Recently WP-Syntax had an update and the src shortcode attribute was added. It adds the reference of the source file name at the top. It is a small thing but I found it very nice.
I also find your plugin very nice especially the clean HTML styling while WP-Syntax had a problem with Twenty Eleven. It seems it was fixed in the last update though. Your plugin has nice intelligible option pages as well. So I like yours very much.
This is just a suggestion. So don’t hear me if you don’t feel like it.
This is a very nice plugin.
I usually post from Windows Live Writer, which is one of the best remote blog editor. And it automatically encode HTML formats in an editing post to escaped characters.
If I write something like
$code= <<<STR
STR; ?>
Windows Live Writer converts it to
<p>& lt;?php<br>$code= & lt;& lt;& lt;STR<br>& lt;pre& gt;hello</pre& gt;<br>STR; ?& gt;</p>
in the source. (I inserted a space in the escape characters to display them in this post)
Then, the plugin does not recognize it as a formatted language to highlight the syntax.
I’m hoping that the plugin supports an option to allow such encoded code. The syntax for the option could be <pre lang="php" escape="true">
or something.
By observing the Windows Live Writer’s behaviour, it inserts <p>
and <br>
tags and escapes characters. So maybe if the option is set by the user, the plugin first strips tags and decodes the html format.
Would it be possible?
]]>Kindly consider adding support for bbPress 2, as it is now the new default discussion forum for BuddyPress, making the BP support less relevant.
(Made a duplicate request for SyntaxHighlighter Evolved, but I consider this plugin the best alternative approach (GeSHi) so I figured I’d drop a line in here as well)
I got this code:
The filename <pre lang="bash" inline="yes">$file will be …
Now what I see at the html page is this:
<p>The filename
<code class="bwp-syntax-inline"><span style="color: #007800;">$file</span></code>
<p> will be …
See that paragraphs? They’re really freaking me out. I got a very hard line break instead of a inline highlight.
]]>I am trying to display a single line of html code, but when rendered, the code is hidden by the horizontal scroll bar. In order for me to display the code, I had to add comments so there was more than one line.
How can I configure BWP Syntax to support PowerShell syntaxes?