Hi, Can we have icon support for navigation block? This way we can easily apply custom bullet points for navigation items.
]]>When adding an icon to the button, option “Space Between Icon & Text” doesn’t work, because it gets overridden by styles in with-icon.css
I found a bug into the file includes/settings.php
, in the function block_enhancements_activation_redirect()
Here, an unconnected user who arrives via an admin_post_nopriv_
action (wp-admin/admin-post.php) will enter the condition and be redirected to the settings (rather than triggering the expected action). To correct this you simply have to add is_user_logged_in()
at the start of the condition.
Can you fix this, please?
Can you have the with icon support for Accordion block of content block builder? That will be helpful to choose different kind of icons for open and close status of Accordion.
]]>Hi, When I apply box shadow to any div it get applied to it’s child blocks also like button or anything. When I apply box-shadow to only a particular div (group block) it should only be applied to it and shouldn’t be inherited to all its child.
]]>If you create a sub level list like this https://prnt.sc/xtZzOv_UsDJJ
It got distorted and not show the sub list below indented, instead it show on right side of the parent list item like this https://prnt.sc/1Y3iqdD82B_X
I′m using block enhaments for my site, and I′m having trouble using de “Scalate” transition in the individuals columns of my site.
If I put the action in the global column, ( like the one below), it works, but if I wanna apply it on each individual column, it doesn′t. How can I fix that? Thanks!
the with icon support for button has a conflict. You can see in my example site. before is being used for some special animation effect and your icon placed through :before psuedo class. Can’t you instead place icon inline in button with text? This way :before psuedo class remain free for any other custom effects. you can have you code like this
<a class="wp-block-button__link wp-element-button" href="#"><span>Get A Free Quote</span><span class="svg-icon-class>svg code here</span></a>
/* or apply before to inside span.svg-icon-class
WordPress 6.2 has several shadow build-in presets and allow theme to define own shadow presets in theme.json
. It would be awesome if this plugin allow to select shadow from existing preset instead of define it for each block.
Thanks for the useful plugin.
How can I add responsive text alignment? Now I can’t find such a function.
Do you plan to implement the option to customize the hover state on the buttons?
Was checking out your block and wanted to check out how you implemented one of the side panel controls. Do you have a GitHub repo or somewhere I can check out the source files? Thanks!