Is there a way to apply pointers from the main site to the entire network?
]]>What would be the screen and the target for the user that is in the panel of the wordpress (backend) Dashboard? I would like to insert a pointer in the panel to create a new post.
]]>Hi there, thanks so much for this great plugin! I intent to use it as an onboarding solution for users who install a WordPress package that I will send them. So I am wondering: Once I created all the pointers on my template website, how can I then add them as a file to my WordPress folder/package to be sent? I would like people to see the pointers as soon as they install WordPress, without having to import an XML file…
Any idea how I can do that? Thanks!
just installed the plugin on my site and activated it. Unfortunately the “Pointers” item is not displayed in admin-dashboard after activating the plugin. I have already deactivated my other plugins to check if there is an interference, but still no Pointers-item in dashboard-sidebar.
Any help is appreciated ??
Thank you and kind regards,
It would be amazing if we could do this in multisite. So the pointers would be stored network wide, rather than site based.
Keep up the great work!
]]>Awesome plugin. Would it be possible to add a custom css box to the better admin pointer box info meta items. whatever the user inputs for this field, would be used as a class for the pointer container to uniquely identify this specific pointer so it can be target via css. Now every pointer can have a different style if needed instead of 1 size fits all.
I guess, maybe you could just put the pointer ID as a class of the pointer container, and no extra input by the admin would be needed.
]]>Please support pages and posts and any things
Thank you ??
Im having this same problem
But is also happening with this plugin, do you have any idea why this is happening?
Awesome plugin.
How do you change the flag icon in the pointer to something else. I can see in CMB2 there are other icon classes: image/x-generic ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png
Which css file do I need to tweak?
I love this plugin. It’s just what I need. However, I need to create a chain of pointers, where I can lead the user on a journey, and where the next pointer is only activated when the last pointer is dismissed.
Is this possible?
Hi There,
Just wondering how I would add pointers to the customizer – I can’t figure out what the page title is for it.
Reviving 1 year old topic.
Any news about this feature?
]]>Is there a way to make a pointer show on all my custom post types?
When one or more pointers load in a frontend page, and that page has the password protection enabled, any pointer display a password form instead of the correct pointer content.
Have you any ideas to solve this?
thanks in advance.
Installed, network activated and tried on subsite. Worked like it should. Tried on main site and got nothing. Noticed on the subsite, the pointer(box) was now positioned differently and able to run off the top of the page.
Network deactivated and reactivated on main site and subsite individually.
I can now have different pointers on both sites and it doesn’t matter if they point to the same id.
The above I think, proves that it will work on two sites of a network without conflict. It definitely proves that you can’t just make pointers on the main site and have them show on subsites.
When I make more subsites, I’ll try messing with it some more. I only have one on this install. Most people don’t need pointers on their main site so network activating might still work but you just wouldn’t want to try and make any pointers on the main site. The only benefit of network activation would be for networks that already have a lot of subsites. Of course the could use some kind of wp management tool I suppose.
]]>Hi there and thanks for your work on this nice plugin. Here are swedish translation files that you’re welcome to include in your package:
is it possible to target sub menu items, such as “Users > Your Profile”? I know this is probably simple but I honestly cannot make it work no matter what I do.
Thanks in advance.
]]>is it possible to display a pointer for guest users, or just a site visitor.
]]>What a great plugin Steven S!
I have searched for ages for a plugin like this.Neat, simple (user experience), clean and light on resources. Fantastic!
I just have a small issue I hope you can help me with as the Topic above suggests.
I’m using the pointer as a Help feature for registered users telling them how to uses the forum, fill in their profiles and point them to the “Help Documents”
I cant get a post to display the pointer on the front end for a user, If I use a post ID or Name in the Screen settings. If I use the ALL_FRONT it works! but not if I use Post ID or Post name.
What am I doing wrong. I tried “post-9” ; post-9 ; id=9 ; postid-9 – “postid-9” ( 9 is the actual ID for that post) I even tried the slug of the post i.e best-garden-compost etc etc.
I’m sure their is something simple that I’m missing…maybe the way I’m entering the post ID is not suitable. These are my settings
Pointer id : ep_editprofile
Screen : post-9 ( I think this is where my problem is)
Target : .single-entry-title
Position Edge : top
Position Align : right
Nudge Horizontal : -50
Nudge Vertical : -5
Z-index : 5000
Please can you help
BTW: this is a great suggestion from this post
Facebook did this when they launched their new cover design. It appeared in the front end of the users page on start up and was a 5 step help guide to the new features (the page opened with num-1 pointing at a feature…when read and you dismissed the pointer the next pointer appeared at a new feature…and so on through the five simple steps.
How dont let appear several Pointers at the same time?
Wish click in “Dismiss” and the Next Pointer in the same window appears.
Making a “step by step” Pointer.
How do that?
Awesome idea, now I can actually point my clients to the online Help Docs ??
I’m thinking that it could be a great tool to use for plugin developers too, instead of re-inventing the wheel…
How easy/difficult would it be to add this to a plugin (and keep it in sync with your releases)?
]]>Is there any way to add pointers to the front end of a site? For example, in the theme customizer?
]]>Nice plugin! I wonder how many times does the pointer appear, after you created it? Always? Only the first time you create it? Once per user? Does it keep appearing until you dismiss it?
]]>First of all, thank you ??
This can be great tool on admin hands.
We wonder if it is ready (v1.0.1) for a multisite/network. If so:
1. How does it behave? Do we network activate?
2. Can we have different set of tool tips on individual sites as well as global ones?
3. Can we have an option for ONLY super admins to edit them under network settings?
Thanks again.
PS: I am sure I can think of a ton of possibilities… ??