Precisa de atualiza??o urgente, para que o plugin nao fique vulnerável.
]]>After installing this plugin when using PHP7 you get the following warning:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ftChangeTaxonomyCheckboxlistOrder has a deprecated constructor in /Users/joebloggs/Sites/ on line 14
This can be resolved locally by changing line 14 from:
function ftChangeTaxonomyCheckboxlistOrder(){
function __construct(){
However, this change would obviously be lost upon the next update. Can you include this in the next update?
]]>I am having the woocommerce product categories messed up in the appearance > menu > product categories. So can I use this plugin for improving the hierarchy order of product categories also? menu section” />
The plugin works great. But maybe it can do the same with categories order on the menus page?