Hi, I installed the free version of your plugin
This shortcode show result true
[azindex content=”true” filter=”title” posttype=”new-posttype” postcount=”10″ ordering=”title” direction=”ASC”]
When i use this shortcode
[azindex content=”true” filter=”title” posttype=”new-posttype” category=”new-cate” postcount=”10″ ordering=”title” direction=”ASC”]
result is empty and show “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.”
Thank, and sorry for my english
]]>Hi, I installed the free version of your plugin to see if there’s a way to create a single alphabetic menu from two (or more) post types. Isn’t it possible?
Hi – when “all” is selected it begins with the letter ‘I’ and only shows about 5 posts.
is there a way to change this so it begins with “a” and shows all posts?
I have purchased the licence, set up a page and used your easy button to put this shortcode in:
[azindex index=”custom index” all=”ALL” prefix=”pre” suffix=”suf” debug=”true” content=”true” posttype=”post” category=”artist-profiles” postcount=”10″ direction=”ASC”]
I have put the licence code into the settings but on the page with the above code I get no index and the words “Unlicensed – click Here to license” when I click it logs me out of wordpress and tells me to login again which takes me to the settings page to put the licence code in.
Also, reading your documentation it says to add some code into category.php or category-blog.php but I do not have these files. I have checked through wordpress editor and via file manager in cpanel.
Maybe the theme I am using doesn’t work with your plugin? Help is needed as soon as you can please. If the plugin is not compatible, will you make it so or refund as it is of no use to me on any of my other websites?
]]>The error in my case is:
Target : 1 : Filter Not Active
Target : 2 : Filter Not Active
Target : 3 : Filter Not Active
Target : 4 : Filter Not Active
Target : 5 : Filter Not Active
But when I check the source code I see it goes on until Target 19
I already tried the target=”” solution with seperate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 but that does not seem to solve the issue.
Should I try numbers 8 until 19 as well? Or is there something else I should do since the error appears to be different than just one Target number error?
Hello i’m looking for a azindex plugin that can achieve something like this: https://www.animeultima.io/watch-anime/
Can bemo do it?
I have installed the plugin and have followed the steps, but it doesnt work.
The posts whithin the category are displayed, but I cant filter on it.
Shortcode i use on my site: [azindex content=”true” filter=”title” posttype=”post” category=”bedrijven”]
Link to the page: https://goirlenet.zelusion.nl/bedrijven-2/
]]>Hi there,
i got your plugin running by using the azcustompost option. When I click A, all custom posts with A show up. Just one thing: the title of any post links to a 404 page. As i don’t need the title to be a link anyway, how do i remove that?
The result of the shortcode should be returned by a “return” and not by “echo”. For a new page that allows positioning the shortcode below existing content. With “echo” content shortcode is always on top of the page.
You forget to pass the “template” variable in the function bemoazindex_load_plugin_template($settings[‘template’]); (file bemoazindex_content.php).
When there is a pagination of results, A-Z index must remove that paging. For example if you are on page 2 of the A index and click on the index B which contains only one page, you will have no result.
]]>Hello bemoore,
I have managed to get everything working for me except for one thing – I would like to put a bit of text before the alphabetical list, but the text keeps appearing at the bottom of all the list items – I can’t seem to make it display before everything in the list.
Any suggestions?
Hello team of Bemo!
We already use the pluggin and it works well..
We try to migrate the information to other servidor (new web page in development) and we were wondering if can be possible to export in a single folder, or in a group folder, all the information listed in the bemo index. Could be possible to do that?
I am not sure to understand how to work your plugin.
I’ve installed but I don’t see all the options as you put in the screenshots. Please take a look here
I want to try your plugin but I don’t know how to work.
I’ve created in my posts a category “professional” as parent category and each speciality is a child category (like lawyer, doctor, nurse, engineer, architect, etc)
But I don’t see how to select an specific “category”. I mean, I don’t see the dropdown for doing that.
I am using version 1.0.6 of your plugin over WP 4.3.1.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I’m building a website for a Garden Centre. Here’s an example of what I want to achive with the Plugin, I can’t figure it out myself.
Home > Trees > Here is shows an A-Z filter on the top, ( Like this: https://www.burncoose.co.uk/site/list.cfm?letter=a ) And say you click on the Letter A, it shows the subcategories, Alder and Acer.
I’m not sure if this is possible or not, but what I basically want to do is be able to be in the Category trees, and be able to alphabetically sort the subcategories.
Many Thanks, Matt.
I have installed the plugin on my website (still in development) and I am facing 2 difficulties.
Thanks for your feed back
I have installed the plugin on my website (still in development) and I am facing 2 difficulties.
– 1 : The alphabetical index shows ALL and I don’t want this ALL section as it shows all posts not in alphabeticla order. How can I supress ALL ?
– 2 : The worth :/ I created a page Lexique. I wanted to configure the lpugin to access my lexique from this page but it does not work at all. The all lexique comes on a Category Archives/Lexique.
I may have done something wrong but can’t figure out what :/
Thanks for your feed back
We are trying to migrate a site to WordPress where we have a content like a sort of custom post type called ‘professional’ (such as: lawyers, architects, account managers, doctors, etc) and we want to show every of these specialities in an alphabetic index. Please, take a look in the section of our site we are interested.
Basically, we want to have an alphabetic index per each specialty.
Do you think this is possible to do with your plugin?
We’ll be grateful if you can guide us a little.
Best regards
This plugin is very confusing.The documentation or guide is not clear. It wasted a lot of my time. I am trying to use it to list product categories/products in a page.
I configured azindex on a page and it is giving me the following:
[filter] => title
[debug] =>
[target] =>
[index] =>
[content] => true
[posttype] => product
[category] =>
[template] =>
[postcount] => 15
[azindex] => A
Hi, I think this is a very usefull plugin.
But now I have installed qTranslate-X and when I click in a letter (in a category query), the menu doesn’t load.
More strange is that I have 2 link in menu like this:
Link: # Name: Women
Link: # Name: Men
with submenus. If I click the “M” letter, shows this element in menu. The same with “W”, shows Women link.
I don’t know what happens and how to fix it. Any help?
Thank you.
]]>i want my functionality should work like this :-
is this possible with this plugin ..??
]]>Hi, when I click a letter of the index in appears a 404 Not Found, why is this happening? thank you!
I’m a pretty novice user. Not sure how to check the version of WP I’m using but I installed it maybe two months ago. I collect old casino chips from Las Vegas. I’d like to display my collection on my URL https://www.vegaschipcollector.com. My goal is fairly simple. On my “Index To The Collection” page I’d like to have an A-Z index. So by clicking on “A” you would come to a list of all Las Vegas Casino names that begin with “A”. This would include Ace Club, Al’s Liquors and Anthony’s Casino. Then clicking on the casino name takes you to a list of the chips in my collection. There are other casinos that begin with “A” but these are the ones I’ve entered so far. If you visit my site I think you will quickly see what I’m trying to do.
This is what I’ve entered:
Am I even close to this working? Thanks in advance for any help.
I have installed this plugin and added posts in A-Z Index and created categories too. But just confused how can I index the posts on a page according to the first letter of the post added? Kindly help me…
My list has some pages that start with a number and I would like to know how I can insert this into the A-Z? e.g.# for numbers = #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Is this possible?
Hi, is there any way to list the custom terms or tags alphabeticaly using this plugin?
I can also pay for this.
Can this plugin create an index of the post tags?
I wanted to use this shortcode for show up listing with title filter
[azindex filter=”title”]
suppose a use click on [A] index from [A][B][C]…..
the post will showp which have title first letter ‘A’
But nothing showing up
Could you please help me about this?
I wanted to use this shortcode for show up listing with title filter
[azindex filter=”*”]
suppose a use click on [A] index from [A][B][C]…..
the post will showp which have title first letter ‘A’
But nothing showing up
Could you please help me about this?
]]>It is weird that the listing didn’t work on me.
I have tried
[azindex posttype="azindexcustom" category="*"]
[azindex filter="title']
And a few other codes which I forgot…tried too much
But I don’t see the listing?
I figured the indexing is indexing posts instead of the pages.
Is there a way to make the indexing like hummm…
for example my page as lots products in one page with different titles and I clicked on B and it’ll show the products only with B.
Or I am installing the wrong plug in? Sorry trying to find if there is such plug in but no idea what words to type in for the search and people recommend your plug in.
]]>After activating this plugin I can not reach my sites to edit. All I get is a white screen with the <body> empty
]]>Hi I’m installing BEMO A-Z Index but would be nice to know if we can sort the posts by numbers too.
Is tehre anyway to do that?
and how to display a-z on index tamplate wich is the code?