Hello, I’ve read the topic on custom post types but it’s closed so I’d like to ask if I could be as well informed when your plugin in development is released. I’m also up to beta test it ??
And, is there an easy way to hack the plugin so I can give “portfolio” post type categories the ability to have a fallback image?
I think the portfolio CPT is probably one of the most used ones so I really think your plugin would do great to support it. At least in the most basic way…
Thanks a lot!!
]]>Hey guys, I want to do as title says, I want the category image to always appear and don’t allow users to add another
]]>My category featured image won’t load from a created Grid Builder.
Also, the images won’t load in an ajax post slide vc element when clicked the NEXT button and PREV button, the initial images disappears.
]]>Hi there!
Very nice pluging!
I was wondering if you plan to keep it updated?
Page shows it is tested up to wp v4.8,
and I want to make sure it is going to work well in subsequent versions.
That would be awesome!
When I customized template in category.php if there is no featured image for a post,use the fall back image defined for the post category.I don’t know how to get featured image category url.Here is my code.Please help me!
$category = get_category( get_query_var( ‘cat’ ) );
$cat_id = $category->cat_ID;
$image_id = get_term_meta ( $cat_id, ‘category-image-id’, true );
echo wp_get_attachment_image ( $image_id, ‘large’ );
I’m just testing for the first time and works fine with standard posts but not with custom post types.
I read another related support question about that but as the thread is locked I could not post there…
Is there still any plan for future support of CPT?
]]>Is there a way for a theme to call into the CFIX plugin to get the featured image for a specific post, either by passing in a post ID number or a complete WP_Post object?
The existing cfix_featured_image() and cfix_featured_image_url() functions don’t work for my needs, since they both assume they’re operating within a loop and take the context of what post they’re working with from the inside-the-loop environment, and I need to use them outside of a loop. I had thought there might be a way to pass a post ID or WP_Post object to them in the arguments array, but while you can specify a particular category in this fashion, you can’t specify a particular post. And since your plugin already has a bunch of logic built into it to figure out which category is the right one to pull an image from for a particular post, I’d rather just re-use that logic than re-implement it all myself just to get a category ID to pass to CFIX.
If it’s impossible to have the cfix_featured_image* functions support passing in a post or post ID, an alternative would be to have a function that could accept those arguments and would return the ID of the category CFIX has determined to be the one whose image should be used for that post. It would then be possible to take that ID and pass it into the appropriate cfix_featured_image* function to get the actual image. Doing it all in one function call instead of two would be best, of course, but two would be fine if extending the cfix_featured_image* functions in this fashion would endanger compatibility.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
]]>if you check out the page that posted im using this plugin and it does exactly as i need but when i have a page with an ajax drop down selection,once you pick a selection(then go back to previous selection) feature image doesnt show. i didnt know if it was from the actual theme or from the plugin?
I’d like to ask you if you can add an option to automatically place the category’s image as the post’s featured image as well, because some widgets are not compatible with the plugin, so no image is displayed.
Please let me know.
Does this plug-in support Custom Post Types? I’m looking for a solution to leverage this ability to provide category images in lieu of featured images for things like imported Calendar Events for my website. Here’s the situation:
1. I use The Events Calendar plugin to import data into its Events custom post type from an iCalendar feed. That feed does not contain any image information from its source calendar.
2. The theme I use tries to display Featured Images whenever possible for Events in my database. However, they don’t exist on import and manually adding them is impractical.
3. If I could leverage this plug-in to provide category images that would then act as Featured Images for the Events custom post type, that would be ideal.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this and whether it’s possible to do with this plugin.
]]>On blog post pages(custom page where I am calling the loop), and on archive pages(not custom, wp_default); my settings are to only load I think its ten posts. So the remaining posts don’t get the fall-back featured image applied to them.
I’ve cleared cache, i’ve deactivated it and others; still a no go.
Got anyideas on how to get this to show on all posts not just the first page; or to call on each paginated page click?
Please don’t confuse this with my pagination not working; it is working fine on its own; I guess its just not talking to this plugin?
Using 4.7.3 WP and Jupiter -> 5.7
– mod_rewrite Option Is Enabled
– links are set to /%postname%/
thought this was going to be a plug and play plugin but 30 minutes later no go
]]>Getting the following warning & notice in the CFIX admin page on local install running php 5.6:
Warning: Illegal string offset '' in E:\***\wp-content\plugins\category-featured-images-extended\settings.php on line 49
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in E:\***\wp-content\plugins\category-featured-images-extended\settings.php on line 49
After some additional debugging, it occurs when the global fallbacks aren’t defined in the settings. The errors no longer display once the global fallback image, category & tag is set.
Other than that, works like charm ?? Thanks for the awesome plugin!
thanks for plugin. After activating plugin, it gives
Undefined variable: fall_cat_id in …./category-featured-images-extended/category-featured-images-extended.php on line 831
can you check?