Does Tide or other have info on multisite compatibility or is there some other way the plugin could provide this info?
]]>Hi, I am getting the following deprecated message for the latest version of the plugin. I am running WordPress 6.2 and PHP 8.2.4 in my dev site.
Deprecated – Creation of dynamic property BetterPluginCompatibilityControl::$localeInfo is deprecated wp-content/plugins/better-plugin-compatibility-control/better-plugin-compatibility-control.php:99 Plugin: better-plugin-compatibility-control
I just thought of letting you know.
Kind regards,
]]>Just noticed a clash with Master Slider Pro plugin
Not implying fault, just letting you know of the issue.
This issue is only in the display of plugin list (wp-admin/plugins.php) when logged in as admin. When Better Plugin Compatibility Control plugin is active the list will display plugins up to and just before Master Slider Pro.
If I turn Jetpack on as well as Master Slider Pro the plugin list page crashes the backend completely. If I rename Better Plugin Compatibility Control plugin folder via ftp to deactivate it all is well.
For me it is easy just to deactivate Better Plugin Compatibility Control for the time as the Slider is more important.
I did turn off all plugins then reactivated until I traced the issue. I tried rolling back WordPress to several past versions. I rolled back Better Plugin Compatibility Control?plugin step by step to version 5.0.0.
I am currently on PHP 8.1 but checked back to php 7.2 and the issue was still there.
I uninstalled then reinstalled all three plugins – problem still there.
What I could not do is roll back to a previous version of Master Slider Pro – so possibly this has been in place since their last update Nov 22. I have been updating via wp-admin/update-core.php and not visiting wp-admin/plugins.php so the issue may have been around since Nov 22.
I sent a message to Master Slider Pro about this issue as well
Hello Support,
I have been trying to track down some errors on my site and this is one that keeps occurring when I use Query Monitor. It only appears when I visit the “Plugins” page. The method is “Get” and the status is “404”.
I switched to PHP8.1 and now getting tonnes of deprecation errors. They are all roughly the same, detected by Query Monitor plugin, and they look like this:
Return type of Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary::offsetUnset($key) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice
There are two paths and several numbers for these, and that seems to be the only difference with that main message:
wp-includes/Requests/Utility/CaseInsensitiveDictionary.php:Y (as in the above text)
where X and Y are the numbered locations, and they are:
X = 63, 73, 89, 102, 111
Y = 40, 51, 68, 82, 91
This is either for your information so that you can address it or if it is something I need to do, so you can tell me what I need to do. They look fairly easy to fix, but maybe this is something that someone else needs to fix in the main system (WP 5.9.2 on Apache) I am assuming these are not critical issues, but I think I should check and you should know!
Kind regards,
]]>I like the idea of showing data from readme.txt of any particular plugin.
It works fine. But the popup/alt/title text (addminvertitle) doesn’t make much sense.
It shows two oposite statements at the very same plugin.
Original descriptions “Requires at least” and “Tested up to” would be probably more accurate.
Also would be nice to show not only two values for already installed plugins, but also the third one “Tested up to” for a plugin where an update is availiable. The value shoud be availiable at the plugin page in WordPress repository and is also shown on domain.tld/wp-admin/update-core.php page when an update is availiable for some plugin.
]]>This error repeatedly occurs in my log and in query monitor, see link. I do not think this is my installation that is doing this, but not sure why this keeps coming up again and again. Any ideas? Can you fix it or is there something that I need to do to fix it?
]]>Honeypot for Contact Form 7 is tested up to WP 5.6, but is shown with a maximum version of 5.2.3.
Similarly, InfiniteWP Client was tested up to 5.4.4 and is shown with 5.4.2.
Is there a way to reload compatibility data?
If not, this is incorrect.
]]>Please add compatibility with latest WP (5.5.3)
]]>This error is still unresolved 2 years later.
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$requires in /home/wp-content/plugins/better-plugin-compatibility-control/better-plugin-compatibility-control.php on line 198
Is there still no fix??
]]>I have a got problem. When I see the version, both texts say the same thing.
Plugin: WooCommerce Mercado Pago
Wordpress Version: 5.0.4
There is an issue with the WPML plugins. These errors are shown when WordPress is in debug mode. I installed a paid version.
For each WPML plugin these errors are shown:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$requires in x:\xxx\wp-content\plugins\better-plugin-compatibility-control\better-plugin-compatibility-control.php on line 198
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$tested in x:\xxx\\wp-content\plugins\better-plugin-compatibility-control\better-plugin-compatibility-control.php on line 200
Deactivating better plugin compatibility control or deactivating debug in the config does not show these messages.
What could be the cause?
]]>This is on a site using PHP 7.2.
I’ve not tested if it occurs on a lesser PHP version.
The error I am seeing in the error log is:
2018/04/04 16:33:59 [error] 32380#32380: *88479 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/SANITISED/sites/ on line 207
PHP message: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/SANITISED/sites/ on line 211
PHP message: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/SANITISED/sites/ on line 207
PHP message: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/SANITISED/sites/ on line 211
PHP message: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/SANITISED/sites/ on line 207
Any ideas what might cause this?
]]>When plugin ios activated only a few plugins are even listed on wp-admin/plugins.php. They are still there, but not visble any longer.
When I de-activate the plugin all plugins are visible again.
Is the plugin safe to use any longer?
Theme used: Divi 3.0.40.
All other plugins are updated.
This goes for all 40+ sites I installed the plugin.
BackPWup Version 3.3.4. is compatible up to WordPress Version 4.7.2. At least that is what the plugin-page states.
This Plugin shows a compatibility up to 4.6.
I experienced this behaviour on all sites I maintain so far. (more then 20 Sites)
Whats wrong?
PS: Very helpful Plugin, thanks a lot!
Hello and seasons greetings,
We have been using the extremely useful plugin (now on v.4.7.0) for ages on single WordPress installations with no issues.
We currently tried activating it on a multisite/network and get:
PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$tested in /wp-content/plugins/better-plugin-compatibility-control/better-plugin-compatibility-control.php on line 199
We tried both network activation as well as only to our main site (ID:1) with the exact same warning. On top of that, the admin pages started loading very slowly.
We do have a couple more plugins activated but they do not seem to be involved or justify the behaviour.
This is line 199:
add_filter('network_admin_plugin_action_links', array(&$this, 'bpcc_pluginversioninfo'), 10, 2);
Which actually is part of the following piece:
function bpcc_init() {
global $pagenow;
if ( !function_exists("add_action") ) return;
if((defined('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') && WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE || defined('MULTISITE') && MULTISITE) && function_exists('is_network_admin') && is_network_admin()) {
add_filter('network_admin_plugin_action_links', array(&$this, 'bpcc_pluginversioninfo'), 10, 2);
if( current_user_can( 'manage_network_plugins' ) ) {
add_filter('plugin_action_links', array(&$this, 'bpcc_pluginversioninfo'), 10, 2);
} else {
if( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) {
add_filter('plugin_action_links', array(&$this, 'bpcc_pluginversioninfo'), 10, 2);
if( $pagenow == 'plugins.php' ) {
add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'bpcc_css_admin_header'));
After closer look we noticed that the warning is produced when visiting the “Inactive” or “All” plugins screens. There is no warning present under “Active” “Recently Activated” or “Must Use” plugins.
Could you please look into it?
Thank you in advance
I’m using the “simple history” plugin which shows a compatibility from 4.5.1 to 4.5.3 (I’m running WP 4.5.3), and the 4.5.1 is colored red (instead of green)… small error, but would be nice to get fixed.
Thanks for a useful plugin!
]]>Hey! Thanks for writing this plugin, it’s very useful ??
I was kinda hoping that it would add a new tab next to
All | Active | Inactive | Recently Active | Drop-ins
that would list the out of date ones. Is that on the roadmap?
we get a ton of these messages in our debug.log:
PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; BetterPluginCompatibilityControl has a deprecated constructor in /xxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/better-plugin-compatibility-control/better-plugin-compatibility-control.php on line 72
Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks for your help
]]>I know this topic has been brought up many times but I think it could still be improved.
Checking the readme file for the compatibility info is fast, but it isn’t always up to date. Plugin authors do not need to update the plugin version to update the compatibility info in the readme file, so the readme is often outdated.
I understand that the plugin API may be getting it’s data from the SVN trunk, which authors don’t always update either, but maybe a combination would work. Checking the API is also much slower, so I have an idea for that too.
First, find out what the latest version of WordPress is. Then check the readme file for version information. If the readme file says it is not tested with the latest version, then check the API to see if it’s been tested with a higher version – if so then use that version instead of the readme file version.
Since calling the API takes time, I also suggest caching the API result in a database transient. Make it expire weekly, but also provide an option to clear out the cache.
I have some plugins which shows “3.8.1” as the compatible version but when I checked the’s page, it says compatible up to “3.9”
I have read a post before ( which says that this plugin reads compatibility information from readme files. I am not sure if there is a better solution but I think the problem is that many plugin developers simply update the compatibility version on and thus the update is not reflected by this plugin.
This makes the plugin much less useful as we still need to manually check the page and we’ll certainly lose track when dealing with many plugins.
If there isn’t a better solution, perhaps you can consider the following feature:
A feature which allows us to override the compatible version by manually entering the version. At least, after we manually check the’s page, we can manually put the version in as a way to keep track. Otherwise, it’s really hard to distinguish between which plugins are not compatible yet and which ones are already compatible (but just the version not displayed correctly).
]]>I have some suggestions:
1. If you could allow the user to update the compatibility with his version it would help all those complainers too. For example: With WP3.8.1 if plugin version compatibility is 3.7.0 and it still works flawlessly, an additional dark blue 3.8.1 can appear beside the plugin. How and where the user ticks, is up to you to decide.
2.Add tested upto, rating and voted compatibility too if possible and you’ll get 10 stars.
]]>Hi, will this plugin work with WordPress 3.8? I’m having an error with installing 3.8 and trying to figure out which plugin is causing the issue. Thought I’d check. Thanks.
]]>I know it has already been pointed out that your plugin does in fact check the compatibility, not only on the running version of WordPress, but also on the latest, simply by reading the readme texts from the plugin’s developpers.
Still it only WARNS for possible incompatibility with the RUNNING version by means of a red coloured version number. Adding another colour (yellow?) on the plugins version numbers that are incompatible with the LATEST WordPress version would be most usefull and saves us from the effort of having to read and analyse all the green numbers after all…
]]>Hi, I’ve been using this plugin for ages and find it really helpful. I have a request though:
It would be great if BPCC could take account of sub-versions of WordPress, and not show them in red if a plugin doesn’t specifically mention the current sub-version of WordPress.
Example: let’s say I have a plugin installed called “Acme Plugin”, and its readme file says it supports WP versions 3.5 – 3.8. However, I’m running WordPress 3.8.1 on my site.
As of right now, BPCC will show the “3.8” text in red because it doesn’t exactly match the version of WordPress (3.8.1) that I’m using. However, in reality, it’s quite safe to assume that if a plugin supports 3.8, it will also support 3.8.1 (and 3.8.2 etc) as well.
For that reason it would be nice for BPCC not to show the “3.8” in red, but to show it in green because it really is still supported. (In fact this might even be official policy from the WordPress developers, that if a plugin supports a major version, it’s assumed to support all minor versions too? Is that correct?)
What do you think?
]]>Hi, Oliver, and thanks so much for this handy plugin!
I hadn’t noticed earlier (perhaps because I wasn’t looking!), but Im seeing the following related to an undefined offset:
Call stack:
Not a major issue! Just wanted you to know for the next update. ??
]]>Cosmetic “bug” – some of the plugins’ version information presents as one very long (wide) line of unwrapped text, which makes for very difficult viewing of the plugins page. I’d suggest the text should be wrapped at 650px or so.
Since a lot of developers don’t seem to bother to test, or to update their readme files, it would be great if a check can also be done on the voting counter “”X peaople say it works” on… when comparing to the latest WordPress version.
Displaying the result next to the version numbers in the plugin list could be used as an extra hint on whether our WordPress installations are ready for upgrading or not and would save us from having to check on after all…
]]>It would be most helpful if I could ask the plug-in to check for WP compatibility for a version of WP that I’m NOT currently running. For example, I’m on 3.5.2 but want to check for 3.6 compatibility before I upgrade to 3.6, not after.
]]>Hi, quick question, does BPCC get its version information directly live from, or from the plugin itself residing on my website (eg. the version info inside each plugin’s Readme.txt file)?
I imagine the most accurate method would be to get the info directly from, right? Because a plugin might update its compatibility info there without actually releasing a new plugin version? (I assume that is possible?) Therefore the plugin would still be the same version as before, but on it would show that it’s compatible with a newer version of WordPress, while the Readme.txt file on my server would still show the older compatibility info.