About 9 months ago I asked about the compatibility with current WordPress versions:
Unfortunately since then nothing happend. I wonder what the current status of this plugin is and if it is still maintained. Do you need any help with that?
]]>If i block the caching directory via robots.txt the Google mobile friendly check has no chance to reach my .css or .js resources.
But i wrote this code to allow all .css and .js resources and also the ones with ?ver=6.2 (etc) parameters.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-content/cache/cachify/
User-agent: *
Allow: /wp-content/cache/cachify/.js$
Allow: /wp-content/cache/cachify/.css$
Allow: /wp-content/cache/cachify/.css?
Allow: /wp-content/cache/cachify/.js?
Allow: /
Hi there,
how can we exclude e.g. sitemap_index.xml from caching?
]]>The plugin is not marked as compatible with the latest WordPress releases eventhough it should work fine. Please check and add the latest version – thanks!
]]>Hello, great plugin.
Its possible to add exception to dont cache some cookies?
Thank you
]]>I configured Nginx according to the configuration requirements, and there is no error, but check the cache results, only the home page is cached, other pages are not cached, how to deal with this problem
I am a user from China, using google translate
]]>Dear all, after enabling APC and adding the needed stanza to the nginx configuration the nginx configuration, I get the dreaded “bad gateway” screen.
I see from the stanza that something is supposed to be listening on port 9000. But what? APCU seems to be entirely implemented as a php module, isn’t it? What external daemon is needed? The description of php-apcu suggests that none is needed.
]]>Whilst Memcached is popular, Redis is increasing in support within the Web Hosting and Containter Hosting ecosystems.
Although they are both easy to use and offer high performance; Memcached is designed for simplicity while Redis offers a rich set of features that make it effective for a wide range of use cases.
I’ve created a Pull Request to add Redis support to Cachify
I would be happy to work on this feature, if someone could please review.
Thanks again for a great plugin!
I would like to use Cachify on a WordPress site which has also installed the Ultimate Member plugin in order to provide protected posts.
Unfortunately, it seems, that Cachify overrides the protection of Ultimate Member and makes all protected posts publicly available.
Is there anything I can do to make Cachify compatible with Ultimate Member?
Thank you very much,
yours, Hermann Josef
When sharing a new post to Facebook these days, the preview, title and text aren’t always visible. Using the Facebook Debugger indicates a HTTP 206 (partial content) header and the error Curl error: 61 (BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING)
Even though the plugin should’ve cleared the cache when publishing the new post, I can only get the Facebook debugger to return a valid response by manually flushing the cache again. Someone else sharing the content later on has also reported the same problem, so it would appear that once the content is cached, the plugin is returning an invalid response.
]]>Dear Plugin Developers,
I tried the Cachify plugin and noticed something unexpected. To narrow down the problem exactly, I disabled all other plugins on the website and cleaned up the .htaccess file.
It so happens that I use Jeff Starr’s 7G Firewall* in the .htaccess file to protect my website. This works along with Cachify as long as I use “database” as the caching method. If I select “hard disk”, the website will only show “403 forbidden” to the visitor. Until the cache is cleared, but then immediately again. Using a SFTP program, you can see that Cachify does not create the /wp-content/cache/cachify folder at all.
* https://perishablepress.com/7g-firewall/
But what is interesting is the following: If you do NOT put the code snippet that Cachify wants you to put in the .htaccess file when using the disk method above, suddenly everything works fine despite 7G firewall. If you look at the page source, you can see that a cached web page is being delivered. And the whole thing is also gzip compressed if I add another block with “AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE” rules in the .htaccess.
What do you think, is it really necessary in my case to put the Cachify code snippet in the .htaccess – it seems to work fine without that.
Thanks for your good work and best wishes!`
Cashify really speeds up my pages! I like it a lot ??
One question: It would be nice to automatically create cashed versions of the pages after the cache has been purged. Is it possible to create some thing like a robot, that visits each page and tiggers Cashify to build the cache?
Is it possible to clear the cache of my site using a cron job?
I have found this article from another plugin:
Is there something similar that I can do using your plugin?
Thank you,
I’m trying to configure Cachify with AWS elasticache but I feel like I’m missing something. Whenever I configure it with the cluster endpoint URL / PORT it seems like its not sending items to the Memcached cluster. If I configure Memcached on the server where WordPress is running and have nginx pass to that it works fine.
I have confirmed that I am able to access elasticache from the EC2 via telnet and that I am able to create an index and retrieve it. This doesn’t seem to be an issue on my end and I don’t see any information in the documentation on it. Hoping to get more info from here.
I havn′t downloaded and installed the plugin yet, so this is a pre-install question. I′ve read that when I use the option HDD Cache for caching, it is necesary to create a new folder in wp-content named cache with folder permissions set to 777.
Now, in my wp-content folder there is already a folder called cache and it contains another folder for my wpml plugin. Its rights are set to 755.
My question: can I use this folder, changing its permissions to 777, or can there be any conflict with wpml?
Thanks in advance
]]>First of all, thank you for creating such a great plugins.
Just something not mentioned in the readme nor answers could be found in the support forum regarding WP_CACHE setting.
May I know if WP_CACHE is required to set to be TRUE in the wp-config.php?
Many thanks in advance.
]]>Question: If somebody clicking on my reflinks and didnt still made a lead (cause he wants make it after few days). If i clear the cachify-cache in this time manually (so if i click the orange button on this pic https://snipboard.io/Agr7Bs.jpg), will the reflinks of the customers will be deleted?
I run Cashify in HDD mode.
In the documentation I read that I need a php script running via a cron job to clear the cache in predefined intervals. The link to the script is dead. Can you please update it?
Storage on my server is limited, so I have to take care that the Cashify cache is not getting too big…
Thanks in advance!
]]>When sharing a new post to Facebook these days, the preview, title and text aren’t always visible. Using the Facebook Debugger indicates a HTTP 206 header. Even though the plugin should’ve cleared the cache when publishing the new post, I can only get the Facebook debugger to return a valid response by manually flushing the cache again.
In the class named Cachify
, you use ob_start with custom output buffer handler: ob_start( 'Cachify::set_cache' );
I suggest you replace the set_cache
method with this one:
* Assign the cache
* @since 0.1
* @change 2.0
* @param string $data Content of the page.
* @param int $phase Bitmask of PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_* constants.
* @return string Content of the page.
public static function set_cache( $data, $phase ) {
/* Empty? */
if (empty($data)) {
return '';
* Filters whether the buffered data should actually be cached
* @param bool $should_cache Whether the data should be cached.
* @param string $data The actual data.
* @param object $method Instance of the selected caching method.
* @param string $cache_hash The cache hash.
* @param int $cache_expires Cache validity period.
* @since 2.3
$should_cache = apply_filters('cachify_store_item', true, $data, self::$method, self::_cache_hash(), self::_cache_expires());
/* Save? */
if ($should_cache) {
), self::_cache_hash(), self::_minify_cache($data), self::_cache_expires(), self::_signature_details());
return $data;
Checking the phase parameter helps to leverage processing as the output callback function called multiple times when ob_flush()
I’m using the HDD caching feature but there is an issue with a plugin I’m using the Smart Slider 3 plugin. The sliders are cached beautifully on the first visit of the website. However, if I revisit a page at the same session, the sliders do not show up. Can this be fixed?
IF this is fixed, I would like to keep the plugin for it is so light for a website.
Thank you.
]]>Cachify does not work with AMP In Standard Mode.
The cached page does not load the AMP plugin features like tree-shaking.
Basically, Cachify generates pages without using the AMP plugin in standard mode.
I did the tests in database and Memcached mode.
]]>Hello, the WordPress theme I use has built-in pages instead of pages created through WordPress, so how can I exclude them?
]]>Hi everyone,
I hope someone has an idea how to get this fixed.
I’m have a WP page with FrontEndUsers. FrontEndUsers should see different content.
I tried to set a Coockie to stop showing the chached versions of the pages:
in .htaccess:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} ^((?!frontenduser).)*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !(wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in|comment_author)_
This is correctly working in Firefox. However when I use the page on Chrome it isnt working. When the users are logged in they see the cached version, due to browser caching. I saw, that its working with your code (Coockie = wordpress_logged_in_XXX) so I made a workaround and just set a coockie like wordpress_logged_in_frontenduser. Works great in Chrome. Now I tested the page in Edge and have the same problem. Do you have any idea how to fix this problem.
I read that compression is optional, still i see no option for that anywhere.
And for each cached page, i see in the cache directory one html and one gz file.
Since Litespeed web server is compressing by default, gz is not needed.
How can i disable compression ?
Thank you
Hello, after adding this code from your plugin at my nginx config
gzip_static on;
charset utf-8;
location / {
error_page 404 405 = @nocache;
if ( $query_string ) {
return 405;
if ( $request_method = POST ) {
return 405;
if ( $request_uri ~ “/wp-” ) {
return 405;
if ( $http_cookie ~ (wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in|comment_author)_ ) {
return 405;
default_type text/html;
add_header X-Powered-By Cachify;
set $memcached_key $host$uri;
memcached_pass localhost:11211;
location @nocache {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
Im getting 404 errors in all of my site, just home is loaded, if i go to any other section / page i get 404 error.
Any idea why is this?
The changelog in the WordPress Plugin Repository doesn’t contain any info about what was changed for 2.3.0.
]]>how can i set the cache expire time to 10mins?
thank you