If You want, You can change code in blocked_ads_notifier.php to make plugin much SEO friendly and place javascript code in footer.
* Front end scripts and styles
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'banl_scripts');
function banl_scripts() {
wp_register_script('banl_advertisement', plugins_url('assets/js/advertisement.js', __FILE__), true );
wp_register_style('banl_styles', plugins_url('assets/css/banl_styles.css', __FILE__));
* Front end scripts and styles
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'banl_scripts');
function banl_scripts() {
wp_register_script('banl_advertisement', plugins_url('assets/js/advertisement.js', __FILE__), false, false, true );
wp_enqueue_script('banl_advertisement',plugins_url('assets/js/advertisement.js', __FILE__), false, false, true);
wp_register_style('banl_styles', plugins_url('assets/css/banl_styles.css', __FILE__));
]]>I installed the software, set the class in the appropriate div wrapper, and voila! It worked. Then I changed the Message on the Blocked Ads Notifier Lite screen, and it stopped working.
]]>I’m trying to figure out how to wrap all my ads classes in one class. I’m looking in my theme header.php, and have this:
<?php tie_banner('banner_top' , '<div class="ads-top">' , '</div>' ); ?>
Do I change it to this?
<?php tie_banner('banner_top' , '<div class="ads-notify"><div class="ads-top">' , '</div></div>' ); ?>
Then put ads-notify in the plugin?
I figured out, why the SyntaxHighlighter plugin on my side isn’t working anymore. It seems to be not working, if I enable the BAN-Plugin…
I opened a Thread on the SyntaxHighlighter plugin’s site a while ago ( See here), but haven’t received any help yet…
If I open the Firebug Console I see an error, and can’t figure out what is the problem:
NotFoundError: Node was not found
This occures at line 569:
Debugging is hard here, since the line contains several instructions. But I guess the error comes with
Somehow the BAN plugin is interfering but I want to use both…
My site is: https://www.informatik-pc.de/blog/
Thanks for your help!
]]>Well, I’ve noticed this plugin on other site and I asked owner what’s it’s called, cause I was looking for something similar.
I’ve installed Lite version, but it seems it doesn’t work on my site. Tried every setting. Using Google ADSense.