When selecting a custom tab on this page, often the incorrect content shows up. ie: Selecting “Accounts Receivable” tab will bring up “Inventory” content. Selecting “Signs & Labels” may bring up “ABO – Advanced Back Office” content. Sometimes, the correct content will show up and sometimes not.
Tested on current version of Chrome & Firefox. Plus Chrome Incognito. All instances logged out of WP.
Bootstrap 3 Shortcodes (Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress) Version 3.3.12 | By Michael W. Delaney, Filip Stefansson, and Simon Yeldon.
WordPress 5.2.2 running UnderStrap Child theme.
]]>Hi all! Thank you for your awesome plugin. I have a question: i’m trying to create in my wp site a row with button group like this: (https://www.tutorialrepublic.com/lib/images/bootstrap-3.3/bootstrap-button-groups-height-sizing.png), can i do that with the shortcodes? I’ve looked inside the github page but i haven’t see anything. Thank you for your replies:)
When you guys plan to upgrade version which support bootstrap version 4.
There is any approximate time period?.
]]>From nowhere the errors
session_start(): Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at …/easy-bootstrap-shortcodes/shortcode/functions.php:308) in …wp-clone-template/main.php on line 119
session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at …/easy-bootstrap-shortcodes/shortcode/functions.php:308) in …wp-clone-template/main.php on line 119
There were no changes made to the site befor it showed up. I’ve already removed the plugin wp-clone from the site (last idea I had, since it seemed obvious for me this should be the easiest way, haha…). Even removed Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes. But the error still shows up, even after deleting cookies and cache. Also tried on various pcs and browsers. No difference.
Would be great if somebody knows the answer…
]]>Looking in the code, you defined the shortcode as embed-responsive
(bootstrap-shortcodes.php line 117 and includes/help/README.html line 642) while the ‘Bootstrap shortcodes help’ popup says [responsive-embed] parameters
(includes/help/README.html line 644).
Gutenberg editor has a classic editor bloc, In this classic block we could not find bootstrap shortcode icon, which is when click the icon display bootstrap shortcode list in pop-up.
I want to use responsive inline_block, but it’s adding the class visible-$ib-inline
instead of visible-$ib-inline-block
(bootstrap-shortcodes.php line 1940). This is causing a display: inline
instead of display: inline-block
. Can you fix that please?
Kind regards,
Gido Manders
]]>I’m trying to use bootstrap shortcodes to create a group of button dropdowns to use as a footer navigation element, but am having some issues getting it to work correctly.
I’d like the buttons to be horizontal, side-by-side, rather than stacked vertically, and there’s an issue where clicking one button causes them all to drop down on top of each other. I’ve tried this with [nav] and [button-toolbar] shortcodes too but with no luck. I’m sure there’s something very small I’m doing wrong but I’m driving myself crazy trying to figure out what it is.
[button dropdown="true" link="#" data="toggle,dropdown"]EAT[caret][/button]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Asian[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Bars & Taverns[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]BBQ[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Coffee[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Deli[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Family[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Fine Dining[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Italian[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Mexican[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Pizza[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Seafood[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Treats & Specialties[/dropdown-item]
[button dropdown="true" link="#" data="toggle,dropdown"]PLAY[caret][/button]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Arts & Entertainment[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Children's Corner[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Leisure[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Neptune Island[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Outdoor Recreation[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Tails on the Town[/dropdown-item]
[button dropdown="true" link="#" data="toggle,dropdown"]SHOP[caret][/button]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Antiques[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Fashion[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Retail[/dropdown-item]
[button dropdown="true" link="#" data="toggle,dropdown"]STAY[caret][/button]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Bed & Breakfasts[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Campgrounds[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Hotels[/dropdown-item]
[dropdown-item link="#"]Motels[/dropdown-item]
Since update WordPress 4.9.6 my media library didn’t work anymore. I used the health check plugin to troubleshoot. When I disable this plugin (bootstrap 3 shortcodes) the media player works again.
Edit: It also messes up the quick edit function apparently.
Any idea on how to fix this?
]]>1 year and 6 months ago I reported that img.shields.io slows down the WP backend tremendously (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/admin-loading-stalls-waiting-for-img-shields-io/) – without any reply or action.
Since then numerous users have reported the same thing, yet the plugin devs continue to happily develop this plugin – and seemingly, just as happily completely ignore our requests to NOT call img.shields.io on every page, as it’s hampering site performance.
What on earth is going on? Is more than 18 months to resolve this – or at least acknowledge the issue – just not enough?
]]>The latest version and its changes are not listed in the changelog. Kindly update.
]]>When editing any page/post the Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress plugin is causing a long delay while loading the page/post due to img.shields.io being slow or timing out.
Is there a way to disable this?
]]>hello and THANK you for this great plugin. I plan to modify it to add thumbnails and options like EBS does.
I think there is a bug in the grid, when I try use the grid to generate table like cards. The idea is to have multiple rows within a column so data are not messed up when resizing the screen:
The last [/column][/row] shortcodes are not resolved by your plugin. Is this a bug or shouldn’t we use the grid that way?
thanks for any help
]]>I know this plugin hasn’t been updated in a year, but I work for a design agency and we are using this for one of our customers. With a recent WordPress update, it appears that any code within shortcodes isn’t being recognized. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
]]>I am using the [img responsive=”true”] shortcodes. When I insert an image and try to href link it the link does not work. Any suggestions?
]]>I tried this code `[table-wrap bordered=”true” striped=”true”]
Standard HTML table code goes here.
[/table-wrap]`. How can I create tr th td etc. inside this code?
]]>I noticed that every page on my dashboard is being delayed because of img.shields.io resources – which are loaded in the Bootstrap Shortcodes Help popup.
It seems the Bootstrap Shortcodes help file is loaded on every admin page, not just when it’s required.
To work around this, I’ve added this snippet to my site:
add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, function(){
remove_action( ‘admin_footer’, ‘boostrap_shortcodes_help’ );
add_action(‘media_buttons’, function(){
add_action( ‘admin_footer’, ‘boostrap_shortcodes_help’ );
I’ve not fully tested it so it may not always work – and I also haven’t removed the CSS from being loaded which would be ideal too.
Is there a way to make the panel tag not insert panel-body?
I want to put the listgroup inside panel but not panel-body. I’m confused why the panel tag uses “heading” and “footer” attr. It doesn’t seem like the other components.
Could you change the plugin it so it uses [panel-heading] [panel-body] and [panel-footer] to avoid this issue?
I have included this to demonstrate my issue:
[panel type="primary" heading="Panel Title"]
[list-group linked="true"]
[list-group-item link="#" ]
i'm inside panel body, but i don't want to be :-(
[list-group-item link="#"]
i'm inside panel body, but i don't want to be :-(
Is there a way to add an icon like Font Awesome supports as a title? The problem is, that it’s uses the html-tag <i>
*, which crashes of course the shortcode.
*<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>
I am using WordPress 4.7.1 running Minamaze Pro theme.
I try to use ancors that would led me to activate a specific tab
Is that possible?
I’d like to change the order of columns, it’s possible with bootstrap: https://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid-column-ordering
But how do I make it work with the shortcodes?
In this example below, A should appear left of B on large screens. But on small screens, B should appear on top of A. Using xclass to add push and pull didn’t work for me.
[column md=”6″]
[column md=”6″]
How to add dropdown caret icon in collapse.if i data=”toggle,dropdown ” icon is not showing and its not working well. i want to add down icon in collapse not dropdown button. you mentioned the example for button only not collapse
]]>I am currently using this plugin on a WPMU build and it works great. I have had one complaint from someone on my network that any [lead] text is ignored by the default <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
and does not show up in search or tag pages, news lists that show the excerpt.
How to add the lead text into the excerpt?
]]>When Bootstrap 4 is released, will this plugin be updated to reflect the new component changes? (or maybe a different plugin? Or a selector within the plugin to choose which version to use?)
What would be even more awesome is some way to start using Bootstrap 4 alpha now (as I’m testing it on a few sites). I know that’s asking a lot.
Love this plugin by the way
]]>Hello. I installed your plugin “Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress”, and when I turned, it appeared the message:
“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /wp-content/plugins/bootstrap-3-shortcodes/bootstrap-shortcodes.php on line 2012”
What should I do?
Thank you in advance.
In HTML view the inserted codes had <br> at the end.
I edited some code to take care of it. Took me couple of hours to figure this our. ??
jQuery(".insert-code").click(function() {
var example = jQuery( this ).parent().prev().find("code").text();
var is_tinymce_active = (typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") && tinyMCE.activeEditor && !tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden();
if (is_tinymce_active) {
var lines = example.split('\n');
var paras = '';
jQuery.each(lines, function(i, line) {
if (line) {
paras += line + '<br>';
} else {
var paras = example;
var win = window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top;
Firstly, I’m enjoying the use of your plugin but I noticed an issue when using another plugin in my back end. This plugin appeared to be loading the plugin code directly beneath the BPS Pro backend plugin pages.
BPS Pro (AIT) kindly downloaded and tested your plugin for me and discovered a condition that you may have forgotten to add to your Bootstrap plugin. They’ve discussed the missed condition and provided the code for it in our discussion on their forum which is linked below, and they have also asked me to post a link to the discussion here for your convenience.
Cheers, and thanks for the plugin.
I used this shortcode to have two different tabs:
[tabs type="tabs"]
[tab title="Home"]
Content goes here
[tab title="Profile"]
Nothing comes here
[tabs type="tabs"]
[tab title="Home"]
Content goes here
[tab title="Profile"]
Nothing comes here
How can I add a class to each ul?
Am using jquery and it is no t working.
Hi, thanks for an excellent plugin! Unfortunately I’ve discovered an issue with the latest version (3.3.10) where it’s waiting for a reply from img.shields.io for a very long time, on all WP admin pages. This effectively means that page loading now takes quite a while to complete, as it awaits img.shields.io. I didn’t see this behavior with the former version of your plugin, so hope you can investigate.
]]>Trying to add images and thumbnail using this plugin. It doesn’t show up anything.