I am using WordPress Mobile Pack as well as BC Oauth and when I try to change the scope for login using Google (in Google.php) to
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email OR
I get the error
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bc-oauth/Classes/Google.php:131) in /home/…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/plugins/wpmp_switcher/wpmp_switcher.php on line 506
They are both trying to set a cookie in the header, which is causing the problem, but it works with the current scope:
Any ideas of how to fix this?
]]>Hi, a good and necessary plugin, but I have a little problem.
site_url & home_url are different, wordpress is in a subdirectory.
So that the registration is successful, but it shows 404 page:)
In the code did not find redirect settings.
Is there a solution?
Your email address bounced, so I’m posting this here:
diff -uNrib plugins-old/bc-oauth/Classes/Google.php plugins-new/bc-oauth/Classes/Google.php
— plugins-old/bc-oauth/Classes/Google.php 2011-07-30 00:11:35.730902100 -0500
+++ plugins-new/bc-oauth/Classes/Google.php 2011-08-04 18:37:15.041985100 -0500
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
if (empty($_GET[“oauth_token”])){
$getAuthTokenParams = array(
‘scope’ => ‘https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full’,
– ‘xoauth_displayname’ => ‘bettercodes.org’,
+ ‘xoauth_displayname’ => $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’],
‘oauth_callback’ => $this->call_back
diff -uNrib plugins-old/bc-oauth/bc_oauth_templatetags.php plugins-new/bc-oauth/bc_oauth_templatetags.php
— plugins-old/bc-oauth/bc_oauth_templatetags.php 2011-07-30 00:11:30.437599300 -0500
+++ plugins-new/bc-oauth/bc_oauth_templatetags.php 2011-08-08 00:12:43.546506200 -0500
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
global $bp;
– add_filter(‘attribute_escape’, ‘bc_oauth_remove_attribute_escape_in_bp_message’, 5, 2);
+ add_filter(‘esc_attr’, ‘bc_oauth_remove_esc_attr_in_bp_message’, 5, 2);
if( isset($bp->loggedin_user->userdata->user_email) && empty($bp->loggedin_user->userdata->user_email) )
bp_core_add_message(‘Your e-mail address is empty, please go to your profile page and insert one. Otherwise you cant\’t get <b>important notices and informations</b> from ‘ . get_bloginfo(‘name’) . ‘.’ , ‘info’);
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@
* @param string $safe_text the escaped string
* @param string $text the original string
-function bc_oauth_remove_attribute_escape_in_bp_message($safe_text, $text) {
– remove_filter(‘attribute_escape’, ‘bc_oauth_remove_attribute_escape_in_bp_message’);
+function bc_oauth_remove_esc_attr_in_bp_message($safe_text, $text) {
+ remove_filter(‘esc_attr’, ‘bc_oauth_remove_esc_attr_in_bp_message’);
return $text;
Hello !
I am having a strange error when trying to login using Twitter . The error message is like …
OAuthException: Unexpected result from the server “https://api.twitter.com//oauth/request_token” (401) while requesting a request tokenobject(OAuthException2)#366 (6)……
Does any one have Idea about the error?
]]>Hi !
Nice plugin and I appreciate Linkedin implementation .
I was able to implement the plugin on Multi-Site installation . I had to activate it Multi-site wide .
I wanted to display ‘ sign-in option ‘ on every page, so I have used wp_head hook and managed to display on it available on header
But, there is a problem with < li > tags which were used in ‘ bc_oauth_templatetags ‘ file. A logged in user could see empty lines and it’s kind of embarrassing . This is not happening in all themes, but some themes like twentyten .There is a serious problem with twentyelven and it is completely broken when I tried to use Bc_oauth option on header .
Could any one help me to get rid of < li > tags ?
Thank you!
]]>When importing avatars from Facebook or other sites with this, would it be possible to make sure the avatar matches the site’s avatar size limits?
]]>While setting up Google authentication, I noticed that Google was incorrectly reporting the site’s identity as “bettercodes.org”.
I was able to fix this by updating /Classes/Google.php on line 63, from this:
'xoauth_displayname' => 'bettercodes.org',
to this:
'xoauth_displayname' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
You might also consider adding an extra plugin setting at the top for “Site Identity”… in the event site admins want or need to enter custom values.
BTW, I absolutely LOVE how clean the plugin is. Truly, your code is art. ??
Installed and activated plugin, but when I try to access it from the login page, the popup shows an empty page.
Checked apache2 logs, php errors, but nothing shows up.
Here is the test installation: https://work.eftimie.ro/~alex/wp303/wp-login.php , clicking on openid show blank popup.
]]>Has anyone tested this plugin yet? Even better, has anyone tested it on a live site (besides BetterCodes)?
I’m very curious to know more about this plugin, as it promises an outstanding functionality. It’s got 3 five-star ratings so far but no “working” reports for or against it. I just don’t know enough about WordPress & OAuth myself to feel safe about testing this plugin openly, while a sandboxed environment doesn’t quite do it justice.