I’ve tried adding the profile edit shortcode, but it leads to a blank page ??
]]>Thanks for an awesome plugin.
I’m noticing this warning in my debug.log as I upgrade my site to PHP 7. For the next release of this excellent plugin, you might want to consider addressing them.
PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Bpcs_shortcodes has a deprecated constructor in […]/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-shortcodes/Bpsc_shortcodes.php on line 131
Many thanks.
]]>Hi, I see all shortcuts working ok,
but [bp_profile_field field=”fieldname” tab=”section”] not works or I do wrong…
can anyone help me please with this?
I got custom fields component installed on buddy press, and its not like a plugin as I understand, its came with Theme,
so I created a field called “custom”
at Admin/Users/Profile Fields
then I placed a text widjet at homepage and included this within
[bp_profile_field field=”custom”]
I removed the tab= part couse I really cant find out which means tab and where located…
but even with tab removed I see blank widget, no content in it, even no error message about invalid field name or anything, just a blank box…
btw custom field go text and html content… a simple link line for test…
here is the link to site https://goo.gl/sRLZje
user login details – user: test055 pass: test055
you can see a blank box at Dashboard top elements, its a widget text box with shortcode included – [bp_profile_field field=”custom”]
but its blank ((
at your profile page you can see bottom line called custom with text and link…
so what I want is, to display this field in dashboards with shortcodes..
sorry for my english and long text
]]>The shortcodes [bp_profile_url] and [bp_profile_url_edit] return
“/profile” and “/edit” when no user is logged in. These relative urls returns 404s.
Would it be possible to have these shortcodes return the URL of the login or registration pages, preferably configurable, like [bp_profile_url no_user="https://mywpsite.com/custom-signup-url/"]
]]>Hi !
I’m using buddypress with membership 2 since my memberships have a cost. I’ve installed your plugin in order to display my user’s profile link in their private account page (they can access once they’re logged in) and allow them to modify it, which corresponds to these 2 shortcodes :
That’s the best way i’ve found to immediatley show my members they have a profile and encourage them to customize it and then use it.
The problem is the shortcode you give leave to a ‘404 not found page’. Consulting the ‘member list page i’ve been ble to find back the right link.
Here’s a comparaison of what generated and the right link :
https://www.abdccoaching.com/members/Coach Arthur/profile/
Obviously the plugin is not pulling out the text from the right field; besides it’s adding ‘profile’ where as there’s no need.
Can you fix that please ?
Regarding the second shortcode, i havn’t been able to find the write adresse so it’s currently impossible to customize a profile. Here’s the link generated by the shortcode :
https://www.abdccoaching.com/members/Coach Arthur/profile/edit/
(repalceing Coach Arthur by arthur in the url doesn’t work).
Thank you,
Coach Arthur
]]>To get help with this plugin please contact us through the current support or contact links through Extend.BT4.ME. You will get a faster response this way, and hopefully we can provide you better support through there.
Thank you.