This is what annoys me. Dev firm who ignores the rules and forces acceptance upon you.
1) No support is provided here in the Support Page
2) Support is only offered in a separate forum controlled by the dev.
3) To gain access (even just to read that forum) you have to create a Facebook account and then click the like button to read the forum, hence the FORCED ACCEPTANCE
4) What you accept the Facebook LIKE the devs then still ignore the forum.
What a wonderful situation
]]>With Bubble SEO as the only active plugin, I can’t upload large-ish images (1200×800). Debug logs this error: “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php”. I don’t know why Bubble would have any effect here when the error is in imagick, but all I have to do is disable Bubble for uploads to work fine.
]]>Hello! I can to translate the plugin in Russian language!
I’m intrested to install your plugin but please let me know that your plugin support this type of Meta Title Variable.
First understand my post existing situation.
Post name : “20.05 Legal Position”
Posted in Sub category named: “A) General Observation”
and the name of main category is: Chapter 20
Now, I want to change the title in this format.
Title Required: 20.05 Legal Position, General Observation – Chapter 20
Hope, you understand my requirement and reply ASAP.
]]>Small fix:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /wp-content/plugins/bubble-seo/seo.php on line 101
$post does not have ID on 404 pages.
]]>Settings page has {blog} | {description} for title, and there is a custom title set on the page that is set as the front page, but the page still has “Home | {site name}”. There is also no description tag or og:description.
]]>Were I can to find description of parameters in {..}?
How to display month and date with zeros ahead?
Can’t login in your support forum with google account.
Error: An error occurred while creating a new user: Cannot create a user with an empty login name.
I installed the plugin and my main purpose is to add Title, Description on all pages.
1: What changes I have to make in default title tag & Tagline boxes which comes under “Settings > General”
I am asking this because when i am deleting the text from both boxes then home page title tag showing blank and when i add something then its shows on all pages title tags.
]]>Before making any changes, I saved a backup copy of the header.php file. I then made the changes as directed. The title was all messed up so I have deleted the plug-in Bubble SEO and all the files associated with it. Even after re-writing the header.php with the original (backup) file, it still shows the Bubble SEO crap in the title. How do I get my site back without completely deleting and starting over??
]]>Hi guys!
I LOVE your plugin but I’m having an issue with it taking over the wp_mail function from another plugin that I have to have because of oauth on my mailserver (
Can you please check compatibility between these two plugins and see what is causing this because I have to turn Bubble SEO off until this is resolved.
Thank you much!
]]>Any chance of adding:
Missing: author
Missing: entry-title
Missing: updated
as they are the only ones google says is missing, thnx in advance this is a amazing plug
]]>This is more details than my post in your forum.
1. If have no child category, category title is = null.
You can check at my blog:
2. If have child category, parent category title = child category title:
First child category: it seem have no problem
Secound, third child category: title = null
Hope this bug will be fixed soon.
Thank you for great plugins
Sáu Ngón
I found an bug:
Line 146 in seo.php
<meta name=”twitter:site” content=@”‘.$ilen_seo->twitter_user.'” />
It must be:
<meta name=”twitter:site” content=”@’.$ilen_seo->twitter_user.'” />
You can check it out at my blog Sáu Ngón
]]>Publications on Facebook is showing a random image
]]>Just a wraning for multisite users, forget about this plugin, the site become unaccessible
]]>When I activete plugin Title looks like:
For main page: Site_name | Site_descriptionSite_name (no space between Site_description and Site_name ) | Site_description
For page and post: Post/Page_name | Site_nameSite_name (dublicate Site_name and not space between Site_name and Site_name)
You can contact me please. I apologize if I have written here but I did not know how to contact you.
Sorry for my english.
pasgal @ gmail . com
]]>Hello, thank you for this plugin, I just installed it, I left the default configuration but when I look at the source code, the tags created by the plugin are red.
Thank you ??
]]>How do I use bubble seo to add a description for each post, it automatically adds the description from me post text. I want to manually choose what the description says using bubble seo. Any way to do this?