I use both User Reviews and Group Reviews.
User Reviews works perfect, but Group Reviews not.
I see no Add Reviews button or link anywhere even on page code.
Can this plugin be installed on WP 3.9.1 and BuddyPress 2.2.1? If not, please specify the most recent version the plugin can be used with.
]]>I changed themes and on the main group page the rating doesn’t show. I was wondering what the php is to get it to pop-up in the group details.
]]>Are member / profile reviews possible with this plugin? I want users reviewing other users.
Thank you very much
]]>How to add “sort by rating” in the groups page ?
Please give suggestion to do this..
Thank you,
I’m using buddypress 1.7 beta and wordpress latest. I can’t get anything to appear on screen and when I var_dump($bp->group_reviews)
I just get null
Any help much appreciated
]]>Is there still support being offered for this plugin?
I like what it’s offering but I would like it to NOT show up in the Group Activity Stream…just the main activity stream. Is this at all possible?
I’m HOPING to get some kind of PRODUCTIVE response
]]>Boone and Team,
I have installed your plugin on a site under development at https://thedigitalcomic.com My site is a book based site and we use our plugin to provide book ratings.
My question is how can we change the location of the star rating (perhaps use a shortcode?), how to make the star rating linkable so a reader can click on it and go to the review panel, and how to put the number of ratings on a separate line than the star rating — so it appears below the stars, for example (we currently have it disabled to protect the aesthetics, but I’d love to have it back).
Thanks for the great plugin — it really does solve a number of problems for us and I hope we can iron these last few issues out before we go live.
]]>Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-group-reviews/bp-group-reviews.php on line 147 and defined in /public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
It appears the plugin does not work for wp3.6 + bp 1.6.2
Any suggestion for another plugin?
]]>How can I modifiy the number of stars? I wanna 10 stars instead of 5 : ). Any suggestions?.
i just want to start by saying this is a great plugin! and i would like info on how to donate.
also.. i was wondering if it were possible to use this plugin to do member reviews in the same way it is used for groups but on the member profile page?
if yes… can you give me some pointers on how to accomplish this?
thanks ??
]]>To the Developer:
I localized the plugin for Persian but found a few words missing from the POT file:
1. Rate it
2. Post My Review
3. By
4. Ago
5. #
Please add them to the translation file.