Great plugin, what a pity it’s not maintained.
Is it possible to preserve somehow the list of plugins which are not deactivated instead of filling it every time?
Will this plugin work on multisite, deactivating/reactivating all plugins in the network at the same time — plugins that are both network activated AND single site activated?
]]>As the title already says.
The Select / De-select all is not working. I have to manually click select/unselect.
Great plugin btw!
You’ve got the deactiv.css loading on the frontend and it’s messing with the theme css.
Looks like enqueueing styles on line 45 in bulk-deactivate.php is the cause and is not needed as you are loading the stylesheet from includes/init.php.
]]>This plugin is great for when have a site with lots of plugins and you need to debug it. Saves lots of time to deactivate and reactivate plugins.
Quick support from developer too.
I think you guys might have pushed the wrong repo. When I download the plugin from here the main file is called plugin-bundles.php, but if I go to the github repo the main file is called bulk-deactivate.php.
on wp-admin/plugins.php?page=bundles
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bb_settings_end() in …/wp-content/plugins/bulk-deactivate/includes/bundles.php on line 179
+Blank page on /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bundles-settings
on wp 4.0 multi sites install
]]>How is this plugin different than just using the recently activated list that is created when you deactivate plugins?
]]>Suddenly, I’m getting a large red blob for a search button. Or, at least, I was until I uninstalled the plugin via FTP.
]]>Is the only way to deactivate or uninstall this plugin to delete it via FTP?