Send mail to <[email protected]> if new reply/topic? Ever | Spam only | Disable -> this field is not working properly.
Since <option> tags do not have a “value” attribute, the option is saved literally as “Ever”, “Spam only” and “Disable”, however they should be “ever”, “spam” and “off”.
The fix is quite simple, just change these lines in file wp-content/plugins/bbpress-antispam/bbpress-antispam.php:
<select id="bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail" name="bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail">
<option <?php selected( get_option( 'bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail' ) == 'ever' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Ever', 'bbpress-antispam' ); ?></option>
<option <?php selected( get_option( 'bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail' ) == 'spam' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Spam only', 'bbpress-antispam' ); ?></option>
<option <?php selected( get_option( 'bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail', 'off' ) == 'off' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Disable', 'bbpress-antispam' ); ?></option>
<select id="bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail" name="bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail">
<option <?php selected( get_option( 'bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail' ) == 'ever' ); ?> value="ever"><?php _e( 'Ever', 'bbpress-antispam' ); ?></option>
<option <?php selected( get_option( 'bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail' ) == 'spam' ); ?> value="spam"><?php _e( 'Spam only', 'bbpress-antispam' ); ?></option>
<option <?php selected( get_option( 'bbpress_antispam_cfg_sendmail', 'off' ) == 'off' ); ?> value="off"><?php _e( 'Disable', 'bbpress-antispam' ); ?></option>
Let’s hope the plugin author adds this fix to the code, for the time being I’m just patching the file as shown above.
]]>Antispam Configuration:
Generel Settings (spelling issue)
Send mail to field ever | spam only | disable not saving options
Use and check with CSS Hack not working and marks all replies as SPAM.
The settings are not showing up in the side menu. Is the plugin still working? I have already installed and activated it.
]]>Hello I just started using BBPress Anti Spam and it’s marked my IP as spam. How do I unspam my IP for the future and where can I find the settings. I am not familiar with a lot of techie terms so please explain it easily. Thank you.
]]>doesn’t play nice with other plugins and puts the WordPress site on white screen of death.
]]>This plugin not work after upgrade bbPress 2.0.3 to 2.1