boxes, etc).
There’s a bunch of other errors i’ve come across in it (FAQs, etc), but dont’ intend to use them so haven’t bothered to look at them.
This seems like it shouldn’t have been released yet because of the obviousness of the bugs – but regardless i’m grateful i suppose since i didn’t have to build something from scratch. Hope the developer gets to work in fixing it or something though soon for others.
]]>HI, I have loaded and activated B1st Ticket System but when I make changes to the setting, even though the “Changes Saved” message is displayed it does not appear to actually save any changes.
Please let me know what is wrong.
Johnny B
Find plugin promising but unable to see it working, I have setup and used shortcode successfully, captcha etc. everything is working. When I submit it says loading and never come back ( no response ). Also nothing (message) appears in the backend administration.
I am testing this plugin on localhost.