I would like to use a .less file to override any styling provided by the theme and even possibly other plugins. How do I include a .less file using this plugin and ensure it always is included last? Thanks!
]]>I’m using Less Elements
and I get this error:
#BW LESS-CSS: lessc fatal error
parse error: failed at <code>filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=0)",@stop,@start));</code> .../wordpress-3.4.2/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/aos/elements.less on line 23
I’m trying to use less fade function and is not being translated to CSS.
Code -> background: fade(@gblack, 50%);
Result -> background: fade(#1E1D1D,50%);
Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
]]>Seems that it’s using an old version (0.3.0) of lessc.inc.php, that causes fluid layouts to break and be pixel-based.
]]>I’m using Twitter Bootstrap LESS code and got a error when I tried to use “mixins”.
#BW LESS-CSS: lessc fatal error parse error: failed at … mixins.less on line 355
The problem was solved by getting the latest version of lessc.inc.php
from leafo.net/lessphp and replacing the older version used in the plugin.
When using 3rd party less compilers (e.g. LiveReload) they sometimes don’t support the output filename of compiled filed. It would be great if you could extend bw_less_css to make it a parameter.
<php bw_less_css( 'custom.less', array('force' => true, 'filename' => 'custom.css') ); ?>
in bw_less_css.php
$defaults = array( 'media' => 'all', 'minify' => false, 'mobile' => false, 'hide_mobile' => false, 'force' => false, 'filename' => false );
if ( $filename !== false) {
$output_name = $filename;
} else {
$output_name = $less . '.css';