Rating: 1 star
hey payone,
are you listening at all?
you 2.0 update activated the new payment methods automatically and we found out only days after that. what a desaster. my already installed klarna pay did not work because of this.
but you won’t read this review anyhow. so rip. kai
Rating: 1 star
No idea who is doing the updates, can’t be anyone who knows what they are doing.
First the asset folder is completely missing in the package, so you have to search for the necessary files yourself on the Github page.
Then with the last update, new payment methods were simply activated automatically, such as ALI Pay.
> Please stop letting the trainee do the updates – YOU ARE A PAYMENT PROVIDER. ??
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Mit dem Plugin funktionieren die meisten Zahlarten zuverl?ssig. Seit einigen Wochen haben wir aber ein Problem mit der Zahlart SEPA Lastschrift (Payone). Wir vermuten den Fehler in diesem Plugin. Leider reagiert der Plugin-Hersteller pooliestudios weder auf Anrufe noch auf E-Mails. Auch über github und den Technischen Support von Payone gibt es keine Hilfe.
Letztes Update des Plugins ist mehr als ein Jahr her. Offenbar hat Payone kein Interesse mehr dieses Plugin in einer aktuellen Version anzubieten.
Für uns bedeutet das, wir werden uns mittelfristig nach einem anderen Zahlungsanbieter umsehen müssen, der eine funktionierende Anbindung für unseren WooCommerce-Shop anbietet.
Rating: 3 stars
Be aware that even though BS PAYONE offers subscriptions as a payment provider, this plugin does not support them and you have to implement this on your own.
Support of the company is nice and friendly. Support of the plugin devs (Pooliestudios) is non-existent.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Installation was stressless. A lot of configuration options.
Recommendation for PrePayments in addition: WooCommerce Smart Reminder Emails Plugin.
Wordpress 5.3.2, WooCommerce 3.8.1
Rating: 5 stars
just fine
]]>Rating: 1 star
I would NOT recommend the plugin nor Payone. We are trying for 2 weeks now to get the secure invoice gateway working, but it just doesnt work anymore. I dont now. It always ends with an error message “preauthorization (rec)” and on the frontend “Payment guarantee has been rejected [351] / Keine Bonit?t” even when ordering for 40€. 30 people have tried and all have been rejected. We even called Payone 4 times and the only response we got was “it should be working, it is all looking good, try it later”
So much money we have lost already…