It is no solution closing post without any reaction.
Your plugin (showing abandend) is super but I can’t use this while user that uploaded own photos will be overwritten. Only gravatars owner stay besides cats and birds ??
I tested it shortly with birds/cats and unfortunately see that there ware available (not earlier generated) avatars overwritten. That would my users not like ??
My Avatars come from Gravatar and from Plugin “WP Social” by registering.
For now I go back to Identicon (Generated) because it is not so invasive, seems that only those manually uploaded stay untouched.
I had an issue with the latest version ( 2.1.1 ) in order to solve it, I have to change :
around the line 170 in src/Avatar.php
return $this->generate_avatar_img_tag($cat_uri, $size, $alt);
by :
return $this->generate_avatar_img_tag($cat_uri, $size, array(),$alt);
Can you confirm the issue ?
]]>Hey. Great plugin, thanks!
I changed the code snippet to keep a transparent background. But if the plugin is updated, this code will be lost. Maybe it makes sense to add this code to the plugin?
// create backgound
$monster = @imagecreatetruecolor(256, 256)
or die("GD image create failed");
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($monster, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagesavealpha($monster, true);
imagefilledrectangle($monster, 0, 0, 256, 256, $color);
Great idea for a plugin, looks great in wp-admin user screens and post author/comment but fails on Buddypress screens and Extended User Profile.
In all the BuddyPress screens, the front end profile image url gets generated as eg:
Instead of eg:
Tested on twenty-sixteen with pretty much everything turned off except Cat Generator Avatars and BuddyPress.
Any ideas for quick workaround?
[yes, this could be regarded a BuddyPress issue.]