I Setuped BuddyPress Activity Privacy but i can’t save status when click post.
]]>@andy1203 do you have a link to the updated version of this plugin?
]]>I am trying to translate the strings from the BuddyPress Activity Privacy using wpml, must of the strings are translated correctly, but these following appear as translated but they are still displayed in english in the Japanese version of the site.
I even tried directly changing the strings from FTP and still they remained unchanged.
I expected to see:
Instead, I got:
My Friends
Mentioned Only
Only Me
@buddypress cc: @boonebgorges + @djpaul
Hey, guys;
Apparently, @megainfo has abandoned this plug-in. Something like it would, however, be an essential functionality to have in BuddyPress. I personally have a hard time understanding why privacy options aren’t already part of the BP-platform; but that may be owed to the fact that I’m not working my proverbial behind off on it, acknowledged. ??
Hope dies last, tho’.
So; is there perhaps any chance this might be adopted any time soon? Or anything comparable built in?
Thank you for what insight you may be able to contribute on the issue.
Cheers – LX
I just noticed that your plugin is not working with the buddypress follow plugin agian, please can you update your plugin as I do not use friendship component.
Please can you update this plugin to support php 7.3
]]>I’ve translated “buddypress-activity-privacy-pl_PL.po” in “wp-content\plugins\buddypress-activity-privacy\languages” folder, and do not know where to put it to make changes take effect… in “wp-content\languages\plugins” it’s already copied. Maybe syntax of the file name is wrong, I do not know – help me please.
since the last version of wordpress, I no longer have access to the settings on the administrator back end.
Do you still hold this plugin?
Else for another person, is there another equivalent alternative?
]]>Hi. Can anyone get this plugin and update for share in wordpress? The developer was abandoned plugin, i search his info and there is not found right
+ His last activity was last 2 years
+ His web is closed
The plugin is not work right now.
First, thank you for this useful plugin!
I set “Group member” visibility as default for activity inside groups. Unfortunately this seems to hide these updates in the user’s profile even when I visit the profile of another member of my group(s).
Is there a way around this?
Is it possible to make updates a user posted on the group timeline or blog appear in her/his profile?
Hi @megainfo ! ??
The question is pretty much as the title say’s:
Are yoyu plannning to update this nice little plugin so it is 100% compatible with current versions of WP, WPMU and BuddyPress, or have you discontinued it, so it is actually stone dead?
Thanks in advance for your answer!
Cheers! ??
]]>This is a very IMPORTANT because privacy is crucial for many users, so we need you to update your plugin and to do it at your earliest convenience!
Thank you.
Will you please tell me is there any settings to add family memeber privacy dropdown when create any activity.Please let me know hoe to do add family member privacy
Hello, @r-a-y , @megainfo
Please integrate BuddyPress Activity Privacy with BuddyPress in next Version BuddyPress 2.8
This plugin is very important and should be in any way Merged with BuddyPress, I ask you not to retaliate me my order
Thank you ??
Is it possible to add the dropdown to a post as well? So the user doesn’t have to go to the activity to set the privacy. I’m using a frontend post plugin (Frontier Post) and would like to be able to set privacy when publishing. Suggestions for other plugins are also welcome.
]]>Ok, got many questions about this, so posting as a thread of its own for anyone new un-happy users…
Open the plugin CORE file (yes)
add_filter('bp_profile_activity_privacy_levels_filter', 'bp_get_profile__follow_activity_privacy_levels', 10, 1);
add_filter('bp_groups_activity_privacy_levels_filter', 'bp_get_profile__follow_groups_privacy_levels', 10, 1);
OR copy this filtering to your own theme functions.php. However, it seems like this plugin has an sleepeing author for the moment, updates to “override” core changes will propably fix this anyway.
The problem is that the author didnt calculate:
$groups_activity_privacy_levels []
CAN NOT be fetched from the admin array
And The bp_get_option('bp_ap_profile_activity_privacy_levels')
does not even exists anymore.
When this fail, the levels are only “default levels”, without following level, when saving. And the activity fallbacks to “ANYONE” (not default privacy level setting)
/ There is still a lot to fix with this plugin
The checkboxes are broken on the admin page and tracking down the code, the PHP code is like:
<?= ($allow_admin_ve_privacy_levels) ? 'checked' : ''; ?>
In the context of :
The <?php is not complete.
<input id="allow-admin-view-edit-privacy-levels" name="allow-admin-view-edit-privacy-levels" <?= ($allow_admin_ve_privacy_levels) ? 'checked' : ''; ?> type="checkbox" />
I checked out the Github and older versions of this plugin, and the code is done in this way on any versions.
So, is this a PHP issue of PHP versions/ installed modules or what?
Never seen this before….
]]>Is there any way to translate labels and other component inside front-end (i.e Profil Activity privacy, Profil Activity privacy labels) using .po / .mo files? Any alternative for doing it?
]]>Hello, @megainfo
1. Please integrate this plugin with BuddyPress because it important and must be present by default with BuddyPress.
2. Does not work with the plugin BuddyPress Follow, the post show for everyone.
3. (Example 1) If a plugin published post in activity stream, such as plugin BuddyPress Like: if member was liked in a post in activity stream and this plugin was published that liked to post in activity stream, the privacy for this post review for everyone.
4. (Example 2) comment on the activity: When I comment on the activity or the image it shows For everyone.
Hi, it is possible with this plugin to disable the comment for all the user excluding admin or moderator?
Hello, @megainfo
I choose the Privacy option for friends only, but when you comment on a photo or anything else shows for all !
Thank you ??
Hello, nice plugin, is there a way i could change the icons? the my friends icon shows a star it would be nice if one could actually change the icons to something else
I just installed this but find that when a status update is made the update is not appearing and the post button then disappears preventing another update being made.
Any help?!
Wordpress 4.5.3
Many thanks
]]>suggestions: Add support buddypress followers , and make it viable for translation, add the option of friends of friends
]]>WP 4.5.2
BP 2.5.9
BP Activity Privacy 1.3.8
After clicking submit button to send a new activity, the whole div “#whats-new-options” gets a display:none applied to it, therefore it disappears for users.
The problem seems to be line 224 on this file:
jq( '#whats-new-options' ).slideUp();
When changed to:
jq( '#whats-new-options' ).slideDown();
Everything works fine.
Could apply this fix in next release?
]]>Installed (Version 1.3.8) and worked like charm, except it is not including Follow option in site side activity stream nor in groups, even though BuddyPress Follow is installed. Does it still works with BuddyPress Follow (Version 1.2.2)?
]]>Hi @megainfo
Thanks for this useful plugin. I found a bug though. It conflicts with tinymce visual editor. My theme (firmasite) has timymce for “what’s new” form (in the activity stream) and the visual editor gets blocked completely when BP Activity Privacy is enabled. Sometimes I can use the text editor but some other times the text editor gets blocked as well and publishing is impossible. Same problem with all activity streams of course (on profiles and in groups).
Can you fix this problem, please ?
Screenshot https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=552145BPActivyPrivacy.png
]]>Great Plugin! But I can’t figure out how the option “Mentioned Only” would work.
]]>Is it possible to add the same ‘Who can see this?’ dropdown menu on comments made on posts?
So people can choose whether their comments appears in the public stream, or just their friends stream?
]]>I have a multi-site and I network activated it, but it’s not working. Thanks for any help in advance.