I wrote a small function to hide html code while editing the activity content of BuddyPress containing images uploaded with rtMedia.
I hope this code can be of help.
]]>After installing there is no option to edit . Am i doing something wrong ?
Thanks for the great plugin.
I use it in a multisite installation.
I noticed that, the plugin gets loaded in every webpage of my subblogs.
I managed to avoid this by editing the file
buddypress-edit-activity.php and adding at line 70 the following:
if (! is_main_site() ){
But, I not sure if it is the best solution for that.
Let me know what you suggest.
Bests Lena
hi there, when I go to save the editing of a reply it does not fully revery back the comment/reply , it basically leaves it in an open state on the page?
]]>We are interested in adding the functionality to a WordPress website to allow users the capability of
editing their own posts via the front-end (not via the WordPress dashboard) and are looking at your
“BuddyPress Edit Activity” plugin. A few questions:
1) Does this plugin allow front page editing and deletion of current posts by the post’s author?
2) In the WordPress plugin webpage for Edit Activity, it mentions that the plugin has not been tested on
the latest three releases of WordPress and that the last update was over a year ago:
Has the plugin been tested with the latest version of WordPress (as of this email – version 5.7.2)?
Does BuddyBoss still support the Edit Activity plugin? If so, will it continue to support it in the future? If not,
are there alternative plugins/software for allowing front-end editing/deletion of current posts by
the post’s author?
So with all the short lived version of WP and now a few updates to Buddy Press using Nouveau, many plugins will not work fully.
Test a plugin first step: change to Buddypress to legacy theme.
Hi! Is there a way to remove “<!– Bypass embed –>” from appearing after you click on edit to make it more user friendly? I think this might confuse users.
I’m trying to customise the edit button using CSS and not having much luck. The button when being hovered on is perfect. All the changes I want to make are to the not-hover button. I would like to remove the underlining on the button and make it look like the “Invite” button I have on the right sidebar. I think to do this I need to set the opacity to 1 and change the color to rgb(255, 255, 255). I think I must be using the wrong element to make these changes. I would also like to make all of these changes to the not hover “cancel” and “save” buttons that appear after clicking edit.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi there.
I’m testing out your plugin. I read the following in your reviews for your plugin.
“This is tremendously useful.
September 18, 2017
I used it for a couple of years editing also the rtMedia Posts.”
When I upload media in activity. I do not see an “Edit” button after upload. I use rtMedia. The edit button only shows for text posts to activity?
How do I make the “Edit” button show for rtmedia image uploads to activity?
Thank you for making this plugin.
]]>Hi there,
I’m just testing out your plugin and have found the following.
I have made a reply to a comment which says “Lorem Ipsum”
When I go to edit that “Reply”. I get presented with the following.
<div class=”rtmedia-activity-container”><div class=”rtmedia-activity-text”>
<span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
This only happens when I try to edit “Replies”. It does edit correctly if I change the text words specifically but how do I get rid of all the other jargon around it?.
Thank you
I just uploaded the plugin to be able to edit posts on buddyboss theme.
When I click on edit the content disappears.
Is that correct?
Thank you
]]>Hi dear! This plugin does not work after installing Youzer Profile plugin for BuddyPress.
would you please make it update to work with Youzer plugin. Button shows below activity and after clicking text does not show in the edit form.
Why when I edit the activity does it open in a new browser page? how to turn it off? On a mobile device it bothers a lot
In buddyboss platform + buddyboss platform theme, editing posts in a tape of activity does not work. The editing window does not open.
Do you fix a problem?
I use rtMedia to upload images, and they add some html styling to posts and comments. However, editing comments means you get to see the code as well as the comment text, which makes it difficult for users, especially on mobile devices. I discussed this with rtMedia and they said that while they insert some additional html code for styling but that the display of the code is driven by “BuddyPress Edit Activity”
Is there anyway we can limit the edit function to display the comment text only?
Thank you for your assistance, much appreciated.
I’m having an issue where when I write into the Activity Stream text box and try to post it as a new update in the Activity Stream nearly all of what I wrote will disappear and only parts of it will be left. To get what I am trying to post in the Activity Stream to show up the right way I have to edit it and re-write everything, I’m using the Buddypress Edit Activity plugin for that.
Do you have any ideas what could be causing this problem when I am posting an update in the Activity Stream?
]]>The edit button cannot be found anywhere if the post has an image in it. Have you got any solutions??
]]>I am building out a site which is not live yet. One requirement is to edit the original posts in buddypress. Your plugin is working for comments but not the original post. Any suggestions?
]]>Hello, is there any ways for me hide a link text on the activity editor?
test content
test content
im currently using HashBuddy plugin. it can be a problem if user can edit the link.
Thank you for your support.
]]>I noticed a bug that has occurred consistently for over a year now. In my BP activity stream, if I reply to a comment or reply (and possibly a top-level post, not sure) that has since been deleted by the user, the entire thread is deleted upon submitting my reply to the deleted entry.
Immediately after submitting my reply, I receive a message that the post I am replying to no longer exists (or has been deleted by the user?) and once the activity stream refreshed, the entire thread is gone without any way to recover it.
The reason that I am able to reply to a deleted post is that it will remain showing in the activity stream for other users until the stream is refreshed. Apparently, the “Load More” button is not activated when someone else deletes a post using BP Activity Plus.
Please attempt to replicate this issue & if it not an issue with the plugin (maybe a conflict on my end), please advise any steps to fix. Thx.
User recently reported that Edit button was not working. Reproduced issue easily. Tinkered with posting until I had minimized reproduction to the use of @mention in a post with a & nbsp; at the end of the post. It is unusual for a nbsp; to be at the end of a post but our site uses tinymce visual editor, which converts some blank trailing lines to nbsp; rather than stripping them. Any ideas why the combination of @mentions and nbsp; would break edit button and thoughts on work-around or patch?
]]>Hi @buddyboss!
First of , thanks for updating this plugin software! ??
Now I have one question:
Do you recommend that you network activate the plugin or only site activated on the BuddyPress site? (In my case BuddyPress is running on a sub-site on the WPMU network, and not main site).
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Kind regards
I see that it is not possible to edit the MediaPress post: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/mediapress/
I was a happy user of your plugin for many months. I could say a couple of years. I used it with rtMedia Posts very well.
But now, I need it to work with the MediaPress Posts. I migrated to MediaPress, because rtMedia is not really an optimized plugin.
Besides, MediaPress doesn’t affect the post text. It adds a new div that is below the activity-inner. So, it is under the text post:
<div class="activity-content">
<div class="activity-inner">
<div class="mpp-container mpp-media-list mpp-activity-media-list mpp-activity-photo-list">
<a href="https://profiting.me/members/jscmal/mediapress/wall-photo-gallery/4-341">
<img src=".../mediapress/members/1/14712/4-1-244x244.png" data-lazy-src=".../mediapress/members/1/14712/4-1-244x244.png" class="mpp-attached-media-item lazyloaded" data-mpp-activity-id="9911" title="" style=""><noscript><img src=".../mediapress/members/1/14712/4-1-244x244.png" class='mpp-attached-media-item' data-mpp-activity-id="9911" title="4"/></noscript>
</div><!-- end of .mpp-activity-media-list -->
Instead, rtMedia affects the post text, because rtMedia adds its ul li list into the post.
Kindly, would you add a support for MediaPress?
It would be something really Great.
Kind regards
G. Aloe
thanks for your pluging. Everything is perfect except RT Media edit… I have 3 simple questions.
1 – Your pluging works or compataible with buddydev mediaPress?
2 – How can use like this (icon + edit text) (icon + save) (icon + cancel)
3 – How can use only wih icons without texts (edit,save and cancel)
Best Regards
Plugin in not working recently.
I can’t edit any activity post (i’m admin or simple user).
WordPress 4.7.3
BuddyPress 2.8.2
BuddyPress Edit Activity 1.0.8
When this plugin is enabled alongside the Vimeography plugin, it causes some kind of error on pages with the Vimeography embed code that messes up the HTML and doesn’t show the video player. When I disable this plugin, it works fine, with it enabled it breaks it. I get no error code or anything, so I have no real idea how to help. I suppose install vimeography plugin and add a gallery to a page and you’ll see it broken. Have no idea what the conflict between these two plugins there are, but it’s def something with this one I narrowed it down to. Thanks for you help!
]]>Hello. As I understand, currently only the admin and activity owner can edit activities.
I want to give moderator roles to some of my users, so they are able to edit users’ posts.
It would be good if the plugin allowed editing activities by users with the WordPress role “Editor” and/or BBPress “Moderator”.
]]>Pretty much as the subject says,is there any update planned soon?
This plugin hasn’t been updated for 8 months and that is pretty old software!
I see that it is not possible to edit the MediaPress post: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/mediapress/
Kindly would you give a fixing like you did for rtMedia long time ago?
The rtMedia fixing works very well even using the html tags. I would something similar to use it with MediaPress Posts.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
G. Aloe
The plugin is really nice, but I found some problem when use it.
1. click “edit” of post 1, and then click “edit” of post 2
2. click “cancel” of post 2, and click “cancel” of post 2
result -> the content of post 2 shows in post 1
However, if don’t save any of this, when refresh the page, all contents are showing correct again.
Seems it is some preview problem? or it shouldn’t allow to edit two post in same time? e.g. when click “edit” on post 2, the edit on post 1 is automatically closed.
Does this make any sense?