Hi, is it possible to have more role based restrictions?
For example,
Subscriber can send private messages to Authors only.
WP Version: 5.8.1
Plugin Version: 1.0.5
When I activate this plugin and view any profile while logged out, the word “Array” is shown where the message buttons normally appear for logged in users.
How do I prevent this from happening?
The div selector is #item-header-content > div.member-header-actions.action
]]>I’ve found a bug in member search filter:
row 505 missing variable on return:
if ( current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) )
if ( current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) )
return $results;
]]>Hey Venutius,
I’m receiving a possible conflict with Buddyboss select2.min.js on user search in messages. Tested on default theme with Buddyboss platform 1.3.5.
error message “select2.min.js?ver=1.3.5:2 Uncaught TypeError: b.slice is not a function” fires when trying to enter name suggestion.
Thanks in advance,
Please can you update this plugin settings are not being applied after saving
]]>So I updated to wpml string translation and my site broke :-/
The WPML team found a fix. Just tested the fix and it works ?? Maybe this fix could be included in the next version of this fine plugin?
Our compatibility team has found a fix for this issue. It happens because the plugin tries to load a directory instead of a MO file. The specific location is in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-restrict-messages/bp-restrict-messages-loader.php line 21. Please change this line:
load_textdomain( ‘bp-restrict-messages’, dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/languages/’ );
With this line:
load_textdomain( ‘bp-restrict-messages’, dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/languages/bp-restrict-messages-‘ . get_locale() . ‘.mo’);
Save the changes and activate the BuddyPress Restrict Messages and the String Translation plugins and everything should be ok.
Hello. I’ve tried tweaking do_action, but still can’t get it to fire off link into profile.
Any help or suggestions would be sincerely appreciated.
]]>Hi there,
Would it be possible to add the feature to remove the private messaging restriction for certain roles?
When using the restrict by admin, I would love an option to select from the current set of WordPress roles for who should be immune to this subscription. This would help for non-Admin moderators or editors to effectively support members.
]]>firstly, many thanks for this useful plugin.
One thing…, the plugin was installed on my site after it had been running for a number of years. During this time many members have of course sent one another private messages, friends or not. Since then I installed your plugin, some months ago, and use the “friends-only” setting.
Now everything is fine that people cannot send one another private messages (public messages are ok), unless they are friends. BUT, when they have sent messages in the past, they can still reply to an existing thread. Or at least, they can try to reply.
The error message they receive is There was a problem sending the message. Please try again.
Naturally this is not going to work, and the users get frustrated. Perhaps one might improve the error message to include the restriction (in this case friends-only) as at least a hint as to what might be the cause of the message send failure?
]]>would it be possible to add other user roles to the ignore list?
as admins can send and receive messages from anyone I would like to add this permission to the author and the editor.
This plugin is not working I am using php 7.3 the messages section under the settings (Profile>>Settings>>Messages.) does not show at all.
I disabled friendship component because I only use the follow plugin, But still the plugin is now working for follow connections.
I’d like to customize the error message.
People don’t understand they have to be friend with someone to be able to send him/her a message. So they get upset because they spent time writing a PM then think that there’s a bug. Some even create another account due to that and of course have the same thing happening to them.
Is there a way to customize the error message or at least to be able to have another error message?
Best Regards
]]>I think this plugin has serious compatibility issues with the buddyboss theme.
When I activate it it breaks my site
It looks like this: https://prntscr.com/nqrgpz
Chrome console: https://prntscr.com/nqrhbd
Just a quick note to inform you that I’ve taken over the plugin and it’s been updated to fix a number of issues. If you find anythng that’s not right please let me know and I’ll get on it.
]]>Plugin Don’t Work !
]]>Question in topic
]]>I think this is a great plugin and would love to know how users can edit the restrictions to prevent users from messaging them. I see how to edit it from the back end but I wanted the user the ability to set the restriction but I am having trouble finding it in the settings.
Any advice would be great.
I have just installed the plugin and it doesn’t seem to be working.
I have WP 3.5.1 and Buddypress 1.6.5.
Is the plugin not supported?
]]>Just installed the plugin and trying to set everything right. It’s funny now….as pretty much the “super admin” and just having installed the software, I was politely told: “You do not have permission…..”
Reading the documentation, I can’t find the Restrict Messages admin page…where do I find this? ??
This is a great plugin but it appears to be broken on my BP installation. Running 1.6.1 with a few plugins but none that interfere with messaging.
Is anyone working on a fix?
Many thanks!