I need to know when you release a new version that I need to update the site’s php and I can’t without it.
Thanks and best regards
I can’t enter the categories.
I tried but the NEW button doesn’t work!
Wordpress is reporting CataBlog has only been tested up to 5.3.8 and I suspect many users are now on 5.7 or 5.8. It would be a shame to lose this plugin as it has served well for a long time, but is it planned to be updated soon?
]]>Hi all, I just wanted to share the following information.
I have tested this plugin with the following WordPress versions. It works provided you also have Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin installed and set jQuery version to “Legacy 1.12.4-wp”.
WordPress Versions:
-5.8 Alpha
Apache server running PHP 7.4.10.
]]>I tried to create new categories with Catablog but the plugin doesn’t work. Do you know any plugins that have the same functionality as Catablog and that are possibly responsive? Thanks.
]]>When you Edit a CataBlog Entry the “add sub image” or “replace main image” no longer work. Same problem on 2 sites I have. Seems to have started after the latest wordpress version 5.5 update.
I’m setting catablog for a farm, the have a large variety of items but their avilability change weekly, how can I load all the items in the library but show pubicly only the ones with price higher than zero?
User reporting that after update from PHP 7.1 > 7.3, the create item generates a 403 error after uploading the image – but image upload/change works everywhere else.
So, on Add New CataBlog Entry, we can enter the image, on the right side, both status indicators go to 100%, and then below that, we get the 403 forbidden error response page. We can import new entries and add images as a workaround though.
I thought of an option that in my opinion would improve catablog galleries:
Adding a watermark option with the following sub-options:
Hi, I’m using the latest version of wordpress and catablog and found the following issues:
-when adding a category the symbol spins and the new category is not added. I tried disabling all other plugins and it doesn’t make any difference.
-when importing a .csv file (I’m expanding the library), I get the following error:
“There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”
-when adding images importing multiple images via the flash uploader returns an error. Currently I’m adding one image at the time.
I’m updating an old website and had for years enjoyed using Catablog to display images.
Unfortunately I can’t seem to being able to update and expand the library any more.
Can you kindly help me?
Many thanks
Ciao a tutti
sono impossibilitata a testare questo plugin “CataBlog”
Effettuo installazione e attivazione, vedo l’icona nel menù di amministratrice, ma se cerco di accedere alle funzionalità del plugin, ottengo pagina bianca con il seguente messaggio di errore:
“Il sito sta avendo problemi tecnici. Controlla la casella di posta dell’amministratore del sito per istruzioni.”
Cosa accade?
Wordpress versione 5.2, PHP 7, temi con cui ho testato il plugin “BlogWP” e “BestWP”
Hi everyone
I am unable to test this “CataBlog” plugin
I install and activate, I see the icon in the administrator menu, but if I try to access the plugin’s features, I get a blank page with the following error message:
“The site is having technical problems. Check the mailbox of the site administrator for instructions.”
What happens?
Wordpress version 5.2, PHP 7, themes with which I tested the “BlogWP” and “BestWP” plugin
Thank you
]]>I’ve just uploaded and activated it in my WordPress 5.1.1.
It appears well on the left side bar in the admin panel with its options but when click on whatever of them opens message for:
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function wp_unique_term_slug(), …………………..
]]>Will catablog be updated to be compatible with WordPress 5.0?
]]>Hello, this plugin has been great, I love the flexibility, but I came across an issue. The category archive page is using my theme’s blog template and not the Catablog one. How can I resolve that? I need a custom archive display for catablog items. Thanks.
even if catablog is superb I need to remove it because of compatibility with my new theme.
Here there is the problem
Individual Pages Slug: xxx
Category Pages Slug: xxx-cat-page-slug
For example bobo item is on https://mysite/xxx/bobo
If I deactivate catablog and try to create bobo page with xxx parent I’m redirected on homepage. If I create bobo2 page under xxx I’m still redirected to homepage.
I would handle xxx/bobo using standard wordpress page. Is it possible?
]]>Get this message when I attempt to upload an image
“Flash upload was not enabled.
Either you elected to disable it, JavaScript is disabled, or your version of Flash is too old.”
I have disabled and re-enabled flash on the Catablog page, but same error.
]]>I would like to know if I can have Catablog open a gallery selection in the same window? My goal is to reduce bounce and every landing page I create using Catablog opens them in a new window.
]]>For a couple of months, I’ve been running into two issues when trying to upload a new item to Catablog:
1. nonce error
2. http 500 error
I perused the support topics here and have seen both of these issues mentioned, but I have not seen a solution.
What can I do as a work-around. This is obviously not a host issue, so please do not suggest that I contact my host.
]]>Great to see this plugin is still being updated. In the Catablog Library I have the usual WP options, but adding ‘read more tag’ isn’t working.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[catablog template="seantcatablog" category="everything-else,seating,shelving,storage,tables-and-desks,trolleys" limit="6" navigation="no" sort="date" order="desc"]' ); ?>
<?php /* echo do_shortcode( '[catablog]' );*/ ?>
I’ve tried adding this at the bottom:
<?php the_content(__('Read More', 'fizztheme' )); ?>
And this as part of css:
a.more-link { background: #009fe4; color: #fff!important; float: right; padding: 10px 20px; }
Hi Zach, there is a problem with the Spanish translation files. It is not pulling down to my site. I have helped update and improved the Spanish translation with other contributors but unfortunately the updated strings are not downloading to my site.
I have a few theories. It might have something to do with the pot template file and maybe even the name of the language folder.
When you have time can you investigate why this is happening.
Thank you
]]>Hi Zach, how are you? It is great to see you back here ??
I just wanted to point out the following information.
In the following documentation in your site you mentioned that the following token %TITLE-TEXT%: is deprecated.
However this token is still being used in the Store Template. Are you changing this token in a future release? Or are you still going to use this token?
Kind regards
After updating to WordPress 4.9.1 the only options available are the “thumbnails” option all the other options (ie lightbox, public, navigation) only have “save changes” and “undo current changes” available. I tried deactivating and reactivating the plugin to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi there, we are experiencing an issue around uploading JPG, GIF and PNG images through the catablog plugin when saved out of Photoshop.
When we save product images (400px X 400px) in Photoshop (save for web JPG, GIF and PNG images) OR download small web-sized images from our providers, we get a 503 Service Unavailable error and we can not upload these images.
The strangest thing though is if we take a screen grab of these images, we can upload these fine.
What could be causing this? In 10 years as a web developer I’ve never seen this. Are you please able to advise if you have encountered this issue before and how we could possibly resolve it?
]]>I’m getting the error: “WordPress nonce error, please reload the form and try again” when trying to upload multiple images into catablog. Any help would be most appreciated!
I was just wondering if the developer of Catablog was going to release an update any time soon? I really love the plugin for its simplicity and ease of use. I have used Catablog for the past four years for a wholesale website and we couldn’t be happier with it. Only recently I have been forced to look for an alternative because it won’t work with PHP 7+. Other catalogs just don’t seem to measure up as well. Even if there was a paid version I am sure others, including myself would be willing to pay for it. Here’s to hoping!
]]>Why with lightbox enabled I can not save the images with the right mouse button
As I can solve it?
Hello. Pls need help. I Try UpLoad my 20 image. Press New Item, in opened window i can choose only 1 image.
What happened? before everything worked correctly.
When I use the %EXCERPT% token, if there is any HTML tags, it spits out broken HTML (unclosed tags) and the next div is enclosed in the div used for the EXCERPT. This is not an issue using the Description token. Below, I am using the Excerpt in the catablog-bio tag…
<div class=”catablog-row”>
<div class=”catablog-images-column”>…</div>
<div class=”catablog-title”>title</div>
<div class=”catablog-email”>…</div>
<div class=”catablog-bio”>Some text<br>
<a…< div=””>
</a…<></div><div class=”catablog-row”>
/*** ^ uh oh ^ ***/
<div class=”catablog-images-column”>…</div>
<div class=”catablog-title”>title</div>
<div class=”catablog-email”>…</div>
<div class=”catablog-bio”>Department: Middle Eastern and North African…</div>
</div><div class=”catablog-row”>
<div class=”catablog-images-column”>…</div>
<div class=”catablog-title”>…
catablog allows the entries to have their own pages in custom directory
eg .com/custom-string/catablog-item-title
is it possible for the entries permalink to default to the directory/page
that the catablog is on? without using categories -using pages!
eg .com/florida/orlando/catablog-item-title
where .com/florida/orlando page shows the entire catablog via shortcode
as does .com/florida/miami .com/texas/dallas etc
so that every item has its own page under each city/page
the goal is to have the catablog items eg “small-red-widget”
show in the permalink of every city and every city page
would display the catablog items eg.
Hello how are you?
Sorry, but I do not know how to speak English.
I’m having SEO problems on my website. How do I integrate the WordPress Plugin SEO by Yoast into Catablog?
Wordpress does not give editing options in Catablog files. Only in Post and Pages. How do I put metags in items.
I’m waiting.
Thank you!