Hello there.
I have a VirtueMart store with about 20 products and each of them have 4 child-products.
All orders are for child-products, it’s non possible to buy parent-products.
I checked with WooCommerce and I can have the same structure using products with variationts.
How is your pluging going to handle this kind of migration?
Will I lose all the orders since WooCommerce has no child-products?
Hola! Quería saber cuanto sube el precio (aproximadamente) por cada entidad que se quiere migrar de Virtuemart a Woocommerce. Gracias!
]]>Just a question:
i have a joomla e-commerce and each product has different colour variation (100+), is it possible to import variations ?
Hello, This plugin can import products to wordpress woocommerce from joomla virtuemart?
]]>So this seems to look like a migration taking place all on the same site. Will this also enable me to move a virtueCart on one site to Woocommerce on another?
I am migrating a new client from Joomla with Virtue Cart over to a new host and using WordPress with WooCommerce. Would this work in this situation?
I want to use your plugin but when i enter the source file path it doesn’t connect to the database. is the source file /home/carscom/
or /home/carscom/public_html because we are talking about Joomla.
Thanks in advance!