I want an alternative plugin
]]>Would love to see an update for this! It works only when creating new topic, but for example not in a shortcode [bbp-topic-form] which we use primarly.
]]>This is a cool plugin, but it doesn’t work
This is a solution:
Open the module.get-data.php and replace next lines
$topics = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->posts.' WHERE post_title LIKE "%' . mysql_real_escape_string(trim($title)) .'%" AND post_type="topic" AND post_status="publish"' );
$query = $wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->posts.' WHERE (post_title LIKE "%1$s" OR post_content LIKE "%1$s") AND post_type IN("topic", "faq") AND post_status IN("publish", "closed") ORDER BY post_date DESC', "%$title%" );
$topics = $wpdb->get_results($query);
Live Topic Suggestions can’t use in wordpress 4.6.1 vision.
exact that can’t auto drop down when you search keyword.
This plugin can’t search traditional Chinese topic.
Any passible fix this search feature?
I just wanted to ask if the plugin will be updates so it will be compatible with the current version of WordPress?
Or has it been abandoned? Fair Question i think, since it has not been updated for more than 8 months now…
Thanks in advance the the answer!!
]]>I use WordPress 4.4.2 / bbPress 2.5.8-5815
Following problem I have
bbPress – Live Topic Suggestions
? This plug making a preview Related topics carefully when creating a post there is no mention even who to a previously posted article title again enters at a Rebuild
Does anyone have a solution for me?
Greeting Watbube
]]>I love the “bbPress Live Topic Suggestions” plugin. Thanks for making it. As a thanks, I have some suggestions that may make the plugin better.
1. Use an unordered list for the suggestions rather than a collection of spans and break-tags.
2. Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.3 (current compatibility is “3.9.8”), HTML5/XHTML5, PHP7 (for when WordPress migrates to PHP7), and BBPress 2.5.8.
3. Fix the typo on the “Description” page. “plubic” should be “public” in “This extension has a plubic GitHub page where users can contribute fixes and improvements.”.
]]>Hi, i would like to add a border around the Live Topic Suggestions, so that the result stands out.
The border should surround the header and the results. I can’t figure out, where in the code i should add my custom css class.
<div style="bbpress_livesearch_style">The plugin content</div>