We installed the plugin and set it up but testing via the above URL shows these are missing, any idea why?
Referrer-Policy (We have this set, yet the test shows it’s not showing)
Referrer Policy is a new header that allows a site to control how much information the browser includes with navigations away from a document and should be set by all sites.
Content-Security-Policy (We had to manually add this to .htaccess because it’s not in the plugin)
Content Security Policy is an effective measure to protect your site from XSS attacks. By whitelisting sources of approved content, you can prevent the browser from loading malicious assets.
Permissions-Policy Features Policy has been renamed to Permissions-Policy, so it’s not working via your plugin
Permissions Policy is a new header that allows a site to control which features and APIs can be used in the browser.
Great plugin
Can I also set it for (Link image).
If yes how can this be done please.
My English is not that good and don’t want to make mistakes due to wrong settings.
Thank you