I use custom user roles (via the Members plugin) and i would like to allow those users (but not subscribers) to view the instructions, but the comboboxes in the metabox and configuration page do not show custom roles.
Can you fix this?
]]>Hi there love this plugin it has got soo much potential and can save me so much time having to teach clients etc.
The problem I am having is that I cannot get the instruction tab to appear under editor or author. I can create the most amazing tabs and tutorials but if I cannot get the instruction tab to appear for author or editor it’s not really much good?
I would love to know how to resolve this as I think this is an excellent plugin but until I can figure this out i’m stuck.
I really hope you can help me out here!
]]>Can you post screenshots of what the instructions look like? Or, post links to sites that are using this plugin? This information would be helpful.
]]>I installed the plugin but i keep receiving 404 error , however i already re saved the permalink
Also it doesnot appear on the page I selected on the right sidebar
if possible can you take screenshots to the steps in brief
I’m looking to make a knowledge-base for my clients in the backend using your plugin. But I was wondering if there is a way to make the list of instructions searchable from within the help menu itself. For example, if someone doesn’t know the name of something but types it in to the search bar it could pull up a variety of instructions that may or may not be relevant (similar to Mac Help). Secondarily, I could just have all the instructions displayed on every help menu and just set privilege level restrictions for their viewing, making it one less step during the creation process, and then just display like the first 3 or 5 instructions while they type whatever it is they are looking for. So, is there a way to do this?
]]>Great work so far. Is there a way currently to display the list of instructions under the Instructions link on sidebar?
Right now, the sidebar link takes you to the custom-post list with all the instructions you’ve created. Once you click those, you go into the post edit.
My suggestion is for an intermediate step so that it takes you to a non-editable page output for that instruction. If you have permission to edit via the plugin settings, a small edit button can be displayed on the side.
The reasoning for this is that a lot of my clients are less than computer savy. This allows me to give them an easy to find place for all instructions without worrying about them messing them up in edit mode.
I do understand the point of displaying them on the pages themselves (ie: post edit, etc), this is more an enhancement to that procedure.
]]>When I activate your plugin I am getting the following error notice from wpMandrill:
Mandrill: wp_mail has been declared by another process or plugin, so you won't be able to use Mandrill until the problem is solved.
I don’t readily see where you are declaring wp_mail but I need wpMandrill to work and I would love to use this plugin also. Could you please take a look at it and let me know where you are declaring the wp_mail function?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Please, i need your help! Because, not workin in my theme: bioideias.com
I check
Page Name: index.php
User Level: Editor
Just want to let you know that your plugin is not compatible with the Premiumpress Themes. Doesn’t recognize the post-type…
Each time I try to publish an instruction, it turn to post-type “post”.
Nice plugin btw !
]]>When I went to create an instruction and clicked save, site went blank and was not fixed until I deleted plugin folder.
Site is https://metsploration.com
Thanks for the plugin. How do I create a custom tab?
]]>Hey Doodlebee,
This looks great! I usually provide written documentation in the form of a Word doc or a PDF, and was just thinking how much easier it would be to have a back-end version that could be easily updated and accessed. Was thinking if I couldn’t find an existing plugin, I’d take a crack at my own, and then voilà ! saw yours ??
Would love to see some screenshots or a demo before taking it for a test run though…possible?
]]>Back end instructions version 3.0 is not working with wordpress SEO and Google Analytics for WordPress from Joost de Valk.
]]>I am using back end instructions version 2.5.1 and created a new instruction for the post page (edit.php) – but it is displaying on these pages as well:
– edit.php?post_type=portfolio
– edit.php?post_type=page
I assume it is showing up because the post instruction is for the page (edit.php) – but is there away to have an instruction show up ONLY for the post page?
I searched around this support area and read the readme text/installation instructions, but wasn’t able to find the answer – not that it isn’t there – just I couldn’t find it ??
]]>is very strange but if enabled the plugin when I upload an image stored in the wrong folder, for example: now it is may (folder “uploads/2013/05”), but it is stored in april (folder “uploads/2013/04”), one month before
If the plugin is disabled it stored in right folder
]]>I currently hide the default help tab. Is there a way to have this plugin create a custom tab instead?
]]>I am using Canvas Theme from WooTheme and when I activate this plugin the image for the slider for the post disappears when I update the post.
]]>In “edit.php?post_type=instructions” this warning:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for plugin_dir_url(), called in /expert/htwebs/www4/ftplagale/www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/back-end-instructions/instructions.php on line 601 and defined in /expert/htwebs/www4/ftplagale/www.domain.com/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 599
]]>Hello again!
I just installed the update (2.5) on my site and it gave me this error on the site home page:
Fatal error: Call to a member function get_var() on a non-object in […]/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/back-end-instructions/instructions.php on line 496
(The […] is my edit. I’m using Twenty Eleven as a theme, and I’ve deactivated all other plugins to make sure it’s not a conflict.)
If I replace line 495 with this:
global $post, $wpdb;
The error goes away, but I just wanted to make sure that this is actually a solution and not just hiding the problem.
Again, thanks for the awesome plugin (and the awesome support)! Everything else is running super smoothly. ??
]]>This plugin works well but is incompatible with some plugins that edit or work with the WP email service as “SB mail editor” or “Register Plus Redux”. Why? Any solution? I need have a decent support system and a registration customer service.
Wp reports:
“SB Welcome Email Editor can not function because another plugin is conflicting. Please disable other plugins until this message disappears to fix the problem.”
Nothing else to report. I appreciate any help or suggestions.
Thanks for your work and for this interesting and handy plugin.
]]>Warning: First parameter must either be an object or the name of an existing class in /home2/mobidemo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-photoblog/lib/Yapb.class.php on line 821
above error when i click on instructions or add a new
deactivated YAPB plugin, no more errors
]]>Hi! I recently discovered this plugin and it’s exactly what I need. Thanks so much!
I just stumbled on some strange behaviour, though, and I’m not sure if I did something to cause it or if it’s a bug.
When I view all posts in the admin panel, I can search OR filter by category without issue. But if I search the posts and then filter by category, I get a blank page with “Invalid post type”. I deactivated all plugins to make sure WP wasn’t doing it on its own (it doesn’t). I also deactivated all other plugins to make sure it wasn’t a conflict between plugins. I’m using the Twenty Eleven theme, but I’ll be using a custom one eventually.
To be honest, this is such an unusual case (for me) that normally I wouldn’t bother posting about it, but I know my clients, and they will stumble across this too. I’d just like to find a solution before they have a chance, haha.
Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks in advance!
]]>Just installed your plugin (v2.3), and i can’t find the Instructions custom post type panel in the menu. It also doesn’t show under the “New” menu in the admin bar. I have other custom post types that work, so i don’t know why yours doesn’t. I’m logged in as admin. No errors show in php-errors.log
]]>Even though I’ve translated the default file in bei_languages into de_DE using poedit localization doesn’t work.
Any idea how to fix this?
Meanwhile, thank you for this plugin!
]]>How is it possible to always show the instruction tab, without the client to need to click on “View instructions for this page”?
PS: awesome work!
]]>Hi doodlebee! This seems like what I need to help my less tech-savvy authors find their way around, but I’m running into some issues I hope you can help me with. I don’t know if they are set limits within the plugin or I’m doing something incorrectly:
I’ve typed up several instructions for a particular workflow, all in post.php with the appropriate user-role chosen. But when I go to any of the options (all posts, new post, categories, or tags) none of the instructions actually show.
In fact, the only time they do show (the grey drop-down option, like the Screen Options or other stock Help at the top of the screen) is after saving an Instruction! And even then it will only show one or two, even though obviously I’m post-ing, and more are specifically chosen (by putting, per your instructions post.php in the Page Name field) for ALL within the Post functions in Admin.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a limit on how many it will show?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Couldnt find a Way to make it work on multisite.
The instructions does not show in any of the sites.
]]>Hi Shelly,
I tried to use BEI with Worpress 3.3.
When i’m editing the sample custom post instructions, i can see the button “View instructions” on the new WP 3.3 admin bar. But clicking on this button gives a 404 error.
No success either with a new post i made myself.
Single install, no multiste activated. I deactivated all other plugins and used the defaut theme to check. Same result.
Any idea ? thanks …
]]>Are there wildcards that I could use to apply instructions to the section where I edit existing pages.
Not sure what to put in the Page Info section when the URL provided is
I would like the instructions to show up for not only post 28, but for all post IDs.
Any suggestions are welcome (and helpful) ??
]]>I have noticed that content from instruction posts turns up using default WP search – don’t think that is a good feature. Wanted it gone but ran in to a massive amount of google hits about Custom Post Types. From that it seems manipulating search form is the way to go. Not interesting I think. So I ended up here https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/register_post_type and noticed
‘exclude_from_search’ => true,
Aha. But how to fix that AFTER plugin is installed/already registered? Can you do that? Can anyone? I can’t figure it out. What I can figure out is to uninstall, remove all traces in sight and then add that line manually to bei_post_type.php After reinstall content seems to be hidden from search.
I think I should do better testing, like on default theme and what not, but seems like a reproducible issue to me – until proven wrong ??