Has anyone had any problems using Botnet Attack Blocker with WordPress 4.x?
]]>Hello … been having a bad case of attacks causing high CPU usage. Was wondering if Wordpfence, Botnet Attack blocker and IQ country can work together without any issues? What would be the ideal set up to make sure I wont have any more attacks? Thanks
]]>I’ve been successfully using this wonderful plugin for about a month.
Because of a very incessant hacker, I recently changed the settings to block out logins for 24 hours.
That worked for only a few days.
This morning, I found the settings had been changed to block out for just 5 minutes. When I tried to change it back to 24 hours, I got the message “Update failed.”
I solve this by deleting the plugin and re-installing it, but it happened again. This is the case on several of my sites.
Why does this keep happening? Why do settings keep going back to the original ones?
Does this mean a hacker can corrupt the plugin or is this an unstable plugin?
(BTW, Wordfence didn’t indicate the file was changed at all).
]]>I’m locked out of the admin, and getting a message stating:
“Too many login failures, you are temporarily blocked”
When I try to access my wp-admin page, I can’t get to the login form. I’ve already cleared the wp_botnetblocker table of all entries. Is the lock out set up somewhere else?
]]>If we do network activate – then for main site it works well, but for subsite – it doesn’t find user name related table of the plugin and generate error log.
Should we not activate it network vide; and do it site by site?
How to prevent administrator or superadmin to lockout? IP whitelist may not help, if we are on dynamic IP.
regards, Riu
]]>I was testing some things and got locked out.
Is there anyway to get back into my WP site?
You mention in your description that Wordfence is a ‘conventional’ ip blocker and won’t block botnets. We do. Hack attempts are reported to our real-time server, aggregated and fed back to all sites running Wordfence. We actually display this graphically at https://www.wordfence.com on the real-time map and graph. We’ve had this feature for some time now. See the option at the bottom of Wordfence options “participate in real-time security network”.
No hard feelings – just a heads up.
Mark Maunder
Wordfence creator.
Hi guys, could be a great plug in, but the stats say the no ip were blocked in the last 48 hours, I tried different settings but nothing, i’m still recieving hundreds of brute force from different ips. Any tip for me? I run my website on zeus, not apache.
]]>Does this plugin support Dynamic DNS?
If not, is it possible a future version might support it?
I tried the plugin on four websites, hosted by two different hosting companies. I used the whitelist but it is not easy to whitelist all the IPs I use – my home ISPs have a lot of dynamic IP ranges, and I also access from other locations.
I have had this warning from all of them – even a new one that I was setting up (which I know from a log file had only 13 attempted unauthorised logins in a week, so it couldn’t be due to a lockout every time)
Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in … public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php on line 119
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at … /public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php:119) in … /public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 698
plus several more following lines
the line numbers vary
paths shortened
Any ideas as to the cause?
]]>I’m the only registered user on my site, so there shouldn’t be anybody else trying to log in. So I’m thinking why allow as many as 5 attempts before locking out all attempts? My thinking is that if there is even 1 failed attempt, I’m locking that puppy down for the max time allowable. Is there any problem in doing this? (I added myself to the whitelist.)
]]>Just installed the plugin and it’s absolutely having no effect. In the past hour dozens (if not hundreds or more) of ip’s have been attempting to login. Is there something that I’ve done wrong with my setup? Neither this, nor limit login attempts seem to be effective. Limit Login attempts used to work, but it stopped and no longer “sees” any new attempted logins. Which is why I came here, but am having the same problems. HELP!
]]>Noticed a warning at the top of my log in screen (before logging in):
Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty needle in /home/[account]/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php on line 70
What does it mean, and how to fix it?
]]>Under WordPress 2.9.2 this plugin reports that it is in “blocking” mode when expected, but doesn’t actually seem to be blocking login attempts.
]]>I installed the plug-in on one of my WordPress sites and have not been able to login since yesterday although I white listed my IP address. I checked and my IP address has not changed. I used the default settings and only white listed my IP address.
]]>My question is simple. When the site is in lockdown, what to potential hackers see or what error do they receive? I realize most are bots and don’t actually “see” anything, but what happens when they hit the login?
]]>Can I install the plug-in in a multi-site installation? If so, will it be as effective?
I’d like to be able to customise the message so my users know how long they are blocked for, and so I can explain WHY they’re blocked (considering one user might result in all the others being blocked).
I suggest it would be a good feature for your plugin settings page.
Can this be done any other way in the meantime?
Thanks, Glenn
I’m on a (somewhat) dynamic IP, so I use dyndns.org to make sure the occasional IP address change by my host is not too disruptive.
Could you have the plugin allow exceptions such as “mydomain.mine.nu” as well as IPs?
…Or even perhaps provide some other simple way to allow us to bypass the blocker… perhaps a whitelist text file in the plugin directory?
Thanks, Glenn
]]>Will this work with Multisite?
Will this work with Multisite and Wordfence?
]]>I really like the idea of this plugin as I am getting lots of hacking attempts across my sites. However, my only concern is that i get locked out myself and cannot log back in if I do not know the IP address I will be using in advance (i.e. when on the road).
I have added my default IP address to the whitelist but often need to log into sites while travelling. If a lockdown is in progress am I stuck or is there any way (e.g. through FTP) that I can add my new IP address to the whitelist during a lockdown? If so, where does the whitelist file exist? (I can’t see it in any of the plugin files or htaccess).
If not, I fear to use the plugin as I could end up being locked out myself.
Also, (as others have asked) is there any way to limit it to invalid user names? This would overcome the above problem as the lockdown would not effect me regardless of IP address because I would be using the correct username.
Thanks, in advance, for the clarification.
]]>Good work – this is a really clever solution! Just a quick question – when an IP is detected & blocked will that disable login access for everyone on the site?
For example:
1. A site with 1 Admin & 10 Subscribers/Members
2. An attack is detected and an IP is blocked
3. Can the Admin still log in?
4. Can the Subscribers/Members still login?
Please let me know, Thank you
]]>Trying to figure out why the plugin randomly blocked us out. When I delete plugin, reinstall, I go to the settings page and try to whitelist my IP but it gives me an error saying it can not update IP. We log into the site with our facebook accounts so there is no reason the block I have set should block me and another administrator out.
]]>After installing the plugin, thge WordPress login screen now begins with the line –
Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php on line 45
After logging in, instead of the admin console I just get the following lines –
Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php on line 45
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php:45) in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 680
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php:45) in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 681
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php:45) in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 682
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php:45) in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 684
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/botnet-attack-blocker/botnet-attack-blocker.php:45) in /home/peterstrempel/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
This is a pretty serious error since I can’t access anything to remediate the problem. How do I get rid of this plugin without access to the admin console?