Using PHP 7.0 or 7.1, I’m getting this warning in WordPress debug mode:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Featured_Category_Widget has a deprecated constructor in /usr/www/wp-content/plugins/category-feature/class-lib/CF_WidgetClass.php on line 12
I would like to know, if there`s a solution for the loss of the blank between two paragraphs.
There should be an blank between “Küche.” and “Gerade” in the sidebar-teaser.
You can find the post following:
Thank you for your help.
I am wondering if Featured Category Widget Version 2.5 by Stefan Cr?mer is compatible with WP 4.6.1?
]]>Hi, I recently added the polylang plugin to a web project for having a mulingual Website in german/french. Unfortunately I see no way to handle the featured category. For example when I add the featured category widget in the german part the setting of the category in the french part is lost. As far as I can see there is only one entry in the database table wp_options. Is there a way to have this pluging working with a multilang site?
Thanks and best regards
]]>Hi – I’ve got an issue on the sidebar of my client’s blog where the featured image thumbnails that go with the category posts have disappeared off the widget (and source code says the image path is pointing to https:// when it should be https://
How do I fix? Thanks!
]]>I’m using the Featured Category Widget in my sidebars. I’d like to be able to hide the featured image for posts that show up in the widget. Is this a possibility?
Many thanks!
]]>I have trouble with this plugin due to it’s loading through HTTP and not HTTPS which is what I use for all of my websites. Are you going to fix this or do you have any solution for this?
I got this warning in the console:
“Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
]]>Hi, I am a huge fan of this plugin and currently use it on my site, Lately, I have been doing some speed tests and it appears that the thumbnails are taking a very long time to load. All the images are optimized, however when tested on pingdom, it has to make mutliple calls to the server, which makes the loading time almost 1minute.
If you have a fix for this technical issue I would be grateful. Thank you ??
]]>Hi, I’ve been testing your plugin for a new project we are hoping to launch in the next couple of weeks. Although the plugin appears to be working fine, what we have found is that there is a call for the a5-framework-frontend.css file that is causing a redirect seemingly as it is being called via http – see /plugins/category-feature/class-lib/A5_DynamicFileClass.php around line 130 – our htaccess rules catch the request and force a rewrite (301 redirect) to the same location using https and it works fine… the initial miss though causes a big hiccup in page load time.
Is it possible for you to call https within your plugin?
]]>SO I have this widget showing 5 news items on my front page, and when you click to go to the next page, page 2, using page navigation, the content of the categories also goes to the next 5 news items. How can I stop this widget from paging the results?
I love this plugin by the way, there is so much control built in!
If there is preloading gif in the content the widget displays it a fetured image.
CF_WidgetClass.php line 354
if ($cfw_thumb) $cfw_img ….
my replacement;
if (($cfw_thumb) && (! strstr($cfw_thumb, “.gif”))) $cfw_img …
]]>I would like to display part of the post content as well so I would be able to limit the number of characters is the maximum that way the user can click on the ‘read more’ what would redirect him to the post page. Kind of like what it is on facebook when you click on ‘Keep reading’. I couldn’t find an option for that on the widget. Is there a way I can customize this on the plugin via PHP if it doesn’t have that option already?
Great great extension you made. I’ve using it sinc the beginning ow my blog. Always worked great.
Since the last update i’ve made, yesterday evening, i’m encountering a massive issue with it.
First of all and it’s the main point, the issue only occurs in the admin panel. SO the website is safe.
My problem is when i ‘m in my admin panel and i’m exploring the website, i can’t see the post page where the widget is activated. It occurs only with the “post pages”, not in the homepage by exemple.
To be more specific, the page i want to see are all blank.
If i switch the “single post page” off in the widget option for the right panel sidebar, everything works fine. No more blank pages but no more midget in those pages -obviously.
I can’t find a way to handle it while i’m working for my blog but i thought it would be nice to let you know.
]]>I updated to the newest version of this great plugin and it started to duplicate the title and content beneath the post. I know a previous help request had the same problem but no solution was stated, just that it was resolved. I reinstalled an older version I got from the plugin website and that worked fine but I would really like to stay current. Any suggestions?
]]>Hello again,
I just left a message about the Featured Post widget but THIS is even MORE what I NEED. The problem is the same here as with the FPW, my entry-title and entry-content (Page title and text) elements are duplicated UNDERNEATH the widget. I would really love to sort this out because the FC widget is really where it’s at.
The new version has an active var_dump($instance['alignment'])
displaying in the widget. Line 386 of CF_WidgetClass.php
I seen this topic but it’s not resolved.
Will you please fix this bug?
I’m using Pace tamplate which has it’s own settings for widget, but whatever I do, your widget doesn’t show up on my front static page.
]]>I previously asked about custom post types, but have since decided only to use a custom field within regular post type instead. Is there any way for me to display one of the custom fields in the widget? (It is a text field that represents date).
Hello, I can’t find a way to Center the featured image? It always aligns to the left.
Thanks for the help.
]]>Widget works great!
would love it if the widget pulled the ‘featured image’ from the post of the category selected….
easy fix?
]]>Thanks for the great plugin. I’m using The Events Calendar plugin, which allows you to create categories for different types of events. I would like to use the Featured Category Widget to display one of those categories, however, the category doesn’t appear in the drop down. Is there any way to get the plugin to recognize custom post type categories?
]]>This is a heads-up … my site went down, showing white screen at all addresses, when I upgraded to WordPress 3.8.3.
After a long process of elimination I managed a successful upgrade after deactivating Featured Category Widget.
Error message on trying to activate FCW:
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: A5_DynamicFiles::$styles in /home/sites/ on line 30
I don’t know what that means, but thought you should know.
I’m using this plugin on my choir’s website to display our next performance, and it’s working well on almost all the site’s pages.
If I view the featured post, however, the widget changes and displays a different post. I want the widget to always stay the same. Is there a way to do this?
Jon Arnold
]]>does this widget have shortcode so it shows up on pages?
]]>All my outputs broke on the last update. Images still appear but all the text is replaced with Divide by Zero errors.
]]>Widget does not display the entries in the further sub-pages (pagination). In page number 1 everything is okay, but if I click page numer 20 part of the widget doesn’t show entries. The header is always displayed. – everything is okay. -doesn’t work part of widget.
What should I do?
Thanks for the plugin, this is what i was looking for. I am trying to get the posts from my Blog category and display on my Static home page. This plugin is doing what i need but it is showing a extra Blank image which is not what i want.
Pls check the site for the problem
Also i have given the text to be 50 words but i am getting the full post
I will be thankful if some one can solve this problem for me pls.
]]>I like the plugin, but I want the images to be displayed to the left of the title and excerpt instead of above. Any way to do that? Thanks!
]]>Is there a way to have the posts that show up in the widget maintain their format with bullets, carriage returns, bolding, etc…?