I am using the free version of the News template, and I wish to change the size and color of the date. Is there a way that I can change this using CSS? I want to make the date bold and change the color. Can someone give me the code?
]]>I see all questions here are never answered, so i will NOT use this app
]]>When I click on the pagination numbers at the bottom on the page, I just get redirected to the first page. We have plenty of posts, but we can’t get past the first page. For example https://foliocollaborative.org/blog/2
just takes you to the first page https://foliocollaborative.org/blog
I am using Timeline template (Free version). Why the display so not look the same as the template? Template display the post side by side but on my website its display one side up on the right and one side down on the left.
Please advise, many thanks.
]]>Hi there,
There are two previous topics created which appear to be the same. Both of these didn’t seem to have any solutions attached. @pluginandplay
Please advise if there is a solution or if this is just they way it is?
many thanks
]]>Hi, i have a 2 languages website, and i’m trying to understand how to show the read more text in each language. I tried to follow this guide but I can’t achieve whjat i want to do.
How can I do?
]]>AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "slider_design_type" in /html/wp-content/plugins/blog-designer/public/designer-css.php on line 424'
After first installing the plugin and attempting to add the short code to a page I got a divi popup error that there was an issue with my third party plugins. After closing the error and recreating another page this time I was able to add the short code successfully; however, the layout was not what I selected in the plugin settings, the Boxy-Clean one. I have used the plugin on other sites without any issues so I don’t know if this is an issue of compatibility with the divi theme.
Appreciate any help.
When I activate your plugin, our custom designed social icons go blank without the text in them. (I think it’s a color issue being changed somehow). Also, how can I properly size the blog (News) post image. The Summary/Landing page is OK. But when you go to the actual blog article, the image is all stretched-out.
]]>On homepage of https://invest2fi.com/ I have added shortcode of blog designer plugin and that shows the following error.
But If I turn blog designer plugin off it fixed the issue and I was able to edit homepage again. Here are the plugins I have active on site:
– Elementor
– Blog Designer
for some days now the Blog Designer block is overwriting my blog page – although it has never done so because I never ever choose the blog page in the settings. And it looks very strange, too – and I cannot do any amendments.
Could you please have a look and fix this?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
We have an issue with Blog Designer stripping out HTML text from our blog posts. We have paragraphs and images not being displayed that are all in the content area. We just updated the plugin on December 7th, and this was when the issue started.
Thank you
]]>Can I use the shortcode to show posts from one category? I each page I create will show other category?
Can I control the category page layout?
I am using blog designer pack. How do I make the Read More button ASA compliant? I cannot find a way to add the aria-label.
Hello there,
thank you for your nice plugin!
We have a problem with our BlogDesigner Pro. We would like to remove all fonts loaded by google. how is that possible?
Thank you for your feedback!
Hi Support Team,
I need to change “,” as separator, how to do that?
Thank you
]]>Hello Community
As you can see all blogs are nicely displayed, but if you click on read more or click on the blog post, the new page comes up empty. you can only see my global header and footer. I have not changed anything recently and last week it was still working fine.
Thx in advance
]]>Currently plugin still uses shorthands and old code that requires jquery-migrate plugin. Changing this manually after every plugin update is too time-consuming..
### blog-designer v3.0.7
### FILE: /blog-designer/admin/js/admin_script.js
Line 1: jQuery('document').ready(function () {
Line 587: jQuery(document).ready(function () {
Line 1867: jQuery('document').ready(function () {
#Change to: jQuery(function () {
Line 519: jQuery(window).load(function () {
#Change to: .on('load', function () {
Line 49: btnUp.click(function () {
Line 60: btnDown.click(function () {
Line 473: jQuery('.bd-form-class .bdp-restore-default').click(function () {
Line 525: bd_plugin_admin.click(function (event) {
Line 535: jQuery('.sol_deactivation_reasons').click(function () {
Line 538: jQuery('#sbtDeactivationFormClosebd').click(function (event) {
Line 572: jQuery('.bd-form-class .bd-setting-handle > li').click(function (event) {
Line 600: jQuery("#bd-submit-button").click(function () {
Line 604: jQuery("#bd-submit-ticker-button").click(function () {
Line 865: jQuery('.bd_template_tab li a').click(function (e) {
Line 1911: jQuery(document).click('.clickDisable', function (e) {
#Change to ".on":
.on('click', function () {
.on('click', function (e) {
.on('click', function (event) {
.on('click', '.clickDisable', function (e) {
Line 25: jQuery(".range-slider__value").change(function () {
Line 147: jQuery("input[name='template_alternativebackground']").change(function () {
Line 165: jQuery("input[name='social_share']").change(function () {
Line 406: jQuery("input[name='rss_use_excerpt']").change(function () {
Line 436: jQuery("input[name='readmore_on']").change(function () {
Line 613: jQuery('#blog_page_display').change(function () {
Line 628: jQuery("select[name='pagination_type']").change(function () {
Line 900: jQuery("input[name='display_slider_controls']").change(function () {
#Change to ".on": .on('change', function () {
Line 608: jQuery(".bd-settings-wrappers .postbox table tr td:first-child").hover(function () {
#Change to ".on": .on('mouseenter mouseleave', function() {
Line 945: jQuery('#bd-template-search').keyup(function () {
#Change to ".on": .on('keyup', function() {
Line 477: jQuery('form.bd-form-class')[0].submit();
#Change to ".trigger": .trigger('submit');
###FILE: /blog-designer/public/js/designer.js
Line 1: jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
Line 191: jQuery(document).ready(function() {
Line 207: jQuery(document).ready(function() {
#Change to: jQuery(function ($) {
Line 52: jQuery(".bdp-load-more-btn").click(function () {
#Change to ".on": .on('click', function () {
Line 60: jQuery(window).resize(function () {
#Change to ".on": .on('resize', function () {
###FILE: /blog-designer/includes/promo-notice.php
Line 70: jQuery(document).ready( function() {
#Change to: jQuery(function() {
Line 70: $("#blog_designer_promo .blog_designer_promo-close").click(function(){
#Change to ".on": .on("click", function () {
###FILE: /blog-designer/includes/promo_notice.php
Line 61: jQuery(document).ready( function() {
#Change to: jQuery(function() {
Line 63: $("#blog_designer_promo .blog_designer_promo-close").click(function(){
#Change to ".on": .on("click", function () {
###FILE: /blog-designer/public/class-blog-designer-lite-public.php
Line 289: jQuery(document).ready(function () {
#Change to: jQuery(function() {
###FILE: /blog-designer/public/class-blog-designer-scroll-widget.php
Line 195: jQuery(document).ready(function(e) {
#Change to: jQuery(function(e) {
I purchased BD Pro for my company website blog but the blog home page is not displaying properly. I want either 6 or 9 posts to display when visitors go to the blog page instead of having to scroll down and go through the large image individual posts to choose one. Why is this not displaying properly?
I’m using either the “famous template” or the “boxy clean design template” so definitely nothing crazy here… please help.
When active this plugin, My json API brokem, because this plugins add custom JS and Script element tag in JSON response.
You can see this error in Live Demo: wpblogdesigner.net
When you use wp-json to get all pages.
jQuery(window).resize(function () {
When disable my content is
I bought and installed the plugin on a site that has now been closed. I can no longer recover the key because the domain is no longer functional.
How can I deregister the key on that domain so that I can use the key on another site?
Good evening,
I have the blog designer shortcode to my blog page inside my web.
The problem is that the style is completly change when I acces to the blog page (font, size…)
I would like to maintain my general web style for the common elements no related with the blog designer (main menu bar, titles…)
Is there any possibility to do that with your plugin?
]]>Please can you remove console.log script from designer.js?
Thank you
]]>The post super important announcement has been checked as sticky, while the other one is not. However it is not coming up first.
]]>I have just installed this plugin and it seems like the “Read more” button is only working in Safari for me.
When I test the page in Firefox and Chrome, I can’t click the “Read more” button.
Any ideas why?
Before I deactivated “Block Designer” our table(s) looked crazy, like this:
After I deactivated it looked normally.
This only happens in combination with the Hestia theme, the standard themes work fine. Some experts on WordPress IRC raged against the CSS code of the plugin, I don’t remember it precisely, but it was something about a “rule” which affects the entire page. The example I showed them was an “empty” table which only had column names but empty columns. The columns were squeezed to the left, even at the cost of needing two lines for the column name. There was a slightly colored rectangle behind the table which had a lot of empty space to the right.
We’d like to keep using this plugin for our “current pages” section.
Can you suggest an alternative plugin in the meantime or a quick fix?
Best regards, Tobi + our chess club
]]>Hello, I have a question about the layout. Since the new update, my posts are no longer centred. The posts are aligned to the right, causing a small part of the text to disappear.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
]]>No matter which theme I use, an author profile (created with a different plugin), appears on the bottom of the page. Since I have multiple authors, the profile is only supposed to appear when you click on the blog post. I don’t know why it appears on the main posts page, and it only does this when I use this Blog Designer plugin.
I use Blog Designer for my website but when i make a post i noticed that the blog post itself (not the text)is not aligned to the center and is to the left of the screen.
How can i change this?
Also the pagination on my home page (above the blog post grid) is not centered aswell (https://www.filmzone.nl/).
I hope someone can help me with this.
I’ve created a blog with Crayon-Slider Template. It works just fine on my laptop, but it just won’t work in the mobile version. The background image appears, but there is nothing written on it. I looked up on the support forum, but didn’t find anyone with the same problem. I would appreciate with you guys could help me. Thanks.