Canada Post shipping methods disapear if I change shipping address on checkout.
Add things to cart.
Goto checkout
Canada post shipping methods are there.
Change shipping address
canada Post shipping methods disappear.
exit checkout.
add another item to cart
checkout again
shipping methods are back with the changed address.
In Multi network site this plugin only work on main domain site not working on other child site.
Can i use one canada post account for all Multi network site and enable that plugin on all multisite?
]]>While I wanted to test the shipping fee, it kept showing the message as below:
“There are no shipping methods available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help.”
-also, I just purchased the premium version, how can I update it and link to my canadapost account?
In awaiting of your reply, thanks.
]]>Hi there!
Quick question. The calculator works great in the cart to estimate the price. However, when in the cart, if the client does not click on “estimate shipping fees” and clicks straight on “Confirm order”, it brings him to the order page.
Even after he fills out his shipping info, the following message appears: “Aucune méthode de livraison disponible. Assurez-vous que l’adresse que vous avez entrée est correcte ou contactez-nous si vous avez besoin d’aide.” (Sorry for the French, it says no delivery option is available). It looks like it can’t calculate on the order page like it does on the cart page.
Can you help me make your calculator work even in the order page? Here is my website for reference:
Thank you.
]]>I activated the plugin and filled out the necessary info. However, I am not able to add the shipping method to my shipping zone. When I click add shipping method in setting->shipping zones->my zone, the option for Canada Post does not show up.
Like I said, I can’t see the shipping rate anymore … I was sooo happy, all my plug in worked fine together … and now 5 minutes later … Canada post is not there anymore. I’ve tried couple of solution I’ve seen on the forum but noting works
Sorry for my English
There is my report
AAA Authentication Failure
Canada Post is in Development mode or WP DEBUG is on – note, returned services may not match those set in settings. Production mode will not have this problem. To hide these messages, turn off debug mode in the settings.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<mailing-scenario xmlns=””>
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<messages xmlns=””>
<description>AAA Authentication Failure</description></message></messages>
Has anyone installed this plugin with WooCommerce v3.4.1 yet? My Dashboard says that it has not been tested, and I just wanted to know if I should wait on an upgrade.
]]>Hi There:
My wife is an independently published author, and we’re starting to sell books through our website. We have two books currently for sale: a small paperback book and a larger hardcover children’s book. We have the package options set up for various numbers of books (either bubble mailer or box), and we have Canada Post set up as a Shipping Zone option: Regional or National for Canada; Canada Post-US for US shipments; Canada Post-International for international shipments. There are various options available for each shipping region. That’s all good to go.
However, Canada Post also offers a “If it fits, it ships” box (S/M/L) that offers a flat rate shipping option across Canada. NB: This option is not available through their website (using SnapShip for business). The boxes are also not available at CP affiliate stores – only through actual Canada Post locations. A small box (which would carry up to five of her hard cover books or ten of the other, smaller paperback books) offers shipping anywhere in Canada for $15 plus tax.
If (for example) someone orders one softcover book and the customer lives in the same Canada Post region as us, it would be cheaper for them to have it shipped in a small bubble mailer through the online Canada Post price (available through the WooCommerce Canada Post plugin) than the flat rate box. On the other hand, shipping one hardcover book across Canada in a bubble mailer would be more expensive than the flat rate
I have both Canada Post Regional and Canada Post National options set up under shipping zones, as well as Flat Rate shipping for Canada National. However, if I put the Flat Rate option at the top of the list, it only shows the Flat Rate option. If I move the Flat Rate option under the Canada Post options, Woo Commerce only displays the Canada Post options.
What am I doing wrong here?
P.S. It shouldn’t matter if I’m offering a choice between Canada Post and Flat Rate, or Canada Post and FedEx (for example). I just want to have the cart page show the available shipping options and let the customer choose what they prefer.
Screen shots can be found here:
Shipping Zones:
Flat Rate Settings:
Cart, showing Canada Post rates:
Is it possible to set a flat rate for shipping when using the plugin? I would like to calculate the shipping cost and create the label by the api, but only charge customers a flat rate or free if the order total is over a certain dollar amount. Is this possible with either the free or paid version?
]]>No print shipping label option appears on the order admin page?
]]>Hello, after activating the plugin I am prompted to connect to our Canada Post account. When I click Register/Connect I am sent to
“Error / Erreur
We’re Sorry
The page you requested is not available at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please try again later.”
]]>Hi Im having an issue with the rates.
I have an item:
Weight 0.3kg
Size: 7 x 5 x 3 cm
If I add one of those items to the cart, the rate is correct. However if I add 2, the rate doubles, 3 triples and so on.
I’ve checked the CP rates calculator, and the prices don’t change with 3 items with the same specifications as above.
Here is my debug log:
I have set up canada post plugin but am reciving an error message in my WooCommerce dash board that says:
An error occurred in WooCommerce Services. Details are logged here.
When I check the log it is as follows:
Canada Post (WooCommerce Services)Canada Shipping Zone
Setup for this service has not yet been completed
Edit service settings
Canada PostRest of the World Shipping Zone
No rate requests have yet been made for this service
Review service settings
Debug Logging
Debug Log
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – :: Tax Rate Found :: (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – {“1”:{“rate”:”12.0000″,”label”:”BC Tax”,”shipping”:”yes”,”compound”:”no”}} (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – :: Updating Tax Rate To :: (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – {“tax_rate_country”:”CA”,”tax_rate_state”:”BC”,”tax_rate_name”:”BC Tax”,”tax_rate_priority”:1,”tax_rate_compound”:false,”tax_rate_shipping”:1,”tax_rate”:12,”tax_rate_class”:””} (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – Tax Rate ID Set for 1191: 1 (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – :: Tax Rate Found :: (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – {“1”:{“rate”:”12.0000″,”label”:”BC Tax”,”shipping”:”yes”,”compound”:”no”}} (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – :: Updating Tax Rate To :: (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – {“tax_rate_country”:”CA”,”tax_rate_state”:”BC”,”tax_rate_name”:”BC Tax”,”tax_rate_priority”:1,”tax_rate_compound”:false,”tax_rate_shipping”:1,”tax_rate”:12,”tax_rate_class”:””} (WCS Tax)
12-06-2017 @ 04:59:12 – Tax Rate ID Set for shipping: 1 (WCS Tax)
Last 10 entries Show full log
I have tried going to check out at my store and it says this:
No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.
Can anybody help me?
]]>What is the website URL where we can double-check the real-time accuracy of the plugin’s shipping rates for Canada Post ?
]]>Does this plug-in handles shipping to USA ?
How does it calculates approx customs ?
I was wondering if there was a way to translate the frontend of this plugin on a multilanguage website. I tried with PoEdit but no success. Thank you!
]]>I have configured the plugin and created my shipping zone for which I have activated the Canada Post Shipping Method. Although, I have never seen this shipping method appear at Checkout. I always get “There are no shipping methods available.” message at checkout.
Is there anything I have not configured ?
I change the weight of a product dynamically when in the cart. Your plugin do a new wf_product that reload the product without my change to the weight. This is bugging me alot. Is there a reason for you to reload the product in your function wf_per_item_shipping ?
I have the Post Canada basic plugin installed to calculate real time shipping rates, integrated in WooCommerce.
Although several weeks ago it started not working anymore: when someone enters their address to calculate rates, it does work and give the right rates. But then if the buyer wants to select another choice than the preselected one, the customer address reinitialise automatically and is replaced by my address instead (the place where I ship books).
Would anyone know why ? I suspect this has to do with outdates WooCommerce templates because of my child theme, although I havent tested it yet.
To test it, here is the link to my shop:
Add a book to your cart, and then in the cart enter your country and zip code, then try to select another shipping option than the preselected one (which is always the 1st).
Inside woocommerce we have a plug in for Canada post (free version), whenever an order payment is captured the shipping label needs to be created, using this plugin of Canada post.
To do so we manually fill the information, weight, size of the package etc.
however we need to know (before you charge us) if it will be possible to automate, as Canada post pluggin is designed to receive the information one bit at a time.
The main objective is to generate the shipping label (Tracking number) automatically not manually for each order, so we can share to the customer
does this plugin work, if the currency of the shop is in US dollars? the business is Montreal, Canada, and company registered in Quebec but we charge customers in US dollars for the online shop. Please advise.
Also– can we turn off the online shipping charge calculator and use flat rate shipping?
The main need for this plugin is to quickly generate shipping labels using our Canada Post account
[email protected]
Shipping to be free is purchased for more than $100 – is this possible with canada post ?
]]>This plugin has been working well for me, but in the last month or so my customers are suddenly getting extremely high rate quotes on their orders. I haven’t changed any settings in the plugin, and the rates being quoted are not at all consistent with rates quoted by Canada Post if I go to their website. The weights and dimensions of my products haven’t changed. Any thoughts on what could be going wrong?
I installed and enabled the plugin but I’m facing an issue.
I’m unable to enable this shipping method.
Under WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping->Canada Post (BASIC), there is no option to enable/disable this shipping method.
In my shipping zones (WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping->Shipping Zones — Canada->Add shipping method), I only have “Flat Rate”, “Free Shipping” and “Local Pickup” listed.
I need your help. If anyone has an idea, please let me know.
I was navigating through my site to simulate making a purchase to see if the process still worked. Unfortunately the shipping calculator no longer displays shipping costs. Postage options are shown on the Cart and Checkout pages with a Calculate Shipping button. Clicking the Calculate button is followed with destination dropdowns, including one spot to enter postal code, and a button to Update Totals. Clicking Update button, it appears that some calculating is being done as that part of the page fades a bit. Then the page reverts back to showing the shipping options with no shipping costs….although at the top of the Cart page it says “Shipping cost updated”.
Below is the debug notes;
Shipping costs updated.
Canada Post is in Development mode or WP DEBUG is on – note, returned services may not match those set in settings. Production mode will not have this problem. To hide these messages, turn off debug mode in the settings.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<mailing-scenario xmlns=””>
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<price-quotes xmlns=””><price-quote><service-code>DOM.PC</service-code><service-link rel=”service” href=”” media-type=”application/vnd.cpc.ship.rate+xml”/><service-name>Priority</service-name><price-details><base>18.52</base><taxes><gst>0.00</gst><pst>0.00</pst><hst percent=”13.000″>2.62</hst></taxes><due>22.76</due><options><option><option-code>DC</option-code><option-name>Delivery confirmation</option-name><option-price>0</option-price></option></options><adjustments><adjustment><adjustment-code>FUELSC</adjustment-code><adjustment-name>Fuel surcharge</adjustment-name><adjustment-cost>1.62</adjustment-cost><qualifier><percent>8.75</percent></qualifier></adjustment></adjustments></price-details><weight-details><cubed-weight>1.59</cubed-weight></weight-details><service-standard><am-delivery>false</am-delivery><guaranteed-delivery>true</guaranteed-delivery><expected-transit-time>1</expected-transit-time><expected-delivery-date>2016-12-06</expected-delivery-date></service-standard></price-quote><price-quote><service-code>DOM.RP</service-code><service-link rel=”service” href=”” media-type=”application/vnd.cpc.ship.rate+xml”/><service-name>Regular Parcel</service-name><price-details><base>9.08</base><taxes><gst>0.00</gst><pst>0.00</pst><hst percent=”13.000″>1.22</hst></taxes><due>10.64</due><options><option><option-code>DC</option-code><option-name>Delivery confirmation</option-name><option-price>0</option-price><qualifier><included>true</included></qualifier></option></options><adjustments><adjustment><adjustment-code>FUELSC</adjustment-code><adjustment-name>Fuel surcharge</adjustment-name><adjustment-cost>0.34</adjustment-cost><qualifier><percent>3.75</percent></qualifier></adjustment></adjustments></price-details><weight-details><cubed-weight>1.33</cubed-weight></weight-details><service-standard><am-delivery>false</am-delivery><guaranteed-delivery>false</guaranteed-delivery><expected-transit-time>2</expected-transit-time><expected-delivery-date>2016-12-07</expected-delivery-date></service-standard></price-quote><price-quote><service-code>DOM.XP</service-code><service-link rel=”service” href=”” media-type=”application/vnd.cpc.ship.rate+xml”/><service-name>Xpresspost</service-name><price-details><base>11.48</base><taxes><gst>0.00</gst><pst>0.00</pst><hst percent=”13.000″>1.62</hst></taxes><due>14.10</due><options><option><option-code>DC</option-code><option-name>Delivery confirmation</option-name><option-price>0</option-price></option></options><adjustments><adjustment><adjustment-code>FUELSC</adjustment-code><adjustment-name>Fuel surcharge</adjustment-name><adjustment-cost>1.00</adjustment-cost><qualifier><percent>8.75</percent></qualifier></adjustment></adjustments></price-details><weight-details><cubed-weight>1.59</cubed-weight></weight-details><service-standard><am-delivery>false</am-delivery><guaranteed-delivery>true</guaranteed-delivery><expected-transit-time>1</expected-transit-time><expected-delivery-date>2016-12-06</expected-delivery-date></service-standard></price-quote></price-quotes>
Hope someone can help me out!!
Here is my site…
]]>I’m using this plugin: FedEx (BASIC) WooCommerce Extension.
The plugin worked perfectly fine before but then it stopped working and I don’t know why.
Before, these option shows: FEDEX_GROUND, FEDEX_2_DAY and STANDARD_OVERNIGHT. Now this option only shows: FEDEX_GROUND.
Can you please look into this asap? I badly need this fixed. Thanks!
I am getting this error on the woocommerce pages.
Strict Standards: Declaration of wf_shipping_canada_post::calculate_shipping() should be compatible with WC_Shipping_Method::calculate_shipping($package = Array) in */wp-content/plugins/canada-post-woocommerce-shipping/includes/class-wf-shipping-canada-post.php on line 779
Please advise.
We have products we sell with minimum quantities. When someone purchases 50 hats for example, the plugin calculates it as 50 separate packages, and Canada Post rates are enormous. We know the size of the carton need to put 50 hats into the one carton, including all dimensions and weights.
Also, compared to the live Canada Post Rates from their own site, the Xpresspost and Priority options are substantially more with the plugin, between $40 and $100 difference. The Other options are about $10 over than what Canada Post tells us.
1. Will the paid plugin automatically package bulk items into one shipping carton?
2. Will the paid plugin fix the shipping rate discrepancies for all shipping options?
Many Thanks for the support
]]>Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing to you concerning an ERROR MESSAGE that we encounter on the website In DEBUG MODE we get this message:
“Sorry, but you cannot run this plugin, it requires the SimpleXML library installed on your server/hosting to function”.
Could you please let me know the exact location (folder), where the Simple XML should be installed ? We’e tried a few locations but nothing seems to work.
As is a bilingual website, we need to have all the Canada Post information in both langages.
I’d like to know please, if the Canada Post plugin is compatible with WPML, in order for the website to display your information in French too.
As the website launch is due soon, could you please consider a response at your earliest convenience?!
Thank you in advance.
I’m trying to fix an issue with the Canada Post plugin on my client’s website which you can visit here.
The plugin is calculating the shipping rates by individual items instead of total items under one shipping order. (Ex. four of the same products will be calculated as if they are four individual shipping orders instead of one)
I went ahead and turned on Debug Mode which is under the shopping cart. You can see the plugin generating multiple cached requests and responses for two or more products.
The website is running the up-to-date Canada Post plugin, with WooCommerce 2.6.2
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!