Причина: Проблема безопасности.
]]>WPScan has flagged your plugin. They stated:
The plugin does not validate and escape some of its shortcode attributes before outputting them back in a page/post where the shortcode is embed, which could allow users with the contributor role and above to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
Is this something you can look in to? Thanks!!
]]>Replace Line
for preventing some styling corruptions.
]]>Спойлер в классическом редакторе вставляется кнопкой с выбором цвета, однако в материале он по прежнему в дизайне прописанном в шаблоне сайта.
Так же отсутствует картинка чекбокса в окне настройки сойлера.
Шаблон Reboot
Php 8.1
Привет. Столкнулся с проблемой разметки вашего спойлера. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как я могу разметить ваш спойлер по schema? (проблема возникает с полем name)
<div itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/FAQPage”>
<div itemprop=”mainEntity” itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/Question”>
<div itemprop=”name”>Это вопрос</div>
<div itemscope itemprop=”acceptedAnswer” itemtype=”https://schema.org/Answer”>
<div itemprop=”text”>Здесь размещается ответ на указанный вопрос</div>
Hi, I have an error in my Dev console, on most of admin pages: “Uncaught ReferenceError: edButtons is not defined”.
From what I understand (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/getting-js-error-referenceerror-edbuttons-is-not-defined-on-most-admin-pages/), this error is related to your plugin, and it wasn’t fixed.
Can you fix it, please?
]]>How can I add an svg or an image to the title?
I try to put spoiler inside other spoilers but it doesn’t match
How could I do that
Thanks a lot for your help
]]>How to turn off background color gray to transparent by default for header and frame body?
]]>What CSS code can I add to the Additional CSS page to change the font color within a spoiler box?
]]>Is it possible to style individual words within title by including html tags and CSS classes?
]]>Love the plugin! I’m all in. Use it extensively. However, there is one issue that has me stumped. That is – AMP (accelerated mobile pages) show the [spoiler] shortcode, in addition to the hidden data. Because AMP are the majority of pages, they are seen by most people on mobile devices. Is there any way to make it work on AMP pages? Thank you!
I’m having a problem when using BBSpoiler 2.01 with Ninja Forms 3.4.30.
I’ve already tried contacting the Ninja Forms team but from their point of view the problem is related to BBSpoiler.
Summary of the problem: BBSpoiler and Ninja Forms placed in the shortcode don’t work properly.
I’ll try my best to describe a way to reproduce the problem.
1. Install BBSpoiler and Ninja Forms (Fresh WordPress Install)
2. Create an form (“Event registration” form with default settings)
3. Make sure You have the example form named “Contact Form” (ninja id: 1) and a new form “Event registration” (ninja id: 2)
4. Edit the example webpage
5. Place the following code in the text of the page:
[spoiler title=”Winter 2020″]The schedule for courses will be available soon[/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Spring 2020″]The schedule for courses will be available soon[/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Summer 2020″][ninja_form id=”2″][/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Fall 2020″][ninja_form id=”1″][/spoiler]
6. Save the page and visit it.
7. You’ll see that the 3 position after expanding (Summer 2020) shows a pulsating circle and that the 4th position (Fall 2020) after expanding shows the form.
Expected behaviour: seeing both forms after expanding.
What happens: First expanded form has a pulsating circle, the second one is rendered properly.
Additional information: the following error appears in the debug console of the Mozilla Firefox 81 Browser: Uncaught SyntaxError: "" string literal contains an unescaped line break
This used to work in the past but after upgrading BBSpoiler and Ninja Forms it stopped working. Downgrading BBSpoiler doesn’t help.
]]>How to increase text size?
I’d like to be able to insert more spoilers within spoilers.
Is it possible to do that ?
Or maybe making it possible in the next plugin update ? =D
]]>If I have a spoiler with several paragraphs and convert to blocks, I get loads of different blocks. e.g. a block for the opening spoiler title, another one for each paragraph, then yet a final one for the closing spoiler shortcode.
This makes it it very difficult to move that one spoiler to different part of the page.
How do I fix this please?
Is there a way to make the BBspoiler box accessible with the keyboard (tab)? Right now if I browse the page using Tab it skips over my hidden text.
Thank you
]]>Hello everybody.
It seems to be a little incompatibility using iframes in a spoiler code.
I’ve tried to put an iframe in the [spoiler] code but I got a blank page.
Outside the [spoiler] the iframe works.
I tried to install a plugin called iframe but it didn’t change anything.
If someone can see an issue for this, it would be nice, becaus I like this bbspoiler plugin !
Thanks everybody ! ??
]]>Hi there,
This is the exactly plugin which I want. But as mentioned many times, the button does not appear in bbpress tinymce buttons. I have a suggestion, If you could add this button to the Tinymce-Advanced plugin buttons, then it can be brought to the list of buttons.
Hi everybody,
I use this plugin on my website and it works fine.
But beside the given color-styles I want to set an other color and the opacity for the background-color.
I already tried “color: rgba(129,172,3,0.1)” and “color: #7BB303” in the bbspoiler.css but both won’t work. The plugin goes back to the “basic” styles although the changes in the css are accepted.
Is there any chance to customize the color styles of the spoiler?
]]>Hi all,
i install this plugin for my video game team. This plus is very nice for explain solution step by step and just for this : Thank You sooooo much !
But my community dont know developped… and use this code in bbpress is not easy for them ??
After read, this forum, i found one message similar : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/no-button-in-bbpress-frontend/ but last responses is negative and dating 2 year old.
So, it this possible now ? With TinyMCE interface, same in wordpress ?
Best regards,
]]>Hi, that’s really a fantastic and simple plugin. I’m french, and I’d like to change the text [collapse] when unfold (for [fermer] )
Thanks for your response
Здравствуйте, кнопка плагина в редакторе отображается в админ панели, но не отображается в фронтенде, с чем это может быть связанно ?
Ваш плагин выводится только для админки ?
The “Spoiler” button in the visual editor is not showing up.
I found it is conflicting withe the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin. I disabled it and the button shows up. Enable it and button disappears.
Otherwise, I can manually add shortcode and it works.
Has anyone ran into this before.
Hello, I am getting javascript error “ReferenceError: edButtons is not defined” on all admin pages except for page editation. In the page-editation page, where quicktags.js is loaded, edButtons variable is actually defined, hence no error. On all other pages quicktags.js is not loaded, which causes the error. As a temporary solution I edited bbspoiler.php by wrapping these lines:
buttonSpoiler = edButtons.length;
edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('spoiler','spoiler','[spoiler title=\'Title\']Text[/spoiler]\n');
into a conditional that asks if edButtons is defined or not. Is it possible to fix this error without editing plugin’s sources?
]]>How do I add a parent to the accordion. It is the 4th screenshot on the page called “Second-level spoilers within a primary spoiler”
]]>Hello, I’ve installed today BBSpoiler and it works great. Thank you for this plugin!
I still have one question and one problem.
1. Is there any possibility to change the word “collapse” in the opened tag?
2. I’ve checked the mobile version of my site. There will not be showed any “spoiler”. Means the text is showed as “normal” text – only with [collapse] on first and last position. Is there anything I still have to make?
Thank you and best regards
when I put a link on the spoirle , places it as text , I want to place a link , is a link , how do I can do ?
your pulgin is very nice!
unfortionatly the color settings seems not to be working.
i’ve downloaded the plugin and clicked install.
anything I have missed?
Thanks for the help
the plugin is great, but we want to change the design completely.
Other plus and minus images, background-color, border, etc.
Best regards,