Es una Lastima que Esta empresa no tenga suporte en otro idioma que no sea el ingles de ellos, es importante saber que los Cliks que el site Booking gana sin pagar, si los compara con lo que Google cobra por 19 cliks. Este plan de Afiliados que los afiliados no suma al final del mes… Es increible que la maioria no conoce de Optimizacion GRATIS!
Anttes de istalar estos plugin, e bueno saber de estas cositas por si no quieres trabajar para optimizar un sitio GRATIS!
can i add this plugin and workout with a hotel booking theme in
]]>Is it possible to
1) Include the calendar within the actual post itself (not as a sidebar or in footer) as html or something?
2) Change the destination based on the location described within the blog article (ex: I have a London Article and a Berlin Article- I want to make it location specific for each individual post)
Is it possible to use this plugin to allow bookings for just one [ my own] bed and breakfast?
many thanks
]]>I installed this plugin and this error appears.
Notice: Undefined index: post_type in /home/tourethi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bookingcom-affiliate-plugin/booking-com-affiliation.php on line 123
]]>I like the plugin however I’m having issues with the results when it goes to
MAJOR ISSUE: if I book more than 1 day it goes to a search page with other hotels rather than the relevant hotel page.
NICE TO HAVE: Is there any way of customizing the results page or have it open up within a WP template.
Try using the booking form on the top right corner to see what i’m talking about:
]]>Hi, I would like to know if this plugin is responsive or not due to the fact that the one downloaded from the official site is not….
]]>Hello is it possible to have the search box as well as the results page? in Swedish.
Thank You
Does your affiliate program have XML data to import and can it be easily utilised into this plugin along with other xml plugins?
What i am after is a page that lists all of the hotels in a certain area/town/suburb/state or can be searched on one page and their listings for that area comes up in the searched page..
]]>Hi there,
I’ve downloaded the plugin but I’m needing the supporting documents to set the search form to go to a certain property but your website is down and there is no way of getting this information. Could you please provide me with this document or let me know how to set the destination to go to the page of 1 property instantly?
Thanks for your help in advance.
]]>how to change the style of the search box Typesetting floating a horizontal, and add auto-suggerition of the city?
My months are not showing up on the calendar when i click on the date-in/date-out field. Please see (bottom left sidebar)
thank you
]]>One of my plugins disappeared from left bar of my WordPress dashboard while other plugins are still there. What happen & how to get it back??
Appreciated if someone can help…
]]>Hi Greg,
Another option for me (and I think for a lot of other users as well) is to make new searchboxes with a CSV bulp upload….
Is this possible? Do you have any idea this might be something you can work on w?
Cheers, Jan
Nice plugin. we would like to ask if you have the vietnamese language for the searchbox as well as the results page?
If not, how can we apply it into vietnamese.
Many thanks in advance
]]>Dear Greg
after editing the shortcodes.php file inside the INCLUDES folder in order to slightly alter the style the button, background and text field font size and uploading to the web server when i logged out and tried to login again it was impossible! I get a white screen on the wp-admin page!
the changes are the following:
/*LINE 807*/
#searchboxInc_<?php echo $id;?> {
font: 12px/1.5 Open Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #<?php echo $post_bp_btc;?> !important;
<?php if ($post_bp_FORMAT) {?> width: <?php echo $post_bp_FORMAT;?>px;<?php } ?>
border: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 11px 0px #D6D6D6;
#searchboxInc_<?php echo $id;?> .booking-title {
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
position: static;
font-size: 118%;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 2.6em;
margin: 0;
Nice plugin. I want it use with Events manager plugin. Can your plugin specify default destination depending on selected event city? For example if one event is in Rome, i want to see all hotels in Rome. If second event is in Milan, i want to see all hotels in Milan.
I can create lot of boxes with events city, but maybe it can be done depending on selected city?
]]>Hey, Im a little bit lost on how to do that On My own, as far as I can see the CSS in on the shortcodes.php but I dont know whats the name of each (can’t find it, Im a noob) in order to add the atributes.
Could you help me with that?
Thanks!, the plugin is great!
]]>The site allows affiliates to drill down to Districts to search within. However, I don’t see how to do this with the plugin?
For instance, we would like the Lakeview District of Chicago. The URL constructor is this:;aid=394141 – the district being 4405, the affiliate id being 394141.
I set seven searchbox for my site, but when trying to add the widget the “Select your searchbox” dropdown menu shows only five of theme (the last five I entered).
How to resolve?
]]>Hi, I want to know if it is possible to search only for a specific hotel that is as a booking engine. Show a hotel can add this plugin in their own site and then redirect to
]]>Thank you for this plugin, it works great!
In the next version please add in the admin a translation field for the text “I don’t have specific dates yet “
]]>Hello, I can add the form to a page but the problem is that in the form there is no date picker calendar, I tried this plugin with another theme and it seems to work fine I am using a theme built with artisteer!
]]>I must be blind as a bat but I don’t see the admin settings in my panel for the life of me?? I checked my left sdidebar and it’s nowhere to be found and it’s not in settings either.
Am I completely missing something here, it’s never happened before. Plugin’s fully activated as well.
]]>I’ve been using your plugin for a while now and have it on many of my posts, but just recently it has started to display incorrectly. I am using V1.8.
Go to for example and there are two search boxes on that page, one near the top and one near the bottom (two different destinations). Neither is displaying the correct CSS colours or the destination text. If you check the HTML code, the destination text is not there either (field is blank).
What’s happened? It’s been a great plugin up to now.
BTW, if you’re concerned that two search boxes in one page might cause a conflict, check which only has one, near the bottom.
]]>Hi, just a question…..
Can I use the custom fields in any way?
I want to have a searchbox on every hotel/listing page on my website but that means I have to make 700+ different searchboxes.
Is there a possibility that I use a (only one!) standard searchbox on every listing/hotel page and with a custom field the name of the hotel will be placed in the serachbox?
Cheers, Jan
]]>Hi Greg,
Great plugin, I love it! However, I’m having a CSS conflicts with multiple stylesheets.
The thing is my blog is already running jQuery UI tabs, so I activated (“Yes”) the option Disable calendar skin (CSS). And when I click on the calendar icon of the search box, the calendar is displayed without any structure. You can see here what I mean:
However, when I deactivate (“No”) the option Disable calendar skin (CSS), the plugin is messing up with my theme; some part of the CSS of my theme is replaced by the plugin’s calendar skin.
If I could replace the calendar by a dropdown list (or anything that does not use jQuery), that would be great, as I’d be able to use this great plugin ??
Any feedback/advice would be more than welcome.
]]>Hi the plugin search boxe seems to shift to the right.
I’ve tried:
1) Removing other plugins
2) Using upated version
It is the way the CSS works with the theme.
Where would I edit the plugin to do this?
]]>I’m not good at short codes. Telling me there is one doesn’t really help. What is it? How do I insert the widget into my post (not page)??
]]>Not sure if it just doesn’t like my theme or what’s going on.
You can see the test site here. It’s installed at the bottom.
Thanks for your help.