After a great deal of searching, I discovered that it was the Blocks plugin forcing auto-updates enabled on all of my plugins and themes. For some reason the includes/tools.php file contains the following two filters, which force auto-updates on core, plugins and themes, with no ability to turn it off. I’m not sure why this is like this, but we only had a couple of blocks in use so we disabled the plugin and found another way in our theme to do the same. I’m posting this here in hopes of it helping someone else pulling their hair out about why auto updates cannot be disabled.
from includes/tools.php:
// Automatic updates for All plugins
add_filter( ‘auto_update_plugin’, ‘__return_true’ );
// Automatic updates for All themes:
add_filter( ‘auto_update_theme’, ‘__return_true’ );
// Disable update emails
add_filter( ‘auto_core_update_send_email’, ‘__return_false’ );
// Disable auto-update email notifications for plugins.
add_filter( ‘auto_plugin_update_send_email’, ‘__return_false’ );
// Disable auto-update email notifications for themes.
add_filter( ‘auto_theme_update_send_email’, ‘__return_false’ );
]]>Just fyi, it took me 3 days of troubleshooting to figure this out, but Blocks plugin prevents the latest versions of Elementor PRO from opening their edit screen. Hope this helps!
]]>Since the last WordPress update, I get this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /home/chfsbevpvy/www/wp-content/plugins/blocks/includes/formatting.php:50 Stack trace: #0 /home/chfsbevpvy/www/wp-content/plugins/blocks/includes/cms-block.php(439): wpcmsb_autop(‘<hr />\n<p>Nous …’) #1
we cant find your blocks in wp bakery under role manager?
Do you have a solution for it?
]]>Good afternoon!
The site uses the Block plugin to insert banners from the side, but when you insert a picture, the picture is shown with a code, can it be displayed with a picture, not a code? What could be the problem?
All of the links for this plugin’s docs, FAQ goes to a page with mostly content describing a Mailchimp plugin.
Plugin works fine, was looking for a feature to pass it a variable to use in my blocks. But hey, don’t post issues in a support forum.
]]>I want display block title . Please help me out
Nasiruddin Khan
I have both plugins installed, WPML configurated for translating blocks, but no option for translating on Block page.
Workaround is to create a block for each langugae but it’s not nice solution.
Are blocks translateable via WPML?
]]>Hi. Was about to write a plugin for the same purpose (probably much less sophisticated, though). May I suggest a feature?
If there were publish states like draft and published it would be easy to use that state to deactivate resp. activate a text block. Useful for something like holiday notifications. The shortcode should still be added but the output should be empty if the post is on draft.
Don’t know if simply having these statuses would allow other plugins like Post Expirator to add scheduling to that.
PS: Also checked but this ssems to be just about a MailChimp extension.
]]>I can look some aditional options in the plugin
But I not understand how working:
Display Options
Choose your options.
Viewport Activate to display viewport size.
Delete Revisions Activate to delete revisions.
Error reporting Activate to display errors.
Login skin Activate to theme the login screen.
Thanks for support
]]>Hi dear, thanks for the plugin.
I am using but have some questions:
– how many blocks I can create?
– its possible export the blocks?
I have some problems in the past importing with WordPress Importer plugin with a lot of plugins using shortcodes, I lost all my work. I dont like me have the same problem again in the future.
Thanks for support
Please send your issues and feature requests for this plugin on this page (contact form at the bottom):
All support will be handled from that page moving forward.