@pigeonhut plugin abandoned?
]]>I update a page that contains a script and it works until Cache for WordPress Performance compresses the HTML. Is there an option to not compress the HTML?
Script is :
<div class=”Cat_Servicios”>
<div class=”text”>Reglamento Europeo de Protección de Datos</div>
<div class=”Cat_Servicios”>
<div class=”text”>Aplicación LSSICE en E-COMER?</div>
<div class=”Cat_Servicios”>
<div class=”text”>Formación RGPD bonificable</div>
var slideIndex = 0;
function showSlides() {
var i;
var slides = document.getElementsByClassName(“Cat_Servicios”);
for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
slides[i].style.display = “none”;
if (slideIndex > slides.length) {slideIndex = 1}
slides[slideIndex-1].style.display = “block”;
setTimeout(showSlides, 3000); // Change image every 2 seconds
It seems CDN Cache addon is not working. Can you fix it?
Thank you
]]>I have a multisite setup comedymood.com and hindi.comedymood.com. i just installed wp disabled, its working fine but when i enable this plugin my site stop working. one i disabled this, myskte start working. so i think this plugin doesn’t support multisite. is it? please confirm.
]]>Other caching plugins have options to enable caching for pages with query strings (sometimes specific query params)
Does this plugin not cache at all for pages with query string?
I see: cache-control: max-age=3600 in the response headers when I set 720. I know you specify hours and this is seconds in cache-control but this does not make sense. What’s wrong?
It never rewrites images/background images in this plugin: https://sv.www.ads-software.com/plugins/slide-anything/ has been like that for very long any possibility you could fix this?
]]>Add object cache?
Object Caching (redis, memcached, memcache, apcu)
Automatically purge cache for the page when save (supporting frontend page builders etc)
Page cache exclude based on url path. This is important since page builders is using path like /x/ in your case for X Theme/PRO and can’t specify a page id for that. This would help not caching this urls which cause refresh the framework x5 times before the page loads.
When I use your cache plugin, admin-ajax.php loads on page load and you can see the message
in the Network inspector in Chrome. It slows down the page load, as tested on pingdom and other webspeed tools.
I even disabled heartbeat in your WP Disable plugin. Other cache plugins don’T do it.
Is this a bug or why is it happening?
Plugin does not rewrite background images used in this plugin: https://sv.www.ads-software.com/plugins/slide-anything/
I can share domain and pages in an email [email protected] send me a message and I can share.
your dns-prefetch function breaks websites somehow because it is included before the doctype.
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="mywebsite" />
<!doctype html>
i noticed that because my background slider wasn’t resizing images correctly.
keep going!
]]>In /lib/class-optimisationio-cacheenabler.php, the plugin calls /js/post.js which however does not exist and thus the website log shows a string of 404 errors.
]]>After installing and activating the cache plugin, the frontend has an 500 error notification, even though backend can be accessed properly.
If cache plugin is activated then Pingdom shows this suggestion “Parallelize downloads across hostnames”. Under that there are couple of css and js script url-s. Also there are bunch of jpg url-s.
If i deactivate this plugin then Pingdom is not showing this suggestion.
Any advice how to fix this?
When deleting the plugin i get the following error: Deletion failed: Internal Server Error
I cannot remove it!
]]>This plugin has improved site speed massively but my woocommerce does not work correctly when caching is enabled.
I am sometimes unable to add or remove items from the basket
]]>thanks for plugin.
when i disable plugin, it throws warning on the top of site.
how can i correct and disable safely?
Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/var/www/example.com/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php’) in /var/www/exampe.com/htdocs/wp-settings.php on line 84
]]>I want to use CDN, but your website dont open
]]>Hi…I ran your plugin and added my CDN (MaxCDN) but images stopped displaying on the site. I purged the cache at MaxCDN but made no difference. Removed the cdn reference fusionth.fusionthemes.netdna-cdn.com and all images are back.
Any tips appreciated. I also run WP Rocket and your WP Disable plugin