Is this project dead? The developer site is dead, I can’t access my account anymore… If this project is dead, it would be good to delete this plugin as well…
]]>Hello good morning, I would like to know, before comparing your premium plagin, if it helps me to create a new website and application to share travels and cars service (similary: bla bla car) or if it helps me install it with my page and current store and before buying it I would like to know if I can install a new wordpress page with plugins of woocomerce and smart cpoupons, if it is compatible with these plagin.
Waiting for your reply a greeting
Thank you
I’m not able to add events, there’s no “save” button to save the event I just added. I have also tried just adding the shortcode that’s created to my page, but I’m getting error messages.
On the dash of the plugin, it’s also saying “Connection problems…”
Please asdvise
]]>Hello. I am trying to install the plugin. After entering my email address and clicking ‘Create Account’ it redirects to the General Settings tab with the URL /options-general.php?submit=Create+account
I installed to test your super tool here:
3 questions / requests:
Can we have the functionality permanently and not be limited by an event on a fixed date?
For now I see that using it in continuous mode and changing destinations, we can maybe have it?
By adding a request or offer, the Date button does not work. Annoying. In addition, the date format displayed is not correct in French. We are DD / MM / YY while you are using MM / DD / YYYY mode.
The hidden term must be indicated next to Email. There it is believed that the phone number is hidden when it is not.
Thank you for these corrections and congratulations for the initiative. It was missing this simple tool for all community sites, intranets, etc …
how can i translate myself your plugin? is it possible? i′m pretty sure or at least quite confident that it may meet my needs and be a case of success for both of us! thank you.
regards, breno
I am pondering on using your plugin on my website. However, I need it available in BR-Portuguese in order to be able to resort to it and I could help with the translation myself (as I′m also a professional translator).
Can we get this done? Thanks! Breno
]]>So this plugin is pretty interesting and unique, thanks for the developers.
But the problem is that when a driver adds the trip
he should be capable of adding (city of departure) and (city of arrival) so the users who need a ride they can find their trip !
its useless without that i believe