Love the plugin. Would like to have a filter or 2 to add some emails/domains as an array e.g.add_filter( 'BSSWO_extra_emails', function () { return ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']; } );
add_filter( 'BSSWO_extra_domains', function () { return ['', '']; } );
I figure this is the easiest way … your filter could sanitize input, reject things not matching a regex, then append to the array you use now…
I know filters usually take a param and let you modify it, but that’ll just get messy with people adding incorrect items.
If there’s a GIT I could pull.
hello, I get this message about your plugin, “This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature ‘High-Performance order storage’, it shouldn’t be activated.” do you think that it should be disabled ? Thank you so much.
]]>Hello, Can you add a settings page to let us add the email addresses that we want to block ? VERY SIMPLE PLUGIN TO BLOCK FAKE ORDERS – THANK YOU !
]]>Hi there,
How do you tweak the settings for this plugin and configure everything? We are experiencing a series of fake orders by the same user and we want to block them from making any further fake orders. How can you configure this plugin to do that please?
Any advice would be great.
For the first time since months today I get new fake orders even with your plugin.
All fake orders use this as email:
Any help please ?
Could it be possible to make it easy for us to modify and block some specific email addresses when we need it ?
Thank you so much for the great plugin !
Can you update the plugin twice a year to show that it is still useful ?
Because now this message is displayed:
This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
I had a fake order and put your plugin to stop it, it seems to work well !
Thanks again.
]]>We had a customer attempt to place an order and they said they received an error message saying, “order is no longer in the system” on the checkout page, and he was not able to process the order. I couldn’t find a record of his order attempt on the Orders page or in the error logs. I chatted with the main WooCommerce support, and they confirmed that this error message is not generated from the WooCommerce core plugin. They said to look into the order related plugins we installed, including this one.
Is that an error message that can be generated by this plugin?
]]>Just wondering if we can upgrade or expect an upgrade to this plugin to coincide?
There is a new version of WooCommerce available. View version 4.9.0 details or update now.
Heads up! The versions of the following plugins you’re running haven’t been tested with WooCommerce 4.0. Please update them or confirm compatibility before updating WooCommerce, or you may experience issues:
Plugin Tested up to WooCommerce version – unknown
Block Specific Spam Woo Orders
abbuzz again ! Today fake orders again when your plugin was disabled
Thanks for the official plugin !
since last time when we were attacked and woo team updated woocommerce, my shops were ok, but today 3 of them got the same fake orders as before. What about you ? do you keep the plugin enabled all the time ?
I had disabled it since the Woo fix, but now I enabled it again to find if it can still block orders.
By the way is the plugin that you uploaded here exactly the same as the one we manually downloaded before wordpress accepted your official plugin ?
Thanks again.
]]>I started having this problem recently.