Rating: 5 stars
Andrea è sempre una garanzia, grazie a questo plugin è possibile visualizzare on hover del mouse, in quale parte del blocco siamo senza dover aprire obbligatoriamente la struttura della pagina.
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La complessità dell’editor Gutenberg può rappresentare una sfida, specialmente quando si gestiscono blocchi annidati o colonna. Il plugin “Block Guide Lines” di Andrea Marchetti emerge come una soluzione essenziale per questo problema. Offre un’assistenza visiva che semplifica notevolmente il processo di editing.
Il plugin “Block Guide Lines” è un arricchimento indispensabile per chiunque utilizzi l’editor Gutenberg, contribuendo al miglioramento dell’usabilità dell’editor e rendendo l’esperienza di editing non solo più facile ma anche più piacevole! è un plugin che consiglio vivamente a tutti gli utenti di WordPress.
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Ciao Andrea,
Con questo plugin è molto più semplice lavorare con Gutenberg.
Verrà aggiornato in futuro? Grazie ??
Rating: 5 stars
Having absolutely zero indication of block boundaries while editing was driving me insane. I’m kind of amazed this was left out of the default gutenberg editor. This is going to make my edits so much quicker, thank you so much for this plug in!
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You don’t want to use Gutenberg without it anymore ??
Highly recommended!
Rating: 5 stars
Bravo Andrea Marchetti
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Basic if you use Gutenberg!
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This guy is a Genius ! Guttemberg is not intuitive when you have to understand how the block are distributed in the page.
With this cool plugins, easy to install you will see immediately the guides allowing you to manage in a better manner the style of your page !
5 Stars for Marchetti Design ! My legend !
Ps: Installed right now on WP 5.7.1
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Veramente utilissimo, ti permette di non impazzire dietro i blocchi di Gutenberg. Sarebbe ora che WordPress integrasse questa funzionalità
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I have an accordion block in which I can place other blocks, but had no way of knowing where the accordion ended. Now I do! Thanks ?? ?? I was trying to do this myself with CSS but without much success. Cheers.
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Un must have per ottimizzare il lavoro con i blocchi!
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Good job to me ??
]]>Rating: 1 star
Stats look as if this was not updated for a long time. Did not work for me in 5.5.
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Hi, have installed the plugin and activated. Cannot get to work. Have the Gutentor plugin installed also. Perhaps there is a conflict? Have Wordpres 5.5 installed, so the Gutenburg Block Editor is active. I’m a bit puzzled? Thanks, Roger
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Without this the block editor can be really complicated to use, when working with columns and other nested blocks. It’s currently unclear where you can click to get certain options appearing. But with this plugin you can see the block outlines and life gets clearer. Thank you!
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Tired of not knowing where your block ends and start? This makes it so easy to finally SEE.
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This makes it easier to see what blocks I have and where they start and finish.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Works good. Thanks.