I have BuddyPress installed and working.
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Warning: require(/home/toniengl/public_html/eslbuddies/wp-content/plugins/buddybar-widget/includes/class-buddybar-widget.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/toniengl/public_html/eslbuddies/wp-content/plugins/buddybar-widget/buddybar-widget.php on line 53
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘/home/toniengl/public_html/eslbuddies/wp-content/plugins/buddybar-widget/includes/class-buddybar-widget.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/toniengl/public_html/eslbuddies/wp-content/plugins/buddybar-widget/buddybar-widget.php on line 53
Thank you
1. Please add the possibility of post sticky for groups
2. Edit group slug
3. External Feeds for groups
4. Reshare buddypress activity to only me or to friends or to my followers or to group
5. The possibility of Banning members to each other
6. Report content for Buddypress
7. Restrict message for BuddyPress
8. Add core pages like Facebook pages for BuddyPress
9. Privacy settings: such as preventing add friends, and prevent receiving messages … etc like Facebook
Thank you ??
Your Plugin don’t work !
Thank you ??
Fatal error at activation
I have tried to reinstall this plugin many times but still can’t activate it.
The error is:
Warning: require(/home/rocketwe/public_html/vietsoc.com/wp-content/plugins/buddybar-widget/includes/class-buddybar-widget.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rocketwe/public_html/vietsoc.com/wp-content/plugins/buddybar-widget/buddybar-widget.php on line 53
Please help.
Thank you ??
I use wordpress in dutch language, now I have installed buddybar widget and I want to translate the next items in the widget Activity, Message, Friends and Groups”. I see this in the English language and want to see it in the Dutch language. I did try to find out how, but is seems to be difficult to found out in what for a way I can translate it. Now is my question can I do this and in which way to handle. I hope someone can help me.
]]>I see a very old thread in support about this but does nothing to offer help on this. I think I am just going to not use this since it looks like it won’t be fixed. Friends is overlapping something I can’t read from Activity and Groups is overlapping something I can’t read from Messages. If I can’t read them then what is the point of it?
]]>After you activate this plugin, it shows in the plugin listing that it is NOT activated and needs updating to version 2.0.
Updating send you into an endless loop where it never updates.
When deleting the plugin, it shows where two versions need to be deleted.
Otherwise, it’s a pretty cool plugin. I only wish it showed the notification bubbles.
I am running WP 3.8.1 and BuddyPress 1.9.2. Although there is a new ‘BuddyPress Login’ widget, it only shows a login form or username link, edit profile link and logout link.
I much prefer the BuddyBar Widget – which displays a login form or a username link, edit profile/avatar/password, logout and Activity, Groups, Messages and Friends and their respective sub-page links.
I wonder if BuddyBar has been discontinued completely, since there has been no updates in 2 years and there are now some errors displayed when wp_debug is enabled. It still seems to work just fine, but I really would prefer the BuddyBar setup.
I recently made some changes to the php file of BuddyBar to customize it looks. But all this has been done in the original php file where buddybar is located at in /wp-content/plugins.
Would you happen to know the file path set up if I wanted to copy those php and css to my child theme?
Like how bbPress told me to copy their css files to /themes/myChildTheme/css. To make it work.
]]>Is this compatible with the latest buddypress and wordpress?
On the information about plugin on its page, it pointed towards the answer “no”.
]]>Hello everyone,
I’ve noticed that there’s no message notification like you get on the default bar. you know something like inbox(3), with the (3) letting the user know that he/she as 3 new messages, same thing for new friendship requests and notices
currently the user would have to click into those individual links to find out if he/she has any new messages, any tips on how I could go about doing this? has anyone already done this and would like to share some code or give some advice I would be really grateful
]]>This may be a bit of a dumb question, but is there an easy way to convert the widget into a horizontal layout rather than a vertical one? I want it to display at the top of my site, but my knowledge of CSS is pretty limited and I can’t figure out how to rearrange the links.
]]>Hi, I would like to know how do I disable the buddypress main-sidebar login, so I could use buddybar widget as my main login instead? Beforehand Thanks!
]]>Here is my site: https://www.theseattlevineproject.com
The plugin works beautifully in terms of logging users in and out but it seems like for some reason it only shows the user as logged-in when the URL is https://theseattlevineproject.com/index.php. It doesn’t work when you just type of the base URL or when you click on any other page of the site. It’s not logging the user out, it’s just asking them to log in over and over again.
Any idea why this might be happening and how to fix it?
Much thanks.
]]>Hi Slushman.
I replaced some strings in other to make your great plugin compatible with the buddypress.po.
Where can I sent you my modification so you can add it into your next version?
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi! I installed BuddyBar the other day since it would really make the site look better but it seems it loads all text in one column only and nothing close to as nice as in the screenshots from the auther.
Here’s how it looks: https://yfrog.com/khsc93j
I’ve tried several different themes and the outcome is the same. Using latest WP, BP and BB.
Any ideas of how I can fix it so that it’ll look good?
]]>Hey – I installed the plugin and the widget is not a widget option to plug into the sidebar, under appearance>widgets. Is there something I’m missing or perhaps there is a plugin conflict?
]]>after using the plugin for a couple of days the avatar images became blurry. What is the cause of this? I reinstalled the plugin with no affect. How can I remedy this issue.
my website: test.massageuitwisseling.net
Please reply to me so that i can send you the login info
]]>When using the buddybar widget, the “notices” link and the “Friends” category (in bold) over lap eachother. How do I fix this? I’ve played around with the sidebar width, but I can’t eliminate the problem.
]]>When I click on the word “Groups” in the widget, the current user gets logged out. So it’s hard to join any groups!
thanks for any info or advice!