Is this plugin still relevant?
]]>Is there any way of speeding up the autosuggest feature? By the time it has found a name list the user would probably have typed in the name most times.
One thing I notice is that the search behaviour usually means it searches on the first letter immediately and then ignores the second letter while it is searching for the first letter and then it waits for you to type another before searching again, this means you always do at least two searches, surely we could get rid of the first by waiting for more of the name to be typed? Like wait for the second letter or even third, unless the user requests the search early? I mean on any sizeable system search results for the first letter are not going to reveal anything.
]]>The @Mention auto suggest is excellent – Thank you.
Is there any way to make it also auto suggest for comments? Mostly I thought I would use this to comments on someone’s activity post and mention someone else that I would like to draw it’s attention to.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
]]>No idea if this pulgin is still even maintained but, or where to actually post this:
When i switched my site to SSL i received a lot of insecure content warnings from the BPLabs js/css.
While the fix was as simple as changing the URL in General → Settings. While i was trying to figure that out I came across this post. I’m not a plugin developer so I can’t really speak to the posts validity but the two posters there seem pretty passionate about not using WP_PLUGIN_URL.
Just thought you might like to know.
]]>Does this work with buddypress 1.8.x
]]>In testing I have found that the clicking an @mention suggestion does not always populate the username.
Sometimes it does and sometimes it does not.
Hopefully this can be fixed as this is a great feature.
It would be nice if the suggestion showed the the user’s username as well as the Full Name.
]]>I’m no CSS or PHP expert, but I like to play around. I’m currently tweaking the “Status” theme, and creating my own activity controls to match my look. I’ve applied my button style to most of the controls, but can’t figure out which div/ID to assign the new style to the “Like/Unlike” and “View Likes” button.
All I can figure is that it’s handled in the file, but it doesn’t look that way at all.
]]>The site warns that have references, but when I click it shows a page error
“This is somewhat embarrassing, is not it?”
Does anyone imagine what it can be?
]]>BP-Version 1.6.1
Mention Autosuggest shows only one user, but this one will be shown multiple times (in my case 6 times)
unfortunately support-forum at is closed ??
having no idea how to solve this issue
]]>Does the auto-suggest feature work on private messaging?
]]>It searches, it finds, but it won’t update the textarea.
This really should be integrated in 1.7 without a plugin anyway.
]]>Auto suggest pane shows only “Undefined undefined”
]]>Are you at a dead-end researching & trying to resolve the issue with Buddypress @mentions & Display names? Then I have a simple solution to your problem.
Auto-Suggest seems to be broken with Buddypress 1.6; when it does start to auto-suggest (which isn’t often), it only returns “undefined undefined”
]]>For support with the BP Labs plugin, please post on
I do not regularly read the forums and so there will be a long delay before I see any posts here.
]]>Any way to get the Auto-Suggest feature to also look up based on the displayed name of the users? So if I type in @m it would find user “Mike Smith” with username (@johnnyquest).
]]>Quick Admin should really go into the core.
]]>Just wanted to point out that the group admin functionality of this plugin is excellent. There is another plugin (BP Group Moderation) which seems to answer this problem from the backend, but it lacks any bulk action.
The nice thing about this group admin functionality for BP Labs plugin is that it works and is easy to access when scouring through a community. Keep it up!