Obviously plugin does not work with this version
]]>Hello, I am working with
Buddypress Version 1.5.1
Wordpress Version 3.3
I installed Buddypress gifts to give it a try and see how well it works.
I noticed that there are MANY errors to this plugin, although I do not get a PHP error on the webpage, but the actually plugin itself does NOT work with the current BuddyPress.
The way Buddypress Gifts is coded does not apply to the newer version of Buddypress. ??
What works?
– confing BP-gifts in admin.
( and for the fact that it doesn’t show any PHP errors on screen )
What doesn’t work?
– Sending gifts.
( I looked though the files and trying to find out how the gifts were sent inside the php code. I went into bp-gifts > templates > gifts > screen.php. I searched for “send gift” I though I would find a function or some type of php for sending of the gifts, and there was nothing.)
** Am I not reading it correctly? **
-Gift icons.
( When you go to a users profile and click Gifts inside the bp-member nav bar all the gift’s icons showed up.. but with out any type of style or structure to it. It was just a vertical list. Totally uncool; In the screen shots of what it should look like had a very nice jquery scroll bar. )
Other then that Buddypress-gifts plugin would be completely awesome if it actually worked. I would like to attempt to “fix” this plugin in hopes people like me would use this great idea of a plugin.
** If anyone had came up with a solution on fixing the ” Send Gift ” not working, please fill me in.
]]>Thanks to the contributor for High Five fixing, there is no error.
But the problem is I can’t see Gifts at my Admin panel. I do see it at the profile page, though, but no way to send any. Under the gifts tab on profile page it says: You still don’t have any gift yet!
By the way, is it OK with the grammar here? So, still or yet? Shouldn’t be one or another, not both, I guess.
Otherwise it is a wonderful plugin.
I use WP 3.2.1 & WP 1.2.9
]]>Do you think Categories will be developed? or are they already there, but I’m missing it?
]]>Hey Everyone,
This is a really neat plugin, but I did notice that when sending a gift the notification that popped up was “High Five” and if you clicked on it it would go to a broken link.
I checked the forms here on how to fix it and there was an attempted resolution to fix it by Yallways, but it still didn’t work. I would have also posted this in that topic but it has since been locked.
For anyone else getting that same issue, open your includes/bp-gifts-core.php in your buddypress-gifts plugin, navigate to line 626 and replace:
return apply_filters( 'bp_gifts_single_newgifts_notifications', '<a href="' . 'gifts' . '?new" title="' . $user_fullname .'\'s profile">' . sprintf( __( '%s sent you a high-five!', 'bp-gifts' ), $user_fullname ) . '</a>', $user_fullname );
with the following snippet:
return apply_filters( 'bp_gifts_multiple_newgifts_notifications', '<a href="' . $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->gifts->slug . '/" title="' . __( 'Multiple gifts', 'bp-gifts' ) . '">' . sprintf( __( '%s sent you a gift', 'bp-gifts' ), $user_fullname ) . '</a>', $user_fullname );
This is tested and working on wp 3.2.1 and buddypress 1.2.9.
Keep in mind if and when this is ever updated by the author this change could be overwritten.
]]>Installed this recently with WP 3.0.4 and BP 1.2.7. I get “Gifts Setup” in Admin and a “Gifts” tab in the user profile area but no way to see or send gifts. https://www.xbox-arena.com
Why are there points if the user always gets 1 point for giving a gift?
And what’s the use of categories in gifts?