I use version Version 4.5.3 and this plugin breaks the layout style of the widgets page, and it looks very bad.
]]>Hi, i love your plugin better widgets, i hope it will do into the main code someday soon.
for now i have some improvement suggestions:
first: instead of putting inactive widgets on the bottom of the sidebars, for usability and consistency i would divide the right pannel with two tabs, one for new widgwts, and another one for inactive ones.
this is also a way to safe widget configuration.
think of putting a button inside the widget box to deactivate the widget
seccondly: and this is a more critical idea.. sidebars evolved a lot since introduced. today putting the widget configuration under themes menu is not coherent. for a consisten menu it should have its own main menu, for example “sidebars”
]]>when i add a widget to a sidebar and then try to open it to fiddle with its settings, it won’t open.
i have to reload the widgets page to be able to open it and customize it.
is this the intended behavior? if so, it’s not very user-friendly, and should be flagged somewhere.
]]>Nice and an incremental improvement over the “new” interface. At least can scroll the two sections independently.
However, my beef with the “new” admin widget area isn’t that the two sections are flipped side-to-side (actually, that set makes it easier for me to edit, but only in the pre-3.8 setup).
My issue is that the responsive design can’t be turned off – I can only have two columns or four: two means the new widgets take up too much room, as other than seeing the titles, I don’t need them .. in fact, I’d prefer to just turn them off 99% of the time, as I am editing an existing widget, not adding new ones … which I would not be doing, if there were an easy way to just edit the content of the widget offline … and if that didn’t result in a degradation in speed for the page loading at the server end).
Instead, I would like a large “edit” area for the existing widgets. The old 3-column setup worked well, if sometimes a bit cramped. I’d like that back, with 1/2 the screen area for the ONE column of existing widgets – this would allow the edit box to be big enough that you can edit easily, without having to move to a separate editing program (which isn’t an option when not on the PC and kind of a pain when you are). the other half can be the new and inactive widgets (as before), although I’d even prefer a checkbox at the top to just hide both sections.
]]>I am using WordPress 3.8 in Hebrew. After activating the plugin, the widget area is a mess and cannot be used
Here are a couple of small tweaks that would make widgets more pleasant to work with:
? Instead of having a blank widget “Title” field by default, it should display the name of the default title, greyed out. This way that field will always show the user what the title will display.
? It would be more intuitive to the user for the label of an active widget to be “User Title [Widget Type]” instead of “Widget Type (User Title). Or maybe only use the User Title and forget the widget type altogether (for example, including “Custom Menu” in the title of an active widget does not add any information).
? It would be nice if you could, in a very small font, like a footnote, provide an indication of the source of the widget. If the source is a plug in, you could hyperlink to the plugin.
Not sure if you’ve seen this one yet, but, when you press the Visibility button (with Jetpack), the expanded Widget box that pops up starts to fight with the left admin menu — there are different display anomalies depending on the size of the browser window. Let me know if you need me to elaborate.
]]>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_widget_control() (previously declared in /wp-content/plugins/better-widgets/widgets.php:24) in /wp-admin/includes/widgets.php on line 241
Hey shaunandrews,
Getting a fatal error on the widgets.php page.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_widget_control() (previously declared in /Users/timothybjacobs/Documents/Websites/www.testing.dev/wp-content/plugins/better-widgets/widgets.php:24) in /Users/timothybjacobs/Documents/Websites/www.testing.dev/wp-admin/includes/widgets.php on line 241
There is no proper description, no installation guide, no FAQ, no screenshot.
Is the depository a place for surprise plugins?
This plugin should be removed until these issues are fixed.
I activated it, check this :
Also, test MP6 + https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/widget-area-chooser/ and check the stuff, this will be the next widget area in 3.8
See you