i have install this plugin in my new wordpress website block clock and i want to show the icon of author at the end of the post is this plugin helpful for my wordpress website?
]]>I am using WordPress with Blogclock inside a docker container.
Any reason why on activation and installation that the Tools submenu page should not appear?
There appears to be a fundamental fail – I have turned off all other plugins and it still doesn’t activate and instantiate.
I am using WordPress 5.3.2 with Maria in Docker.
The BlogClock CPT menu is created and I can create Clock items – they just don’t have any settings apart from the title (and shortcode).
Anything you can suggest would be appreciated.
]]>Analog clock works fine, but digital clock does not count forward . . . completely frozen until page refresh, then it shows the correct current time. WTF? Clock that doesn’t advance is useless. Please let me know if you solve it. Currently usable. Thanks.
When I activate your plugin I can not make any backups with UpdraftPlus. Once your pluging is deactivated Updraft works.
So, your plugin is causing a conflict with Updraft.
Kind regards,
]]>Bit of a concern here, we noticed this plugin seems to inject a link to https://twilio.dilantimedia.com/pixel.php?host=www.mydomain.com&plugin=undefined&server=undefined via \blog-clock\assets\js\init.min.js
]]>Hi, this is quite a nice plugin but it seems to throw an error when Google Fonts are used:
“Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://mydomain.com’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium+Web%3Anormal&subset=latin&ver=5.2.2’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.”
When I try and delete this plugin (it didn’t quite do what I was looking for) I get the error message “Deletion failed: The site is experiencing technical difficulties.”.
I am able to delete any other plugin and haven’t encountered this problem.
Do you know what the best solution is please?
]]>Hey man, time not shows at all (( Wp 4.9.9 PHP 7.2
the file assets/tz.php is missing
I tried to delete the plugin, I get a message:-
Deletion failed: Internal Server Error
Is there a fix? or Tell me how to cleanly delete the plugin.
Thanks in advance
I had the old version and everything was fine till i Updated i tried to recreate my clocks but is not working and i get also warnings see image
Link to Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hpustwpullvooco/errors.png?dl=0
Great plugin, just what i was looking for. However, there seems to be a small bug. I chose a +8 GMT timezone and it should display as PM e.g. 5AM+8 hours = 1PM. However it displays as 01:00AM.
Any help would be appreciated ??