why cant the board be reduced to show just 32teams or 16teams even? MUST IT ALWAYS SHOW THE 64 TEAM BOARD?
]]>Does this work with the plugin “ultimate member”??
]]>Hey Scott,
I know you haven’t been updating this plugin, but I was wondering if the mail-chimp addon worked, and if so – what it looks like. I really like the implementation of your plugin and want to use it for a custom tourney that I’m going to be running. However, mail-chimp lead capture is the primary reason I would be using it – so I want to make sure that integration works before I purchase it.
Thanks for your time,
]]>We have bracket press Pro and its not working right this year. Not updating the winners and when I clicked manual update, it seems to have lost some bracket picks for some users. Any help?
]]>Just giving this plug-in a shot for fun…appreciate you having it here!
Generally I found it to be pretty easy to figure out – although I’m hoping there’s a way to modify how the leaderboard page appears. Like, there’s 5 columns apparently shown there…is there a way to make it not show some of them, or maybe to only show like the 1st and last columns (that would be the bracket name and it’s score)?
]]>The tables box sizing needs to be adjusted for the many themes (anything using twitter bootstrap) out there using box-sizing:border-box
table.gridtable th {
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;
Also, this isn’t necessary, but to center it all on the page I used this:
div#content-wrapper {
margin: 0 auto;
display: table;
Saw on the site that an update would come by March 10th? Are you guys still planning on doing an update?
]]>The latest version of WordPress seems to have broken some of the features. Is this plugin going to be supported this year? I want to buy the pro version but cant get a response.
I check you plugin and found it a good product. I see it generate 3 tables but I don’t see any record in bracketpress_location table. How can I insert location in this table from admin and display in bracket.
2. I also see how the matches count the score in wp_bracketpress_match. In mean time I can’t see team score.
Apparently Bracket Press is auto-publishing brackets based on WordPress users.
Is there a setting that’s making it do this? Is it a bug? We only want one bracket, so how do I make it stop?!
Thanks in advance
]]>bracket press does not work at all. and no way to test. I would not purchase the product as support just to get simple answers is non-existent.
]]>There is a widespread issue with an incorrect display and scoring of the final four. Teams appear in the wrong region, in more than one region, or losing teams advance. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the errors.
We are very eager for this to be addressed by the developer. Please see the forum posts on the developers website.
]]>We’re running into a problem with the final four portion of the bracket: The correct teams show up, but they’re mismatched. Instead of the South and East being on one side, and the West and Midwest on the other, the South and West are on one side and the East and Midwest are on the other. This makes it impossible to correctly enter the final two teams. Help?
]]>We bought Bracketpress Pro yesterday and I go to download the file last night and the site is completely down (though the site’s servers are still up). I read on here that 2014 was a go for this app so we purchased it and let our clients know we’d have it up and running on Sunday.
Any idea what is going on? A couple emails sent out to Bracketpress and no responses.
]]>I would like to do a bracket and I have a few questions:
Will registration to fill out a bracket capture an email address for me?
What’s the easiest way to get into the Pro addition?
Is there widget or way for registrants to see results?
]]>A client’s client put this on his site, and it appears to be hijacking the WP template flow. It’s not correctly loading category.php and replacing it with the sub-template “full-width.php”. This is with twenty twelve.
The actual theme is a heavily modified copy of twenty twelve, but until the plugin works fine with twenty-twelve, I can’t tell the client it’s ok to use your plugin.
]]>Will this version be available for the tournament this year? How about the Pro update?
]]>Hi there! I have a customer who is interested in using Bracketpress this March, but I’ve run into several errors on the pages made by the plugin. Here’s some examples from a user’s bracket page:
Notice: Undefined index: in /our-directory/wp-content/plugins/bracketpress/includes/models/match.php on line 336
Notice: Undefined index: in /our-directory/wp-content/plugins/bracketpress/includes/models/match.php on line 341
Notice: Undefined property: BracketPressMatch::$points_awarded in /our-directory/wp-content/plugins/bracketpress/templates/bracket_display.php on line 69
These sorts of “undefined index” and “undefined property” errors go on and on for the entire length of our page and then some. Are there any steps we can take in order to fix this?
]]>Can your plugin be used for other types of sports such as soccer, baseball, hockey?
]]>Is there no way to have two or more different tournaments running at the same time? It seems like I can only have one tournament going at a time…
]]>I know the tournament is over, but I wanted to show a client how it would look next year. The problem I am having is nothing shows up but a 404 page when you try to edit or view?
Thanks for the help!
]]>Hey guys,
I’ve been following your plugin progress very closely over the last month or so. Now that March Madness is over, will you be releasing a more customizable bracket for other sports? If so, what kind of timeframe do you have for it? I would be interested in something like this for both the NBA and NHL playoffs.
]]>when do you think the 16 team bracket be released?
]]>Unable to select teams. I can randomize, but can not choose teams. Any ideas?
]]>is there a way so the brackets can view like this is does on this image example?
]]>Would it be possible to use this for soccer or hockey pools?
]]>When viewing the brackets, there is no clear indication of the selected overall winner. I can only see it when I go into edit mode, yet most users will not have access to that for other people’s brackets.
]]>Install version 1.04 and using 2012 data. Set points as follow:
Round 1: 1
Round 2: 2
Round 3: 4
Round 4: 8
Round 5: 16
Round 6: 32
Based on the assumption that the Master Bracket is used to compare entry brackets, after entering two completed rounds of games, the maximum possible points should be 64; (32 games x 1 point for the 1st round) plus (16 games x 2 points for the 2nd round), but the Current Bracket Score for the Master Bracket is 192.
I created 9 sample entries. Visit https://bbr.susara.com/test03
Am I doing something wrong?
]]>Hi. Downloaded version 1.04. For testing purposes, I used data from 2012. Entered all teams in the respective order in the team data sheet for each region. Problem is all east region teams show in the west region bracket and vice versa. Once I changed all the east teams to be in the west region and the same by changing all the west region teams to be in the east, the brackets populated correctly. You may want to change the reference pointers for the regions.
]]>Does BracketPress give you the ability to ad thumbnail images to the teams or member in the Brackets??? If not what do I have to do to make that so.