I would like to check is it possible set all images height fixed and width are auto in free version?
This plugin is loading unnecessary fonts.
They are causing mixed content issues:
"This page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans%3A300italic%2C400italic%2C700italic%2C400%2C700%2C300&ver=4.7.5'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
Temporary fix to unload the two unnecessary fonts. To add to your child them functions.php:
add_action( 'init', 'init_remove_carousel_ultimate_fonts' );
function init_remove_carousel_ultimate_fonts(){
remove_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tp_ultimate_add_google_fonts' );
Author, please can you fix your code?
]]>Hi, there
I want to use the Carousel Style 2 which has the title.
what should I do?
Is it free? or I have to update to pro version, if so, please let me know where to update.
Thank you~
I like your carousel slider very much. I need to display 150 bookcover in the carousel, so I would like to create 150 single carousel pages. Now I would like to show 8 or 10 items per slide. But in the dropdown of the free version, I can only choose “Item 4”. There is a note in the dropdown, which says: “Unlimited Items (Only Pro)”. But where can I find this Pro Version?
There is another question: is it possible (maybe in the pro-version?) that the items are displayed in an “never-ending” loop? I mean, the carousel should not stop at the end and then jump back to the beginning, but it should better go in an endless loop. Is that possible?
Thank you very much for an answer!
Hi there,
Could you please tell me how you fixed this issue? I currently have 15 items in the same category but only 6 are showing…
Thanks for your help!
Dear Carousel Ultimate,
Thank you for this great plugin, it is working very well for me and looks great on my site, there is just one modification I can’t seem to figure out.
Would it be possible to change the font style of the post titles displayed under the carousel posts? I was already able to modify the shape, borders, colors and such in the shortcode php file, but I did not find a solution for changing the font style.
Would really appreciate your suggestions!
Kind regards,
One Last help!
In the ([tpmfcarouselpost items=”3″ img_height=”190″) that you helped me, the description in each post is too big, too many words!
Can we limit the words?
I’ve tried to give more breaks and spaces in the Post, but nothing!
Thanks again!
I’ve tried every example, but I can’t understand how we can make your “Display WordPress Post Into Carousel”!
Can you Please help me?
I don’t know what to do more!
Thank you for your time
how can I edit the title caption by css (backround white, text color black)?
Can I add CSS Styles to the shortcode?
Why my carousel shows only 6 images when I have 14 in the category?
I would like to make style formatting changes…the images to be smaller and have more then 4 across the page. Remove the border…stuff like that. Where/How would I do that?