I’ve installed the plugin Taxonomy Images II, and after activation when I enter the category edit page, it says: “You cannot add an image here, only after you have created this Categoría”
I had the Category Images II installed before (and working correctly), and after updating it, it stopped working.
Does anyone know how can I get it working again?
Thanks in advance!!
How to display custome texonomy image in post page ?
I just uploaded this Plugin.but it’s not displaying category image on home page.Any help please?
I′m looking forward to use the Category Image as a Background-image. Here is my code:
div style="background: url('SOMETHING_HERE') no-repeat;">
How can I extract the SOMETHING_HERE-Variable (the raw URL of the image) from <?php ciii_category_images(); ?>?
Thanks for your help.
]]>i have wp 2.4.9 and the latest version of this plugin.
Everything was working fine, but suddenly today i got:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/…/wp-content/plugins/wp-category-images-ii-1d6bbd8/class-Category-Images-II.php on line 368
i have set the folders permission to 777, also created a “resize” and a “chache” directories inside the plugin folders and also gave them 777 permission but the problem remains.
?what can i do?
]]>Is it possible to use Taxonomy Images ii in conjunction with wp_list_categories, to display images for each category?
]]>Hi, on local xampp server when i go to setting category settings it gives the error: This plugin admin template could not be found: /templates-admin/options-page.php
Using plugin v1.33 and getting this error message:
This plugin template could not be found: /templates/term-images.php
I tried debugging the CategoryImagesII_Plugin->render() function around line 256.
$template_file === false
I don’t know what brought on this problem. The site was working a while ago, and I don’t know what’s changed
i have a problem, i have multisite and only in main site can have images to my categories
the rest of my sitess….do not save anything in uploads/category-images-ii
any help will ve appreciate!!!
I have wordpress multisite, and sometimes my category id are repeated
i can not have dfferent images…
any clue?
thanks in advance!
]]>I’ve called ciii_category_images in the template for my categories, it pulls the assigned category image but also sometimes also pulls other categories images and makes a list of them.
Any fix? Thanks.
]]>I am struggling…I have confirmed that I am passing the correct ID to the function, and I am within the loop (though this is a category list on a standard page). No output at all. Any ideas?
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="entry post clearfix">
$args = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'child_of' => 15);
$categories = get_categories($args);
foreach ($categories as $category) {
echo '<div class="et-box et-shadow"><div class="et-box-content"><h1><a href="' . get_category_link($category -> term_id) . '" title="' . sprintf(__("View all posts in %s"), $category -> name) . '" ' . '>' . $category -> name . '</a></h1>';
//if ( function_exists( 'ciii_category_images' ) ) {
$tmpIDs = 'category_ids=' . $category -> term_id;
echo '<p>' . $category -> description . '</p></div></div> <!-- end et-box -->';
</div><!-- end .entry -->
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
Plugin is working fine.. but in the output view the images are one above other, like it was in a numeric order.. how can I change the way its shown in the front end..
]]>In my case when I have Posts that are children of some category, appear two images: the child category and the mother category.
I’d like to know how can I display only the child category image.
]]>Not sure how useful this will be for folks and its pretty hacky and probably inefficient, you never know though it might come in handy.
I basically wanted to have this cool plugin be able to output (anywhere) the normal get_terms WP call but have the images added in.
Put this code in my functions.php
So in the theme call something like:
Will give an array like this:
[1] => stdClass Object
[term_id] => 261
[name] => Grass cutting
[slug] => grass-cutting
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 133
[taxonomy] => equipmenttypes
[description] =>
[parent] => 0
[count] => 1
[img] => yourdomain/wp-content/uploads/category-images-ii/261.original.jpg
[tmb] => yourdomain/wp-content/uploads/category-images-ii/261.thumb.jpg
Same as the normal get_terms but with:
[img] => yourdomain/wp-content/uploads/category-images-ii/261.original.jpg
[tmb] => yourdomain/wp-content/uploads/category-images-ii/261.thumb.jpg
Might wanna change ln21 to ‘$terms = get_terms($tax,’hide_empty=0′);’ if you want to use this to show a panel of consistent options.
]]>Version 1.3.3 of category images ii was installed.
But I have error: plugin admin template could not be found /templates-admin/options-page.php when go to setting to enable it.
I’m using Category Images II plugin and it worked great until I moved wordpress from subfolder to the root directory. Everything else on the site works, imahepaths etc, except for this plugin.
Now I get this error message:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/c/claudia/www/wp-content/plugins/category-images-ii/class-Category-Images-II.php on line 368
I don’t think this has anything to do with server permissions, category-images-ii/class-Category-Images-II.php has 755.
Any help appreciated.
]]>Hello, I’m using your Development version and everything is working fine in WP 3.3.1 however one little bug is that it won’t save transparencies in PNGs.
I’ve done a little research for you and found that you need to include some functions to enable png alpha blending.
If you modify line 298 and 299 of class-CAtegory-Image-II.php with the following code everything works fine.
$target_gd = imagecreatetruecolor( $targetw, $targeth );
imagealphablending( $target_gd, false);
imagecopyresampled ( $target_gd, $src_gd, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetw, $targeth, $w, $h );
imagesavealpha($target_gd, true);
]]>So I’m somewhat new to wordpress and I got excited about this plugin because I want to display categories images in the sidebar of all my pages and posts. I’l like to be able to easily change them without going into the php.
The instructions say “Used anywhere”, but this is NOT the case that i can figure with my custom post type and custom taxonomy.
These two code segments work:
?php ciii_term_images( ‘portfolio_types’, ‘category_ids=9’ ); ?
?php ciii_term_images( ‘portfolio_types’, ‘tag_ID=9’ ); ?
but only on the custom post type page associated with the category. Is this widget not as advertised or am I completely misunderstanding something?
]]>Hi, I’m running a wordpress install with the “wp-content” directories moved outside of the wordpress directory using “define( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR”) in wp-config.php. So I have this directory structure:
I recently installed this plugin and found that it didn’t properly recognize that it wasn’t installed under wp-content. I modified ‘class-Plugin.php’ to fix it:
protected function dir( $path ) {
return trailingslashit( $this->dir ) . trim( $path, '/' );
protected function dir( $path ) {
return trailingslashit( dirname(__FILE__) ) . trim( $path, '/' );
There, might be a better solution, but it fixed everything for me.
I have a custom post type that I’m using this plugin on, but I can’t seem to get the category descriptions to show in the theme. It produces empty p tags.
This is what I’m using.
<?php ciii_term_images( 'product_categories', 'link_images=1&show_description=1' ); ?>
There are descriptions on the taxonomies/categories ??
Can anyone please help?
]]>+++ posting this again, since the other thread is set to resolved (although it`s not)+++
I still have the same problem with version 1.3.3.
The ciii_category_archive_image does not show up, only a broken image. It outputs this incomplete image tag “<img src=”” alt=”Articles”>”.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
]]>Taxonomy Images II
Complete error message when appear in the administration page for this plugin :
This plugin admin template could not be found: /templates-admin/options-page.php
And after creating a new category name :
This plugin admin template could not be found: /templates-admin/image-edit-and-upload.php
This plugin admin template could not be found: /templates-admin/image-edit-and-upload.php
I m testing the plugin, on a wordpress version 3.2.1
I have a problem in the back office, with these messages :
– This plugin admin template could not be found: /templates-admin/image-edit-and-upload.php
– This plugin admin template could not be found: /templates-admin/options-page.php
So, I can’t go in the settings page or upload an image
My website is on a Windows server 2008
If someone have an idea…
Thanks per advance.
]]>Why png images have black background? Is any fix to this?
Same problem with gif images with transparent background.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’m using the ciii_category_archive_image(); variable, but I want this to output the full version of the image, and not the thumbnail. Is this possible? If yes, how?
]]>This plugin fails to do anything once the settings have been saved. It offers no means of uploading or assigning the image to the taxonomy, thereby rendering it pointless. Further, like Taxonomy Images (by another plugin author), it does not permit simple application of an assigned image to a post within the category or automated assignment.
Worse, the author’s site has disappeared. Don’t waste your time.
]]>I’m using the ciii_category_images tag to output an image for a single category outside the loop and it comes back with an empty src. Oddly enough, it recognizes the right category and outputs the correct alt tag, but it just won’t show the img src.
Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?
$layouts = get_categories('child_of=23');
foreach($layouts as $subcat) {
echo '<h3>' . $subcat->cat_name . '</h3>';
ciii_category_images( 'category_ids=22' );
echo '<ul>';
$subcat_posts = get_posts('cat=' . $subcat->cat_ID . '&orderby=title&order=ASC');
foreach($subcat_posts as $subcat_post) {
$postID = $subcat_post->ID;
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($postID) . '">';
echo get_the_title($postID);
echo '</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
} ?>
I get a PHP notice with debug turned on.
Notice: Undefined index: _ciii_nonce … category-images-ii.php on line 188
Doesn’t seem to affect anything since the nonce isn’t set yet, but to get rid of it, I added the following code to line 186 of category-images-ii.php (just before the nonce check)
if (!isset($_REQUEST['_ciii_nonce']))
Thanks for this plugin, very useful, even if I couldn’t enjoy it so far ??
I used it this way: ciii_term_images( 'brands' )
where brand is a custom taxonomy.
It returns an image tag as expected in my template, with a “alt” normally filled with the “brands” term (so the plugin does return the correct term), but there is no source to the image !
<img src alt="my-brand-term" />
Thanks for helping !