Rating: 3 stars
May do what it says, but it only seems to work with registrations via the wordpress core registration process. If the registration is done via a plugin (I use UtlimateMember), it does not work.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
As always, great job! And great service…we all needed this.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Great plugin. IT WORKS :)!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
An excellent and functional plugin. As a suggestion, I would like to see an inverted list of allowed mail domains, I do not want users using third-party domains, and not known to anyone, to register on my site. Therefore, it would be easier to enter a “white” list than fill in a black one. Thanks for the work and great simple, but at the same time a functional plugin!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I was having exactly the same problem as described. Spammers with .ru extension. I tried blocking Russian users with Country Blocker to no avail. Ban Hammer instead is working fine.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Для чёрного списка email больше не нашёл нормальных плагинов. Тут всё просто, ничего лишнего
]]>Rating: 1 star
This plugin is useless, false advertising, and false sense of security from spammers. I added a ton of TLDs and spam emails in every format possible to the list but all of them still got through to the tune of dozens of spam email signups per day.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have been flooded with sign ups from fake, disposable email addresses recently and this plugin has put an end to that! Every time one slips through the net, I simply add the spam email domain to the Ban Hammer list and it prevents future registrations from that domain.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin does an outstanding job of minimizing spam registration attempts. And the ability for Webmasters to very easily and quickly adjust which terms will not be allowed to be used during registration …works really great! No website should be without this. Many thanks Mika Epstein.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Who uses regular wordpress login screens anymore?
So I’ll use another plugin that does allow me to have proper security.
Rating: 1 star
I’ve tried using this plugin for at least a year but it continues to allow blocked emails from registering.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’ve installed it, tested it, and it works for me. Thank you Mika! It needs a filter added to your functions file in order to work with WooCommerce. This may also be the case if you have other plugins or themes that over-ride the normal WP registration process. Example code for the WooCommerce case is provided in the documentation.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
It needed some time for a strange reason but no new registrations yet from mail.ru so it works great.
Unfortunatly I can only give it one star. I have installed it and filled in the domain mail.ru and saved but the registrations from that domain keep on comming in. If other plugins prevent this plugin from functioning please let me know.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Work like a charm with Woocommerce even “Anyone can register” is unchecked.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Good results.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
OMG! this is so great! finally I can block the spammers!
great job, thanks a lot! will donate ??
Rating: 5 stars
I had people registering using different IP’s but using the same email service, and was unable to block them.
Now I can add @mail.whatever
and they are locked out.
I am using BuddyPress too.
Well done!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugins does exactly what it says : preventing spam bots from registering with known spam mail domains. These are for example mail.ru for me, I have deleted thoussands of rows containing unactivated users with emails like this.
The only thing that could be improved would be a default black list which would contain most common temp domains.
I can confirm that this plugins works with BuddyPress’ registration page.
Rating: 4 stars
Sorry mate, but it’s not working. Just installed 2 days ago, there were 2 emails that I already blocked, one email even keep on registering on my web. While the other one I already blocked yesterday (its never registered before but I got other anti spam plugin to prevent its email address) but today it’s able to register. ??
EDIT : It’s all ok. No conflict ??
Rating: 5 stars
Sems to do what it says on the tin. Would be good to be able to automatically pull in a spam domain list such as https://github.com/wesbos/burner-email-providers
Rating: 5 stars
Super Thank you
]]>Rating: 5 stars
A question:
It works only with the @ symbol (i.e. @ domain.com) or I can also enter just “domain.com”?
Users can find a long domanis blacklist here:
Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for this well needed plugin
As an idea, how about adding a link url for admin to create page which redirects the user to a page.
Thanks again
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Isn’t it great when a plugin just works 100% with no ifs or buts…
Thank you.
Please keep this updated!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin has saved me so many sleepless nights, being hounded by a troll is not a nice thing at all. This plugin has at least given me a fighting chance to make it slightly more difficult for the person because now a new email address will be needed to be created next time he registers.
Thanks Ban Hammer BIG thumbs up from me! ??
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Great plugin that does as advertised. It has helped me block some, but not all registration spam. It would be great if we could blacklist emails by Regular Expression. I block a domain, but then these spammers use a numbered subdomain to get around it!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
My vote goes for this useful and well-written plugin.
Simple, reliable, helps a lot.
Also the author is responding very promptly in case of questions or issues reports.
Rating: 3 stars
Does the plugin work only with standard WordPress registration page? On my Woocommerce / Venedor theme / custom registration page – it is not working.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The title says it all.
I update my domain list from: https://gist.github.com/michenriksen/8710649
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for this plugin!