We have been using bambora as a payment gateway for years on our wordpress website with no issue with the plugin ‘Bambora Online ePay‘. When we tried to authorize our transactions to take payment today, we get the following error message:
Get Transaction action failed – Unable to lookup errorcodee
Could you please help us identify the issue? Nothing changed on our website, no plugin or theme update. We deactivated all plugins leaving only Woocommerce and Bambora plugin and the issue still remain.
Thank you
]]>orders paid via this plugin are getting canceled by the Hold Stock timeout functionality. The plugin isn’t communicating that the payments are successful. Please help
]]>In the settings page an the documentation link under “Installation” are linked to a dead page: https://woocommerce.wpguiden.dk/en/configuration#709
Please fix
]]>When I tried to activate the plugin, I got this error: “The plugin does not have a valid header.”
]]>In your latest version 6.0.0 you’re doing the following:
File: /lib/bambora-online-classic-helper.php
public static function get_bambora_online_classic_subscription_id( $subscription ) {
$bambora_subscription_id = $subscription->get_meta(
//For Legacy
if ( empty( $bambora_subscription_id ) ) {
$parent_order_id = $subscription->get_parent_id();
$parent_order = wc_get_order( $parent_order_id );
$bambora_subscription_id = $parent_order->get_meta(
if ( ! empty( $bambora_subscription_id ) ) {
//Transform Legacy to new standards
return $bambora_subscription_id;
On line 187 you’re assuming there’s a parent_order available, but if for some reason that parent order has been deleted, the code will throw a PHP Fatal.
The correct code would be:
public static function get_bambora_online_classic_subscription_id($subscription)
$bambora_subscription_id = $subscription->get_meta(
//For Legacy
if (empty($bambora_subscription_id)) {
$parent_order_id = $subscription->get_parent_id();
$parent_order = wc_get_order($parent_order_id);
if($parent_order) {
$bambora_subscription_id = $parent_order->get_meta(
if (! empty($bambora_subscription_id)) {
//Transform Legacy to new standards
return $bambora_subscription_id;
Are you planning on making your plugin compatible with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS / COT)?
https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/High-Performance-Order-Storage-Upgrade-Recipe-Book .
HPOS will be default in WooCommerce 8.0 coming in August!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Efter en opdatering fra Woocommerce ( tror jeg ) – har plugin’et ikke virket.
Den crasher n?r den skal ?bne Epay vinduet.
We created a user and assigned it a ‘shop manager’ role.
When this user is trying to capture the payment, we get this error message:
Your role cannot capture or delete the payment
So, currently only the ‘administrator’ role are able to capture the money.
Could you please tell us if this is a bug or the intended behaviour?
Does this work with Bambora North America?
I can not get the plugin to work.
]]>Version 5.1.5 giver vores shop en fatal fejl.
i installed the plugin, configure it correctly and activate the playment but nothing show in checkout page:
Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.
i use wordpress5.5.3/woocommerce 4.6.2
When I press “order now” in the cart in Woocommerce I am taken to a page that says “Thanks for using Bambora E-Pay. Please, wait” and normally a payment window appears. It doesn’t anymore. It just stalls here.
I have updated to WP 5.4 and the newest Woocommerce. I also have your latest plugin verson 5.1.1. I have disabled plugins, but it didn’t solve the issue.
What to do?
]]>Hi there.
On my checkout page, the credit card logos are stretched and looks weird.
When the payment window opens, everything looks fine.
I use the “Bambora Online ePay 5.11” plugin. Everything works ok, but it annoys me, that the credit card logos looks this way.
Kind regards
in my current test installation using TheFox theme Bambora creates a subideal situation for customers, when they are about to choose their payment method.
All other payment options are self explanatory – except for bambora. It shows a nice bambora logo with a radio button in front. This is highly counterproductive. It really needs to show the payment options that are hiding behind it directly at top level. E.g. Visa and Mastercard.
Is this a standard behaviour of the plugin that can’t be changed or are there any hidden settings that I haven’t been able to locate yet. Or is it a theme specific issue?
We are running the Bambora plugin for an multi-langual website and have translated the checkout payment method description via Polylang String translations but it does not translate the actual description.
Do you have any suggestions on this?
Plugin status:
bambora-online-classic 4.0.5
woo-poly-integration 1.2
polylang 2.3.8
woocommerce 3.4.4
I’m testing epay, but when I press deliver, it just gives an error code:
The value of acceptance is not valid.
Read more here: https://tech.epay.dk/en/specification#273
The acceptorl field is not a valid fully qualified http, https, or ftp URL.
[encoding] => UTF-8
[cms] => WooCommerce / 3.4.4 Module / 4.0.5 PHP / 7.1.19
[windowstate] => 1
[mobile] => 0
[merchantnumber] => …….
[windowid] => 2
[currency] => DKK
[amount] => 5495
[orderid] => 700
[accepturl] => https://www.abpettoys.com/box/Ordre is received / 700 /? key = wc_order_5b61ee893e47d
[cancelurl] => https://www.abpettoys.com/kurv/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5b61ee893e47d&order_id=700&redirect&_wpnonce=4f2fca4e48
[callbackurl] => https://www.abpettoys.com/?wc-api=Bambora_Online_Classic&wcorderid=700
[mailreceipt] => [email protected]
[instantcapture] => 0
[group] =>
[language] => 1
[ownreceipt] => 0
[timeout] => 60
[invoice] =>
I also read that you have to make some say to accepturl, is it right? ????
Would it be possible to have a feature, so that the authorized amount is automatic charged from the customers card, when a order changes state from Pending to Completed?
]]>Hi, we are using the “old” epay module. Just to be sure before we change to this, how do we activate split payments? From the source code I guess arround line 300.
Is this correct?