Using BpMemberTypeGenerator to type members on my website and BpXprofileMemberTypeField.
“Conditional profile field” seems to doesn’t work whit custom xprofile fields.
If I want to hide a field for some member type, Iput a condition about the “BpXprofileMemberTypeField”‘s value. The “BpXprofileMemberTypeField” isn’t saw as a selector but as a simple text field.
Does there is a way to make “BpXprofileMemberTypeField” work with “Conditional profile field” ?
Thank you,
]]>Hi all,
The same problem has been posted before.
I’ve downloaded this plugin, but in my profile fields the only thing I see is that fields can be linked to a parent…. I don’t see any of the conditional logic to hide/show fields that I know SHOULD be there based on user guides I’ve dug-up online.
Someone else suggested it may be a problem with the latest version of wordpress.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Many thanks Paul
]]>I would like to have unlimited nested conditional fields in my BuddyPress site registration and profiles. As example,
You want Car details of your user, So, your fields should be
1. Do you have a car? ( radio button/dropdown selectbox )
1a. Yes
2. Which Brand?
2a. Audi
3. Which Model of Audi?
3a. Audi A4
3b. Audi A5
3c. Audi A6
2b. BMW
4. Which Model of BMW
4a. BMW ActiveHybrid 3
4b. BMW ActiveHybrid 5
4c. BMW ActiveHybrid 7
2c. Cadillac
1b. No
5. Do you want to buy a car?
5a. Yes
6. Your Budget?
7. Brand?
5b. No
Is it possible?
]]>I have a couple issues using the plugin.
I created a custom field called “address”, and it’s required. It should be shown only when “client” is seleccted on the member type fields (that’s set on the conditions of the field).(I created 2 member types: clients and professionals).
It’s a bit weird, that it doesn’t offer me the member types i created to choose from, but instead i’ve to type it in. That’s what happens on the back end.
As for the frontend, in order to make it show, I’ve to check all the options from “Member Types This field should be available to” on the backend.
Then, on the frontend it shows at the begning, and if i choose “profesional” on the member type, the field dissapears as it should, however if i switch to client, it doesn’t load back.
Any ideas?
]]>When you create a custom field, and add the condition, then go back to edit it, the condition field resets. Not sure why it’s doing that???
I was very happy as I found this plugin. I installed the latest version of it (version 2.0). Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I’m not able to define any options. I can only select a “field parent” but none of the opreators are presented afterwards. How can this problem be solved?
Is it just any wording in the code?
Greetings René
]]>Hi Pankaj,
Any word on this plug’s compatibility with BP 2.0.
Do you plan to support this plug in future?
Deepanshu Goel
]]>Hi Pankaj
When I choose a parent field during the creation of a child field (dropdown) the “Related Option” doesn’t show the fields from the parent so I’m not able to create a conditional field. Can you help?
I’m using WP 3.6 with BP 1.8.1
exactly I was looking for this plugin. I have it installed and enabled.
I also find the patent-setting in the profile fields.
But how do I configure it?
I’ve created a select box.
Name: Options
Options: color, size, material.
I’ve created an other select box
Name: values
I have selected in “Select Parent” the entry (field) “Options”.
Then appears in the Enter Option Related “color, size, material” always followed by a text field.
I would like the following entries for the select box “values??”
If “option = color” is selected, then “red, yellow, green” should be selectable
If “option = size” is selected, “small, medium, large” should be selectable
If “option = material” is selected, “metal, aluminum, wood” should be selectable
What should I do? what comes in the text-boxes? what comes in the options of field values??? Please describe it … Please help here …
]]>What’s this plugin supposed to do?
]]>I have installed activated this plugin but can’t seem to find the menu where I can choose with profile fields that should be conditional…also a description on what this plugin can do and cannot do would be awesome..looking forward to see this plugin get out of beta!